Chapter 5

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"I hate the stupid rain!" I growled to myself while getting into my car. Only the small run from the door to my car got me soaked already. I thought the UK was bad concerning rain, appearently Portland was worse. Looking back over the past week, the aftermath after Stark's death was quite positive. I was allowed to leave the hospital the next day - though they adviced me not to go to school that day - and Nick could leave that same evening. Emma called me that day, wanting to know everything. I had to cut her off after two hours because she just wouldn't stop. An outcome of that day was that Nick and I both started training harder, both in self-defence and in mastering the different weapons in the trailer. And... Nick demanded me to learn how to shoot, so in the last week we went to the shooting club three times. I also met Hank and Drew Wu - another colleague of Nick - and they were really fun to hang out with. Today was Saturday and I was going to hang out at the mall with Emma, Aiden and Matthew, a so called 'lunch date' as Matthew called it. The drive to the mall wasn't long - only 10 minutes - but when I was halfway, my car started to shock. "What the..." I muttered to myself and as soon as I said that, smoke came out from under the hood. "No no no no... not now!" I parked the car at the side of the rode quickly, just in time because it died. "Oh great..." I digged my phone out my pocket and called a garage. They promised to be here in 15 minutes so I called Emma, thankfully she picked up. Hey you! Where are you, we're already waiting at Starbucks. She said. You're missing the most wonderful frapuccino Elena! I heard Aiden scream in the backround. "I am sorry guys, my car broke down in the middle of the drive... I am afraid it's gonna take a while." Ugh, that sucks! Just call us when you arrive, we'll wait. "Thanks Em, I will... see you!" I hung up and waited. 10 minutes later a tow truck came up to me. The man stepped out and ran to my window. Are you Elena Burkhardt? He asked. "Yes sir!" I said. All right, with one look I can see I can't repair your car here. You'll have to come with me to the garage. Please go sit in the truck. I nodded and walked quickly to the passenger seat of the truck. The garage wasn't far away and then it was just waiting. I watched the repairman, he explained what happened. Appearently something happened in the engine, but what exactly... shoot me. He explained, but I didn't understand a word. There... done. I'm going to get the paperwork and I will get you when I have it okay? "Sure!" I said. "Thank you so much." It is my job miss... He smiled at me and walked to an office. What a beautiful car you have here... A voice said behind my back and I looked back. In front of me stood a man, and I recognized him... it was the refrigerator repairman. Though he didn't look at me, he looked at my car. "Thank you..." I said, a little surprised, looks like he didn't recognize me. Maybe that was better. I'm sorry, I didn't want to scare you... So the engine failed... "That's what they said..." it was kind of awkward because the man seemed to be shy, but I read that Eisbibers were that way. Do you mind if I take a look inside? "Not at all..." He opened the passenger seat and went inside. The shape it is in... still amazing. I looked at my phone, just waiting. Where did you buy it? The man stood next to me again, then looked over my shoulder. Hey John, come over here! Look at this beauty. Another man walked to us and whistled. Great car... I wish I was the one who repaired it. He walksd away again and I felt really awkward, but the man who repaired my car came back. I got the papers ready ms. Burkhardt, if you want to follow me please. "Sure." I turned back to the man. "It was really nice mee..." But the man only looked at me with huge afraid eyes. Y-You're a grimm too... He is not the only one... Oh my god... OH MY GOD! He quickly ran away, leaving me confused. I thought he already knew... I shrugged and walked to the office to fill in the papers. Though ones I finished I texted Nick about the meeting with the repairman. Monroe told us most wesen were scared of us, but this was over the top. I drove towards the shopping center and quickly ran to the entrance. "Next time don't forget to put an umbrella in your car Elena..." I muttered to myself. I texted Emma and made my way to Starbucks, they still sat there. Oh darling... were you stranded in the middle of nowhere? Aiden wiggled his eyebrows. "Yeah yeah, make fun of it. If it happens to you, don't expect understandment from me." I shot back.

