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When they got to the car, the boys were all waiting. Logan and Rory got out and Lorelei drove off.

"Hello love!" Finn said and hugged her.

"She's stunning!" Colin commented before he embraced her.

"She's glowing!" Robert cried out and hugged her.

"She's beautiful." Logan said and kissed her.

"We just wanted to congratulate and then we're on our way to pick up the town. That Taylor was clear on who was to pick up the town." Robert said.

"So congratulations!" Colin cheered and the boys joined. Rory laughed and Logan kissed her temple.

"Well boys, we need to go. We have dinner with my family."

"Good luck with that!" Colin laughed and everyone joined in.


Rory had barely gotten through the door when Honor tackled her in a hug. Shira joined in the hug. Next they hugged Logan.

"I take it, you guys were in on the surprise." Rory said and Honor laughed.

"I heard from my mother, when I got here."

"I should clarify some things. I was going to propose tomorrow night, but I thought tonight would be better. So when I said diligitis to Finn, it was our code word. It's Latin for love. It meant to start setting up Stars Hollow for the proposal. I told my mom that we wouldn't be here tomorrow night for dinner and I told her why. She was good on keeping the secret until she told Honor." They laughed and Rory kissed Logan.

"Thank you!"

"Well, dinners almost ready. How about drinks? Mitchum is in the living room with Josh." Shira led the way to the living room.

"Congratulations Logan and Rory!" Josh stood and hugged Rory and bro-hugged Logan.

"It's about time!" Mitchum laughed.

"Rory, water?" Shira asked and walked over to the drink cart.

"Yes please."

"I'll take a Mckellen neat." Logan added.

"Honor? Do you want a drink or do you just want a refill on your water?"

"Refill please."

"So. Honor, I hear you have news?" Rory tries to strike up a conversation.

"Yes. Actually. This is news for Josh too. I'm pregnant!"

"ANOTHER GRANDCHILD!" Shira excitedly sequels.

Josh looks dumbfounded and Rory springs up to hug Honor. Mitchum even gives her a hug. Shira forgets about the drinks and rushes over to hug her.

"So much planning. With a wedding, two baby showers!"

"Logan's promotion party. Rory's book debut party." Mitchum adds. Logan and Rory cast surprised faces at Mitchum.


"Book debut?!"

"Logan, I'm stepping down as CEO. To spend time with my grandchildren. And Rory, HPG wants to publish your book. When Logan showed me you book I read the first few chapters and I love it!"

"Please don't say this because I'm marrying your son."

"Absolutely not Rory, I honest to God love your work, your a natural born writer. I knew it from the first day at the Stamford Gazette, I was just worried about your shyness getting in the way. But I'll be damned if I let any other publishing group take this book deal."

"Dinner's ready." The maid said.

Rory whispered to Logan as everyone started to head into the dining room.


"Don't be mad Ace, please."

"Fine. You make it hard to be mad at you." He kissed her and they took their seats at the table.

It All Started At Yale (After AYITL)Where stories live. Discover now