Chapter 2

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I stood next to Juliette, watching the paramedics carrying aunt Marie into the ambulance. Nick was talking to a man around 35 years old. That is Hank Griffin, Nick's partner. Juliette whispered to me. I nodded absent-minded, waiting for Nick to come over. He finally did and Juliette laid a hand on his arm. Do you two want me to come with you? I didn't think that would be such a great idea and thankfully Nick thought so as well. No, we'll be home as soon as we can. Juliette nodded and walked back to the house, Nick and I stepped into his car, driving to the hospital. Once arrived we waited... and waited... I was pacing up and down, Nick was drawing something. From time to time I glanced at it, it was the drawing of the creature. My mind was turning, trying to process what just happened. It hadn't been the first time since I saw... things, but the idea that Nick and aunt Marie could see it as well was weird, and that was an understatement. The misfortune of our family is already passing on to you two... Those words kept coming up in my head. Mister Burkhardt? I stopped and looked at a nurse, Nick stood up as well. She smiled a little, probably to reassure us. She is conscious now. Nick nodded and looked at me before following the nurse. I walked after them as well until we reached a room, aunt Marie lay in a bed. She looked so... vulnerable at the moment. I took her hand and she smiled at me, but her face hardened immediately. You two saw him didn't you? You saw who Hulda really was. Nick shook his head. I don't know what I saw or how you did that. What is going on? Aunt Marie's face hardened even more. We have the ability to see what no one else can. When they lose control they can't hide and we see them for what they really are. "Aunt Marie... you need some rest." I squeezed her hand. This is no fairy tale. She continued as if I hadn't said anything. The stories are real. What they wrote about really happened. You two are one of the last grimms. Grimms? I frowned, I never heard of that before. I know it is a lot and I wish I had more time, but everything is in my trailer. She sighed. There is so much you still don't know. I bit my lip. What you said about our parents... Nick suddenly said and aunt Marie let go of my hand, stroking Nick's cheek. You are vulnerable now, you need to be careful. Don't ever lose what I gave to you... You can work this out together, I am sure of it. I grabbed her hand again, tears appeared in my eyes. This sounded like a goodbye, it couldn't be a goodbye... I am sorry mister and miss Burkhardt but you'll have to go. You can see her again tomorrow. The nurse had come back and she looked at us intensely. I really didn't want to go, but Nick laid an arm around my shoulders and lead me away. You still have school tomorrow. I glanced at him. "And you think I can concentrate on school after what just happened tonight?" There is nothing we can do now anyway... I frowned. "But..." His gaze said enough and I remained silent. He walked us to the car and drove home. The silence was tense, so I decided to talk about another subject. How was work today? Nick rubbed his eyes, though he kept driving perfectly. We found a dead woman and a little girl is missing. How sad... "Any clues?" I asked. Boot prints, so we're checking that now. A few minutes later we arrived back home. Juliette must have been waiting for us, because she sat on the couch with her phone clutched in her hand. Nick motioned me to go upstairs while he walked to Juliette to wake her up. I went to my room and got ready for the night. Although it was almost midnight, I wasn't tired at all. Aunt Marie's words, that... thing, grimm... It kept going through my head as I lay there. Eventually I must have fallen asleep, because I began to dream. It didn't make any sense, I didn't recognize any of the images, it were all shapes... blurry. But then... a face popped up right in front of me, a scythe in his hand and snarling loudly. I jerked upwards in my bed, panting. I rubbed my face and went with a hand through my hair. I got up, walking to my bathroom. Splashing some water in my face, I looked at my reflection. Long brown hair and brown eyes, a small face and a tan skin. I was too awake now to go back to bed, so I sat down in the window frame. My eyes fell on the trailer... aunt Marie's trailer and... everything is in my trailer. Her voice was clear and I put on some shoes, walking out. At the same moment Nick's bedroom door opened as well and he stepped out. I think we have the same idea. He said with a smirk as he saw me as well. Together we walked to the trailer, Nick opened the door and turned on the flashlight he took with him. Inside was the strangest trailer I have ever seen. Sure, there was a bed, a table with two chairs, a closet and cabinets... but the stuff on and in them... strange bottles with liquids and whatever more. Books which look very old. Drawings all over the walls of things I didn't even recognize. I looked at Nick who just opened a closet and his eyes widened. I walked to him, glancing over his shoulders. The closet was full of weapons... swords, blades, a spikey ball thing... Nick closed the closet carefully and looked at me. I shrugged. I grabbed a book and started going through them, there were even more drawings on them, plus handwritten texts in different foreign languages, though some were in English as well. I kept going through them, some of the drawings I recognized, I had seen some of these... things. We both were so caught up in everything that we didn't notice Juliette coming in until she was right in front of us, and that scared the crap out of us as well. How long have you been down here? She asked. I couldn't sleep... Nick said and I nodded as well. "Neither could I." I closed my book carefully. What is all this? Juliette asked. I don't know... Nick stood up, motioned me and lead Juliette outside. I will deal with it later. I'm sorry, let's go back to bed. We walked outside, back to the house. I looked back at the trailer, for some strange reason it felt good... like it belonged to me, to us. Like things finally falling into place, knowing I wasn't crazy at all. How long did you live with Marie? Juliette suddenly asked. She was my mother from the time I was 10, Elena was 2. Nick replied. After your parents died? Yeah... You... didn't live in that trailer did you? Nick shook his head. I didn't know she had it. We walked inside and after some hot milk we went back to bed

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