The four of us hung out at the shopping center for quite a long time. Emma and I went from shop to shop, while Aiden and Ethan complained that we shopped too much. Reminding them that we were girls, we eventually agreed to go and eat something. We decided to go to a chinese restaurant, Aiden promised he knew a good one. He wasn't kidding, the food was delicious. But seriously Elena, Oleg Stark was one of America's most dangerous prisoners. It is a wonder that you're still alive. Matthew said while frowning at me. He killed over 13 people, that man was a pshycho... Aiden joined in. "Well, if it wasn't for Juliette who ran in and save us, I think I really would have died." I agreed. I am glad that creep is dead. Emma shivered. "You're not the only one." I said. Did you hear it too? In the last few days there are a lot of disappearences... teenanger who are living on the street... Matthew said and I frowned. "Yeah, Nick told me about it." Don't worry Matt... I am sure they will never kidnap gays... A taunting voice came from behind us and I looked back, Dean and his companions walked to our table. Matthew turned red, Aiden clutched his fists but I held up my hand to stop them. "Really Dean... are you gonna hit us with such kind of jokes? What are you, dumb or just an asshole?" I said, glaring at him. Although I still saw some fear in his eyes, it wasn't as much as before. You think you're invincible... right Elena? Your brother who is a police detective... you being... He stopped for a second, if he said being a grimm, people would think he was crazy. You being you... He continued. But let me tell you something, some day something will happen to you... and you will die... just like your aunt. Oh no... he didn't just say that. I jumped up, full of rage. "You don't know anything about my aunt!" I yelled at him, ready to slap that smirk off his face. Emma jumped up, but she was too far away from me. Aiden, stop her! Aiden, who sat next to me jumped up as well and grabbed my arms, holding me against his chest. I struggles, still glaring at Dean. He had jumped back, staring at me. He had woged, and looking at him closely I could see what he was now... a Klaustreich. "Aiden, let go!" Emma, who still stood behind me, was staring at Dean. What is going on here? Ethan's voice suddenly came from behind us and Dean lost the woge. I exhaled deeply to keep my calmth and looked back. Ethan walked to us, staring at Dean as well. Leave... I thought I already told you to leave my sister and her friends alone. Dean shuffled with his feet and quickly fled with his companions. Can I let you go? Aiden asked me and I nodded. He let go and I sat down, bristling. He went too far... Emma laid her arm around me and I leaned against her. "I'm sorry I reacted that way." I said. We understand... thanks for stepping in for me. Matthew said with a smile and he took my hand. I squeezed it softly. What did he do? Ethan asked. He was making a joke about Matt being gay, and then he told Elena that she would die... just like her aunt. Emma explained quickly. I also saw Ethan and her share a gaze. That guy is only trouble. Ethan frowned. Just don't listen to him. He said while patting my shoulder. I smiled at him, but something in his eyes got my attention. "Is something wrong?" I asked and he sighed. I came here to find Emma... something happened. Emma blinked. What is it? She asked, a little wary. Can we talk in private? Ethan asked and took her apart. Aiden frowned. That seemed kind of serious... I glanced towards my best friend, she looked worried. Ethan spoke softly, so I couldn't follow their conversation. And then... something what Ethan said seemed to scare Emma, because her eyes widen, tears started streaming down her face and... she woged. My eyes widened as well. "No..." I whispered and closed my eyes. Not Emma too... please no. I opened them again, but it was still there. Ethan comforted his sister... and woged as well. I looked somewhat closer. Blutbaden... there were blutbaden! I looked down, biting my lip. My friend... she was a wesen as well. And I thought Dean being one was bad... Elena... are you okay? Aiden voice softy pulled me out of my thought. "Yeah yeah... I am fine." I said quickly, looking at Emma and Dean. They had lost their woge and they came back to our table. I'm sorry guys... Our mom had an accident and I have to go home. Emma looksd really worried. Oh Em... you just go home, that's okay... Matt said and Aiden and I nodded. Thanks guys... I'll keep in touch. She smiled lightly and walked out. The three of us decided to go home as well. In my car I slammed my wheel. This was a joke! This was a sick joke!! Finally my life was getting a little normal - well, what you call normal with being a grimm - and now first Dean, then Emma and Ethan as well! "Why?!" I screamed out. "Life isn't fair..." a small voice in my head said. No, that was true. I wasn't what you call normal child, not that I cared. And at that moment I realized that I didn't care... it didn't matter that Emma and Ethan were wesen. As long as they didn't commit crimes they were as human as me. "They are my friends... and they always will be." I muttered softly to myself and drove home


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