Chapter 45

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I sighed as Emma's car lights vanished into the night. Ethan stood behind me, his arms around my waist. "What an exhausting day." I said and he held me a little closer. What about a glass of wine? Normally I didn't drink if there wasn't a party or anything but today seemed a good time for an exception. "Please." I said and he smiled, leading me back inside. Sitting down on the couch I waited for Ethan as he poured two glasses of red wine and gave one to me before sitting down as well. I laid my head against his shoulder and pulled my legs onto the couch, relaxing against him while taking a sip of my wine. "Let's not do this again tomorrow." Ethan chuckled. And I thought you liked saving the day. I guess I was wrong. I giggled and slapped his stomach with the back of my hand. He grunted. I put my glass down and laid back against him. "Can't we just take a week off?" I said, pouting. "Just go on a holiday to relax." I looked up, giving him a sly smile. "Maybe go on a second honeymoon?" Ethan's grin was nothing short of wicked. If we did that I wouldn't let you out of my arms for the whole time. We might not even get out of our room. I grinned. "That wouldn't be a bad..." I couldn't finish my sentence as he pressed his lips down on mine, silencing me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He groaned, pushing me back into the pillows. Distant ringing made me frown and I pulled away, looking at my phone. Nick's name lit up and I sighed, taking it. "I am on holiday, leave a message after the tone." I growled softly. Adalind was here. Nick said and I sat up. Ethan looked shocked so he probably heard. "What did she want?" I asked. She wants us to help get her baby back from the royals. I closed my eyes for a second, I had been afraid for this. "And what did you say?" That we couldn't help her. "I assume she wasn't very happy to hear that." Nick sighed. No she wasn't, but who can blame her? "I can't lie to her Nick..." I said softly. "If she comes here..." She won't. Nick interrupted. She didn't want to drag you back into the royal affairs, she said so herself. I sighed, somewhat relieved. "So now what?" Now we continue our normal lives. Nick said. I just wanted to let you know. "Thanks Nick, good night." Good night Elena. I ended the call and laid my phone back on the table. Ethan looked at me. What about we finish our wine and go back upstairs. Let me give you a massage, you look tense. I smiled at him, knowing he meant it. No funny business. I hugged him, burying my face against his shoulder. "Thank you."

A week later everything was kinda back to normal. Emma and I didn't have to go to college for two weeks because our teachers were going to a conference in New York. I decided to help Nick and Hank with their current cases and everyone there came to see me as part of the team. At the moment Nick and I finished lunch and stepped back into our car. Hank had an afternoon off. Our new case had to do with two dead men. We knew they were wesen, but we had no motive yet. We had a suspect, a young woman. Nick and I couldn't think of any wesen who could do that much damage so we asked Monroe to back us up. "What kind of female young wesen could take on a Klaustreich AND a lausenschlange?" I asked. I don't know. Monroe said. But that takes some seriously large... well in her case figurative cojones. So what else can you tell me about the... Nick's phone interrupted Monroe's question. He took it quickly. Burkhardt... where? Yeah, we can be there in five minutes. I frowned, looking at him. We got another attack. He said and I groaned. Victim was cut only this one is still alive. Monroe looked from me to Nick. So... I guess I am going? Nick nodded. We drove there quickly, Wu was waiting for us. Looks like the same M.O. He said as introduction. Assault was reported by a jogger. His description matches our young suspect. Said she took off running heading in that... He pointed towards the east. Direction. I've got two units in the area. We arrived at the victim, medics kneeled around her. We're losing her. One said. Still no response. I walked closer, looking at the girl. She had some pretty bad wounds, even I could see she couldn't be saved. I can't find a pulse. The medic said. suddenly the girl gasped and she... woged. I glanced at Nick, at the same moment he glanced at me. The girl woged back. She is gone. The medic said. Nick looked around. Get some units out here to canvass the area. He said to Wu. If she is still here she's got to be staying close. We walked back to the car as Monroe stepped back out. Ugh... He said, wrinkling his nose. Skalengeck. "That would be the victim." I said. "Are you picking up anything else? He shook his head. Not wesen. Doesn't mean they're not disguising it. Wu walked back to us. A manager of a hotel just called in. He's got one of our flyers and he thinks she is there but not for long because she is checking out. Nick nodded. We'll take this one. Wu nodded as well. do you want streets blocked off? He asked. "Not until we know it is her." I said and we quickly walked back to our car, me driving. In the meantime Monroe told us about possibilities the girl could be. If you get the chance, shoot them. He said firmly. Even if you don't get a chance, shoot them. We arrived at the hotel, just as the girl walked out. "That's her." I said. Pull over. Nick said. I'll get behind her. I nodded, pulling over. He got out and I immediately drove again, turning right as the girl walked that way, pulling over once again in front of her. I got out, walking towards her. She glared at me and turned back, ready to flee... right into Nick. Stop! He said. The girl looked from Nick to me before taking a leap over the car, just as Monroe stepped out. She landed in front of him, staring. Monroe woged out of trigger. But then... NO! The girl screamed and she grabbed a machete from her back. Monroe woged back, terrified. The girl charged for him. Nick! Elena! Monroe yelled, ducking to avoid the slash. We ran over, Nick grabbing her and tackling her to the ground. She rolled over quickly, punching Nick in his face who blocked, but wasn't able to pull her off. I ran over, throwing my arms around her and pulling her off him. Nick! Elena! Monroe yelled but we were too busy with holding her down. She spit at us, struggling heavily. Nick! Monroe yelled again. DUDE! He screamed louder and we both snapped our head towards him. She is a grimm!

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