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"Hey Jess! What are you doing in London? How did you know I was in the hospital? More importantly what are you doing here in London?!" Rory rambled.

"Hey Rory, you're mother told me about the accident when I was visiting Luke yesterday. I went back to Philly and packed some things and told the guys to cover for me at my job for a few days. I flew here immediately."

"Jess, it's been like 4 months since I last saw you!"

"4 and a half actually and a lot can happen!" He pointed to her belly bump.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner it's just, after the wedding I was busy, I met up with old friends of mine, Honor and Finn. Then the next month and a half I was here!" She signaled to the hospital.

"So your 5 months pregnant?"

"Six actually."

"Wow only 3 more months to go! Who's the lucky guy?!"

"You umm, you actually know him."

"I do?! OMG don't tell me it's Deans!"

"Omg NO! It's Logan's."

"Logan? The stuck up blond, Porsche driving, rich boy from Yale?!"

"He's not stuck up. The others a correct."

"What the hell Rory?! What are still doing with him?! He's a complete ass!"

"He's not an ass! He was tired that night you met him, he just got back from travel and he was a little jealous! You can't hold that against him! Listen Jess, you're one of my best friends, I am with Logan and we are having a baby, so please can you at least try to be supportive?!"

"I'm sorry Rory. Yes I will try to be supportive."

"Thank you!" She pulled him in for a hug. She wasn't wincing in pain any more. She was absolutely fine. That's why they were discharging her tomorrow.

"Want to go for a walk with me?" Rory asked.

"Can you?"

"Yeah. I just need to have someone with me just in case anything happens. Logan is usually here but he went home to clean up after Finn."

"Finn?" Jess asked as Rory for out of bed. She straightened her hospital gown.

"My friend remember. I was telling you how I met up with old friends. One of them was Finn. Now shall we?!" She linked her elbow with his.


"Hey Emmaline!" Logan waved to Rory's nurse.

"She's not in there!" She called back to him. He turned around and walked over to her.

"What do you mean? Where is she?" He was starting to get a little panicked.

"She went for a walk around the hospital."


"Of course not! She was with a friend that came to visit her, Jess? Do you know him?"

'That dick that was in love with Rory when we were dating!' He thought.

"Of course!" He smiled to the nurse. Not showing her any signs of jealousy.

"Do you know where I might find them?"

"No, sorry."

"That's Ok. I'm going to go look." He turned and started to walk the halls. He passed a few older people and younger people. Sad children. Depressed adults. Happy adults. Smiling children. But no Rory.


"So how's the book?" Jess asked Rory as he walked beside her. Taking in her ever present beauty. He just couldn't get her out of his head.

"Great! I am halfway finished! How about you? Any new books I should read, books written by an infamous Jess Mariano!"

"I'm just working on reading others work and seeing if it's publishable."

"That must be fun! Especially if you love to read!" They laughed and turned another corner. Rory bumped into someone and before she could fall she felt four hand on her. One on her left forearm, one on the small of her back, she took these hands to be Jess's. One hand on the upper part of her back. And the last one held onto her hand. They were very familiar. She opened her eyes.

"Oh my God! Logan!"

"Hey! Sorry Ace! Are you okay?"

"Yeah." The four hands all helped her stand back up straight.

"Excuse me, please can you get your hands off my girlfriend? Who are you?" He pretended not to remember Jess. She felt two hands left go.

"Logan, this is Jess. You've met before."

"Hmm, Nope sorry, don't remember you."

"You must of been drunk them." Jess shot at him and rolled his eyes.

"Oh, ouch."

"Can you two not do this again."

"Again?" Logan again feigned confusion.

"I'm not doing this." Jess said and started to walk away.

"Jess?!" Rory called after him.

"I'll see you some time soon." He kissed her cheek and walked off.

"Look Ace, I don't know what you're talking about. That must've been like a decade ago!"

"It's fine. I just wish that you two could get along. He's my friend and you're my boyfriend. There's no reason that you both can't be in my life." Logan smiled at Rory calling him her boyfriend.

"Come on, let's get some sleep. You get released first thing tomorrow morning!" He kissed her and walked with her back to her room.

It All Started At Yale (After AYITL)Where stories live. Discover now