Chapter 43

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Nick and I quickly walked to my car, our mother following us. We agreed that Juliette would stay as it could be dangerous. I drove so he could fill in my mother about everything. We quickly spotted the truck on a parking place close to Renard's building. Does Renard live nearby? Our mother asked and Nick nodded. 16th floor. She looked up at the building and walked away. I looked at Nick, who glanced at me at the same moment. Where are you going? He called after her, we quickly followed. I have been here before. She said, not looking back. "Mom!" I also called but she didn't stop. Nick caught up first. Mom, what are you doing? He asked. I am going to get that baby. She said, continuing her fast pace. What, you're just gonna walk in there and take it? Nick shot back, she snorted. It is not going to be that easy. Dread filled my stomach, this would go wrong if she did that. Nick thought the same because he laid a hand on her shoulder, stopping her dead in her track. Mom, listen to us. We need to think this through. She glared at us. Thinking is gonna get in the way. "Mom... if you go after that child, Renard will kill you." I said. Not if I kill him first. She shot back. I clenched my fists. Mom stop! Nick said. You can't just go up there and kill him. I am not going to kill him if I don't have to. She said but Nick shook his head. You have to let Elena and me talk to him first. She snorted again, somewhat amused. And how is that gonna go? She asked. You're a half-royal bastard zauberbiest and your little girlfriend there is a hexenbiest and I am a grimm, so give me the baby. That is gonna go over really well. Nick shrugged. I don't expect it to be easy. My mother sighed. I am sorry I put you both back into this. If I had known that the... "But you didn't." I interrupted her. "And there is nothing we can do about it now." Nick nodded. I just think we have to be a little more tactful than, you know, the usual. She looked at the both of us. What are you gonna tell them? "We will tell him that it is too dangerous for Adalind and the baby to live with him. It is not like he can just have a family and nobody take notice. The royals will figure it out." Your captain might not be interested in what a grimm thinks. He might just want to kill you. Nick shrugged again. Maybe not in what I say, but Elena... she is his half-sister, he clearly cares about her. Maybe she can try and talk some sense into him. "And I don't think he wants to be on the run for the rest of his life." I added. Our mother sighed. All right... but I am not gonna wait here all night. She turned and walked away, I rolled my eyes, feeling amused. That was mom... Hey mom. Nick said, she turned. We're glad you're okay. I smiled, nodding. You too. She said. We both turned and walked to the building. "This will be..." I began and Nick nodded, we didn't need to finish the sentence.

The man in the lobby pointed towards the elevator after he told Renard we were there. Once in the elevator, Nick handed me a gun. His own he left in the holster. I remembered to wear one and put it in there as the doors opened. I peered into the hallway, no one yet. Nick led me into it and at the end, by the door of his apartment stood Renard. One hand behind his back, I knew instantly he held a gun as well. He wasn't stupid. So... He began. I hear your mother is in town. Nick walked closer. That is the rumour. He said. I was under the impression that she was dead. Renard said back, Nick shrugged. We were under that impression for quite a while ourselves. He said. I am glad you two came alone then. Renard said, seizing us up. Not that I don't trust your mother of course. "Just to be clear Sean..." I said softly, his gaze going to me. "We didn't know about any of this until a couple of hours ago." Your intentions may be pure Elena. He said before his gaze went to Nick. I know how you feel about Adalind Nick. But if you try and take this child... it won't go well. My eyes flicked to Nick for a second, he didn't seem surprised. We gonna do this out here? He only asked. Renard hesitated before walking back into his apartment, leaving the door open. Nick went first, then me. Adalind stood in the middle of the room, holding her baby. She looked wary, yet her eyes softened a bit when she saw me. What do you want Nick? She asked. Personal feelings aside... Nick began. We are not here to hurt you or take your baby. But our mother risked her life to get you here. And if she hadn't... Adalind shut him off. I know what she did. What would she have done if she knew who I was? She asked. Or more to the point, who you are again. Nick shot back. She smiled, not a friendly smile. It is good to be back Nick. She said. She woged and I rose my eyebrows. Nick just looked at Renard. You find that attractive? Really? I sighed. "Nick... that is not why we are here." I said. We're getting of topic here. Renard agreed. Adalind woged back. I am not leaving here. So why don't you and your mom go on home and have a nice little grimm reunion? "Adalind... it is not safe. Not for you or the baby." I said in a soft tone. "If the Verrat knows where the plane picked you up they're gonna figure out where you went." You know the Verrat. Nick counted in. They work for the royal families, just like you used to. He turned back to the captain. And you don't think they're gonna know about your relationship with her? How is it she happened to be in Vienna in the first place and get the job with GQR Industries, owned by the royal families? Adalind's face twisted a bit. "The best chance you and the baby have right now..." I said, stopping Nick so maybe I could soften the tone a bit. "Is for us to work together." Now I don't like it any more than you do. Nick said. But it is not like we have a lot of choice here. And let me just say... it is not us you have to be afraid of. And you are gonna need our help. When you're ready, we'll talk. Nick turned and walked away without another glance. The corners of my mouth curled up a little to reassure them and then I walked after him. "That could have gone worse." I muttered as I caught up. Nick just snorted.

