Chapter 4

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After the party, I tried to ignore Dean as much as possible. Or actually, it was the other way around. Whenever we came across, he turned around and walked the other way. When I told Nick about this he only frowned and told me to be careful, though he thought I had handled it the right way. School got more and more, so I started to focus on that. Nick's cases came on top of that as well, because it seemed all the criminals were wesen these days. Monroe also came more and more into the picture, sometimes I was teasing them with their bromance. Though the thing which was most difficult, was Juliette. She seemed to get a little suspicious. It all began when the repairman came back, stuttering to get his tools back. Saying 'he didn't want any trouble and that he was a peaceful guy.' Nick and I both weren't at home that day. What do you think? Guilty or not guilty? Emma's voice called me back from my daydreaming. We were in her room, studying. "Not guilty." I said, I hadn't paid attention to anything she had said. Wrong... no matter your own opinion, you are not allowed to let that cloud the evidence. She grinned at me. "That's not fair, that was a trick question." I said, pouting which made her laugh. I just threw a pillow towards her when my phone rang. Looking at the screen, I learned it was Nick and I took it. "Hey big brother..." Hey you! Nick said. Juliette wants to know if you eat at home. "Of course, I just wanted to come home, we were just finished. Besides, Emma is irritating me." Emma laughed again. All right, then I am driving home as well. "All right, see you at home." I ended the call and gathered my stuff. Suddenly Emma whistled. A big fish escaped from the California prison. He is here in Portland and already blew up a car and killed three people. She showed me the article. "Oleg Stark... never heard of him." I said goodbye to the Norwoods and quickly drove home. I had a bad feeling, although I couldn't put my finger on it.

When I arrived back, Nick just stepped out of his car. "Hey! How was work?" I asked. Nick sighed. Well, we have a serial killer - Oleg Stark - who is after Hank. "After Hank? Why?" I asked. Hank was the officer who arrested him. I frowned. "So that man wants revenge?" Looks like it. Nick opened the door and we walked in. Juliette? Nick shouted, but no answer. "Maybe she isn't home yet." I suggested. I sat down as Nick's phone went and he took it quickly. He had a short conversation before he turned on the stove. "Juliette?" I asked and he nodded. She is on her way home. I smiled. "Good!" Suddenly we both heard some cracking. Stupid racoons... Nick muttered. I shook my head amused, but there was the sound again. I frowned at Nick and walked to the window. And then... someone jumped through the window against me, picked me up and slammed me over the table against the wall. My head exploded in pain and I couldn't move. ELENA! I heard Nick though I didn't see him. Where is he?! An unfamiliar voice growled. More shattering of breaking glass but I still couldn't move, I saw black spots across my vision. Someone fell next to me, it was Nick. He was bleeding heavingly and we stared at each other. Looking up, I saw a big man walking towards us. Two grimms... He said, walking closer. NICK! The door slammed open and Juliette ran in. The man turned his attention to her. Juliette... run! Nick panted and she complied, running to the kitchen. He went after her. I pulled myself up, but a loud scream made me stop in my tracks. The man stumbled back, his hands against his face. Nick pulled out his gun and shot two times, another window shattered and the man was gone. I sat next to Nick, holding his hand. Juliette fell down next to us. C-Call Hank... You have to call Hank. Nick panted, I could see he was very close to losing his consciousness. I turned to Juliette. "I'll call an ambulance." I digged my phone out of my pocket and called 911.

