Chapter 15

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I shifted on the bed, waking up slowly. God, my head hurt... Elena! Elena, can you hear us? A voice said softly. "Ethan..." I muttered and opened my eyes. "What is going on?" His face was blurry at first, but it turned sharp quickly. Rosalee came behind me and held two fingers against my wrist. "What are you doing?" I asked. Checking your pulse. She answered and I frowned. "Why?" that's got kind of a... long answer attached to it. we'll tell you once Nick is awake as well. Monroe came into my sight as well, Emma stood next to him. "Again... what is going on?" I asked and tried to sit up, but something held me against the mattress I laid on, I looked back and saw my hands were cuffed. "Why am I handcuffed?" We... didn't want you to fall over. Hank was there too and he quickly took off the handcuffs. "How did I get here?" We were in the spice shop. We brought you. Ethan said quickly. I sat up, everything in my body ached. "Okay... ouch..." I muttered. I looked at them, they had wounds. "Were you in an accident?" You... could see it that way. Emma said. Don't you remember anything? Hank asked. I rubbed my forehead, thinking. What is the last thing you remember? Rosalee asked. "Um... We were at the shipping yard. We wanted to treat the zombies and... you ran to the car, Nick and I bought you time and he ordered me to split..." I thought harder, then I remembered. "Eric was there! He told me about a plan from his father, but I wanted to find Nick. We ran into the baron..." My eyes widen. "He had Nick! And when we tried to free him... and that's pretty much it. We must've gotten hit or something. And I guess you guys found me and brought me here, right?" The others looked awkward. "Or maybe not... am I leaving something out?" They all started talking at the same time and I frowned. All right this isn't working... Ethan said. I'll go. He looked at me. "I blew it, didn't I?" I said slowly, looking at him. "Did the baron get away?" He smiled sadly. No Elena... there is much more to it than that. "What is it then?" I asked. He... got you... and Nick. He nodded towards the right where Juliette sat. I just realized Nick lay there, still asleep. Like he got the others. Ethan continued and he lifted up my shirt a little. On my stomach there were 2 times 3 puncture wounds, the same as the syringe... "Oh..." Was the only thing I could say. I had been a zombie... Then I remember Eric's voice... calling my name when everything went black. I bit my lip and closed my eyes. Elena...? Ethan asked worriedly and I held up my hand. "Let me progress everything okay?" My mind went everywhere, I kept thinking until Nick woke up. They told him the same story as well and just as me, he was shocked. At least no one got hurt. Monroe said. I mean really hurt... Nick was pacing through the room. You only scared a few people. Rosalee added. He kept pacing though and I had the urge to join him, if Ethan and Emma didn't have my hands tightly in theirs. Look, it is not that you two knew what you were doing, you don't even remember. Juliette said. Being under the influence isn't a very good defense. Nick shot back. Under the influence of what you were under the influence of... that's different. Hank said, and that sentence made my head hurt more. "How are we gonna explain it?" I asked. You don't have to. We sort of had it explained to us in a very physical way. Which I don't think you really want to share with anybody else. Monroe said. Nick looked so hurt. I am so sorry... He muttered. "Me too..." I added. You didn't know... Emma squeezed my hand. Look, I think after everything you have gone through tonight you need a lot of sleep... the both of you. So you should come home with me now and get it. Juliette said and she looked at Ethan. And I think you too, to keep an eye on Elena. I still felt bad, though something was glad Ethan came with me. The others nodded and Juliette hugged. Nick. I am just glad it is over. Nick held her. I am just glad I didn't kill anybody.