We just exited the building as our mother's voice came from our left. Nick... Elena! We turned around and walked to her. We got a problem. She said. What? Nick asked and she gave him a police badge. I read with him, Federal Bureau of Investigation, agent Weston Steward. "Where is he?" I asked, feeling a little panic in my stomach. She didn't kill a FBI agent... right? Over here! She led us to the front, towards a car. A man laid slumped in his chair. You did this? Nick asked. He isn't dead. She said back. But this isn't the problem. He knows Adalind is upstairs with your captain and so do the two guys he just sent around the back. "FBI?" I asked. I doubt it. She said. And we better get upstairs before they do. You two take the front. Nick and I ran back towards the building as our mother disappeared towards the back. "Contact them!" I said towards Nick. He nodded and took out his phone. As we walked in, Nick showed his badge to the guard and made the call. There are two men coming into your building. They know Adalind is there, get out now. I pressed the button of the elevator, thankfully it was still on the ground floor. The moment we stepped out, gun in hand, the captain already stood there, gun pointed. We all lowered it. What are you doing here? The captain asked. I quickly walked over to Adalind, laying a reassuring hand on her arm. Nick held up his hand to quiet them and I immediately reached out with my hearing. I heard it, running footsteps were approaching. "The stairs..." I muttered. The captain held Adalind down, protecting her body with his and I stepped in front of them. Nick turned towards the stairs as a hundjäger ran in, attacking him. Nick ducked, avoiding the punch and threw a punch back, taking him in a hold and turned him towards the stairs, just as another person shot at him. The hundjäger caught the shots, I shot back. the man hid in the staircase quickly. He didn't come back though and a few seconds later we heard a gunshot. Then our mother walked out. Renard pointed his gun at her and Nick quickly jumped between them. No! this is our mom. He lowered his gun, saying hesitantly. We have to get out of here. She said. That was hardly subtle. I looked at the dead man, to his hand that it... the tattoo was there. That is Verrat. I stated. Where is your car? Nick asked the captain. Downstairs, parking garage. He said. Get it, meet us out front and follow us. He said as we walked towards the stairs, going down.

I started our car and themoment the captain arrived we started driving. "So what is the plan?" I asked. Nick took out his phone, not looking at me. Go to Monroe. I stared at him. "Are you nuts? Do you really want to pull them into this?!" We have no choice. Nick sighed. I knew he was right, but I wasn't happy about this. He called, probably Monroe. He put it on speaker though. Hey Nick. Monroe's voice came from the other side. Now, I know you're not calling this late because you don't have a problem. Yeah, you're right. Nick said. Big one. Are you with Rosalee? You might want to put this on speaker. We heard him sigh. Hi Nick... Came Rosalee's voice then. "Hi guys." I said quickly. Hey Elena. Monroe said. You remember Adalind? Nick asked. You mean the Adalind who put Juliette in a coma Adalind? Monroe asked. Yeah, that is the one. Nick said. What has she done now? Rosalee asked. Well, she's had a baby. Nick answered. And she is back in Portland. And now we're trying to save her life. Excuse me?! Monroe said the same moment Rosalee's shocked what?! came out. Yeah, our mom brought her back. She is with us now. "Adalind is with you now?!" Monroe asked. "No, our mom." I clarified. Your mom is back? Rosalee asked. Wait a minute... Didn't your mom kill her mom? Monroe asked. Yes but Adalind doesn't know that. Nick explained. For a record she fell on shard of glass. Mom said. oh... said Monroe. You're... you're right there. I giggled quietly. Look we need a safe place for Adalind and the baby to stay. Mom said. Not for long, just for a couple of days. Where is the baby's father? Rosalee asked. That would be the captain. Nick said. YOUR CAPTAIN?! They were both shocked. Yeah, and he is coming too. Nick said. Hold on... Monroe said. Let me see if I've got a handle on this. Your mom, your captain, Adalind and her baby, Elena and you are all coming here to stay? No, just Adalind and the baby. Nick said. Look, I wouldn't ask if I knew a better way to do this. We will tell you the rest when we get there. We were close, and the captain was still behind us. There is more?! Monroe asked. A little bit. Nick added and he ended the call. I sighed deeply. "What an night..." I muttered.


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