After doing some tests they let me go to see Nick, only to promise that I would stay a night for observation, I had a light concussion. Nick on the other hand... I just came into the hallway when the nurse came with his results. He has three bruised ribs and a dislocated shoulder to go along with a mild concussion. Nothing broken however, he is very lucky. Juliette nodded. Thank you. The nurse walked away and I laid an arm around Juliette. "Nick is tough, he'll be fine." What about you? She asked. "Nothing a bit of aspirin can't cure." We both looked up as a man around 40, tall with dark hair walked towards us. I've got units posted here at the hospital and outside your house 'round the clock. And I'll have an escort drive you home. This guy won't get anywhere near you, I promise. Juliette bit her lip. You know who did this? She asked and the man nodded. I've got every cop in the city looking for him. Trust me, he'll pay for what he has done. He turned to me, looking intensely. You must be Elena... I nodded. I am Sean Renard, captain of the Portland police department. I shook his hand. "Nice to meer you sir..." He nodded once again before walking away. Hey you two... Nick's voice was raspy, but at least he was awake. We walked to his bed, Juliette took his hand. Where is my dinner? Nick asked abruptly and I chuckled. Juliette smiled. I spilled the water... Nick nodded. Yeah you did, and you probably saved my life. He sighed. I am sorry it happened in our house. She shook her head. It is not your fault. She kissed him softly. I love you so much. I smiled and looked down, feeling a bit uncomfortable. Nick smiled. I love you too. He looked at me, she saw it. I'll leave you two to rest. I'll come back tomorrow. She walked out and I took Nick's hand. "He was wesen wasn't he?" Yes, but I don't know what. He squeezed my hand. Could you do me a favour? I nodded. "Sure, what is it?" He gave me his phone. Call Monroe. I took it and dialed his number, giving the phone back before sitting into a chair. I didn't listen to the conversation, I was too tired. I fell asleep.

Dreaming is a weird thing... or actually it wasn't a dream. It was a nightmare. Glass was everywhere. Nick, staring at the ceiling with glassy eyes in a pool of his own blood. I stared at him and turned around, seeing Dean in his full woge, his claws dripping of blood... coming towards me. A hand touched my shoulder and I jerked up, looking into Monroe's eyes. You two are creepy sometimes... I looked at Nick, he was tossing as well. Monroe woke him. Dude, I don't know what you were dreaming, but it couldn't have been good. He looked at him up and down. Who did this to you? Nick groaned as he sat up. He was big and he... has a rare genetic disorder. It would deaden the nerves and he has abnormally dense bones. Monroe looked shocked. Siegbarste... your basic ogre. You're saying that you saw one here in Portland? Nick nodded. They are the worst. They are very rare but if you run across one... you're lucky to be alive. He is after Hank. Nick said. Why? Monroe asked. He put him in prison. Nick said and Monroe nodded. That'll do it. They carry grudges with them to the grave, and usually it is your grave. Nick sighed. We have to stop him. Monroe snorted. Good luck with that. You're already in the hospital and they are hard to kill. Unless, of course, you have some siegbarste gift. Nick and I looked at each other in confusion. "What?" I asked. Gift... German word for poison. But that stuff is extremely rare. I think we have some. Nick suddenly said. Which meds did they give you? Monroe asked. From our aunt... what does it do? Monroe frowned. Califies their bones... killing them from the inside. But you need a special rifle... "We have that too." I said, remembering I saw some sort of rifle for that. Nick nodded. You two have to do it... Elena, take him to the trailer.

20 minutes later Monroe and I arrived at the trailer. I lead him inside. Oh my god... Monroe was speechless. "Yeah..." I said while going through the bottles. "Got it!" In the meantime, Monroe opened the cabinet with weapons. This is... awesome! The weapon was in a box, and it was very big. Big rifle, big bullets... Monroe said as he showed me the bullets. We prepared them and then quickly drove back to the hospital. My phone went just as we stepped out, it was Nick. "Hey." Do you have the rifle? He asked. "Yeah, we're bringing it right now." Hank is just leaving. "What..." I started but Monroe touched me and pointed at the exits. Hank just walked out. Elena, give him the rifle. I frowned. "I am not sure if that is a good idea. He is already leaving. Monroe said. Just do it. Nick said. "Okay, we'll try." I hang up and went back into the car. "Follow him." We had trouble following him, but thankfully I knew how we could drive around to find a good spot. The bad thing... Stark was already there. "Hurry!" I said, kneeling down. Monroe got the gun out and made it ready. Gunshots, coming from Hank, were fired. But it wasn't enough to stop Stark. "Monroe!!!!" I whisper-yelled, panicking a little as Hank was knocked down and Stark picked up a large stone. Monroe just finished, aimed and fired. It hit Stark, who froze for a second and then fell down. I was shocked, it worked. "We have to go." I helped Monroe up and we quickly walked back to the car. We drove to the trailer to dropp off the rifle. I locked the trailer while Monroe called with Nick, waiting till he finished. He smiled at me. Good teamwork. I smiled. "Thanks for helping us." It's nothing... We stared at the trailer for a while. Shall I take you back to the hospital before someone notices you're gone for an hour... I smiled. "Good idea..."


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