When we walked to the car, something hit me. "Eric... I have to go and see if he is okay!" Ethan looked doubtful. Elena, you need sleep. I glared at him. "He tried to save me... to save Nick." Nick nodded. You have to go. I sighed deeply. "I just hope the baron didn't get him." Ethan shook his head. He didn't, he is at the precinct. I'll take you there. I looked at Nick. We'll be back home in an hour, I promise. You go home and get some sleep. He hugged me tightly, didn't say anything. He didn't have to, I got it. Ethan drove with me to the precinct. I'll wait in the car, I don't think your brother likes me. Ethan grimaced. "I'll be back soon." I closed the door and walked into the building. Most agents were so busy they didn't see me. Elena! I looked back and saw Wu, I smiled quickly. "Hey!" Nick isn't here. I chuckled. "Oh I know, I am looking for my other brother. Eric Renard..." Wu frowned. He is in the captain's office, and even though the door and windows are closed, you can feel the angry energy coming from there. I rolled my eyes. "Thanks Wu." I walked towards the captain's office. Wu was right, you couldn't hear angry words but the energy. I waited outside, looking inside. Through the blinds I could see the captain behind his deck, and Eric in front of it. I closed my eyes and concentrated. Nick's and mine hearing increased after an attack of the Jinnamuru Xunte, a fly-like Wesen which sprays a type of parasitic worm into their victims eyes, which renders them blind and like that the Jinnamuru Xunte can feed from the tears. I know... creepy but after Nick and I both had those worms in our eyes – it was cured of course – our hearing had increased. We have to deal with father, otherwise he will try it again. The captain said. I won't kill him like that! Eric shot back. Then what is your suggestion? I sighed, men... The door opened and Eric stepped out, slamming the door shot. His eyes showed surprise, then relieve once he saw me. Elena! I threw myself in his arms and held him tightly, burying my face in his chest. He squeezed me against his chest, holding me tightly as well. "You're okay..." I muttered softly and he chuckled humourless. I should be the one saying that. I was so worried about you. I took a step back, looking at him. So father was behind this? Eric sighed. Yeah, looks like it. "What are you going to do?" I asked. I'm going to confront him. "Just like that?" I frowned. "That is dangerous." What else do you want me to do? He asked. I am not going to kill him. "I didn't say that... but after what he has done we don't know what he is capable of." I know... but we have to go back tomorrow. I raised my eyebrows. "We?" He groaned softly, as if he had expected this. "I am not going back! He tried to kidnap Nick." You promised me... He said quietly and I glared at him. "This changes everything!" I yelled, then looking back. Some cops were staring at us and I sighed. "Look, school begins in 2 weeks, I won't stop my study so I have to stay here anyway." I need you... I closed my eyes, sighing. I knew I had to confront father, but I also wanted to stay. "Fine... but I am going back here immediately after. And if he tries this kind of trick again, he is dead!" I added the last furiously. Eric stroke my cheek. I'll protect you... and your family and friends. I wanted to say his protection didn't mean much, considering yesterday but I remained silent. "I am going home." I just said and he nodded. We walked out together and I walked to Ethan's car. I will pick you up tomorrow at noon. He kissed my forehead and I nodded. "all right, see you tomorrow. I stepped in and we drove away. Now you're gonna sleep. Ethan said in a 'no-discussion' tone. "Yes mom..." I muttered with a smile. When we arrived, Juliette held Ethan in the kitchen for a little while and I got upstairs, laying down on my bed. My eyes immediately closed and I drifted away in a deep sleep.

Light woke me up, but it was still dark outside. Ethan was hovered over me. "What time is it?" I murmured. "What's wrong?" Then I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek. "And why does my face sting?" Ethan sighed relieved. How are you feeling? I blinked, I didn't expect that question. "Like... I don't know. Fine I think..." You maybe need to see a doctor. He sighed and now I frowned. "Why?" He took my wrist, looking for my pulse. "Why are you doing that? I feel fine Ethan." You didn't look fine. He replied. I chuckled slowly. "I already told you I had a scary face." He didn't appreciate that joke. "All right, how did I look then?" You were paler... almost grey. You were cold and your pulse was very weak. It looked like... you were dead. Do you really feel okay? I shook my head. "I did until you told me I looked dead." You're seeing a doctor. I groaned. "Does a vet count?" I asked. You just... really scared me. Ethan said and he laid back down, staring at the ceiling. I rolled to my side and pushed me up my arm. "Hey... I really feel okay right now, so don't worry." I smiled and bowed down, kissing him softly. He kissed me back, then pulled me against his chest. You better go back to sleep. I snuggled against him, falling asleep almost instantly again. When I woke up again, it was 11.30 am and Ethan was gone. "Shit..." I muttered, only 30 minutes left. I quickly changed and got my stuff, then I walked out of my room, at the same moment Nick did from his. "Morning..." I smiled at him. Good morning. I walked up to him and hugged him, we stayed like that for a minute. "I have to go back." I said quietly. Absolutely not. Nick said. "I have no choice. Eric and I are going to confront our father and when school starts, I am coming back here." It is too dangerous, I won't let you. "I have to... I promise I will be fine, and I am not going to argue about it." He sighed and muttered something which sounded like 'stubborn'. We walked downstairs together at the same moment someone knocked on the door. I got it! Nick yelled towards the kitchen and he opened the door. There were standing two men there. What are you guys doing here? Nick asked, and then I recognized them, they were some detectives too. We're looking for Juliette Silverton. The left said, the other looked awkward. Oh, it is your girlfriend. We didn't put two and two together. I blinked, why were they looking for Juliette? Is she home? One asked. Is... there a problem? Nick asked. Not for her, the captain gave us her name as a possible witness to a bar fight. I looked at Nick, now frowning, the bar fight...? You want to talk to her about a bar fight? Nick asked. Yeah well, one of the guys in the fight died. I just stopped myself from gasping. When did he die? Nick asked. In the hospital, after the fight. I guess he was beat up pretty bad. Oh my god... I thought to myself in horror. Did we... kill someone?


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