Baby names

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"Come in." They heard Mitchum's voice speak up from the other side of the door. Logan opened the door and motioned for Rory to enter. Rory slipped into the office and Logan followed.

"Take a seat. Get comfortable." He motioned to the two chairs opposite of his chair. Mitchum wasn't sitting at his desk but at a chair in a group off to the side. With a small coffee table in the middle. He had a scotch in hand and a piece of paper laid on the table. They both took a seat in the empty chairs.

"How are you feeling Rory? How's the baby?"

"This baby is starting to have its toll on my body. But the baby's good I actually have an appointment next week for an appointment to find out the sex of the baby."

"That's great. You'll make a great mother."

"Thank you."

"We've been here for an hour and already my parents have paid more attention to you than me!" Logan laughed.  Mitchum and Rory joined him.

"How's it going in London?" Mitchum asked.

"Good. I've finalized that merger with BPC. And we've signed the deal with Dan Graham. I'm done in London and I start in Hartford in 3 weeks as you know."

"Good. You're an exceptional young man Logan."

"Thanks Dad!"

"Now let's be done with these pleasantries and get to why we're here. The baby's trust fund."

"Actually trust funds. Plural." Rory said and she got surprised looks from both Huntzberger men.

"What do you mean Ace?"

"My grandmother, Emily. She wants to set up a trust fund too for the baby."

"What an exceptional idea!" Mitchum smiled wider and Logan looked at Rory as if she'd gone mad. He knew why she wanted the baby to have a trust fund. Well actually two. But it still surprised him.

"I also wanted to get this out of the way. Obviously the baby will be going to more prestigious schools. Such as Chilton. Emily and I have talked and she wants to pay for early schooling all the way up until College. Then if the baby want to go to college than we will pay. If we're to have a second child then you may have the opportunity to pay."

"Nonsense. I will pay for college and the second child. Hell! Have 50 children. But the rest of your children will be paid for schooling by me. Emily may keep her wishes but my wish is to pay for the rest of schooling."

"Mitchum. It really isn't necessary."

"I want to do this." Mitchum confirmed.

"And for that we are grateful." Logan knew about the schooling plan with Emily so he wasn't so blindsided when she brought it up.

"Now have you thought of names?"

"Actually yes." Logan spoke for the first time in awhile.

"We have?" It was Rory's turn to be confused.

"Well not WE. But I have." Logan smiled at the thought of finally sharing them with Rory.

"Let's hear them." Mitchum himself felt excited at the thought of hearing names that could possibly be his little grandchild's name.

"If it's a girl, then Lorelai Emilie Huntzberer." Rory was all smiles at the name. If it's a boy then, Richard Chris Huntzberger. Or we could go with a different middle name." Rory let a few more tears fall at the sound of the boys name. Richard.

"I love them." She kissed Logan.

"They're beautiful." Mitchum said.

"So all you two need to do is sign here. As soon as we find out the gender then we can know the name exactly and put it in the trust fund document. So when she or he's born then I just fax it to my lawyer. Another thing is, since Logan is the heir to HPG your children more exactly your boy or boys will also be unless you don't have a boy. Then if Honor has a boy then he would take over."

"What if we have two boys? Or three? Would they be Co-CEO's?"

"Of course. Actually My Grandpa and his brother did. Shira's brother Mr. Dugrey tried to get half of our company when I married your mother but my father fortunately defused the situation."

"Dugrey? As in his son is Tristan Dugrey?"

"Yes! How did you know him? He's my nephew and Logan's cousin."

"We went to Chilton together. Before he went to military school."

"I didn't know this?" Logan smiled.

"He use to call me Mary."

"Wait! Your Mary?"

"Well no I'm Rory but he called me Mary." She laughed.

"Huh." Logan's mood shifted and the other two in the room could tell.

"Well that's all I have. Good luck with house hunting." Logan stood and walked to the door. Rory followed.

"Thank you Mitchum. Bye." She said before she left but Logan was already out of the room.

"Logan?" She called after him. He kept walking towards his room. Rory caught up to him and put her hand on his shoulder. He turned and she saw the anger in his eyes.

"Logan? Talk to me. What's the matter?"

"We have to meet the realtor in an hour. I'm going to change and then we'll leave ok?" He ignored her question.

"Logan? Are you mad at me?" He sighed heavily.

"God I'm so sorry Ace, I love you and no you didn't make me mad. I'm upset with Tristan. Not you. I'm sorry I took it out on you."

"It's ok. I still love you too." She smiled and kissed him. When they pulled apart the anger had faded from Logan's eyes. But she didn't know why he was angry with Tristan.

"Come on!" He quickly picked her up bridal style and carried her up the stairs. She giggled and wrapped her arms around him.

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