Chapter 30

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The whole evening had been dreadful. After Sebastian pulled me back upstairs to father and Viktor – with a big smile of course – he hadn't let me go. From time to time I felt him stroke my hand or hair, but my thoughts hadn't been with their conversation, or even their presence. No, how could I keep my mind to this useless conversation when the man I loved was locked into the dungeon right under me, with deep wounds on his back and which probably wouldn't be treated anytime soon. All because of me... I closed my eyes in horror. I had to find a way to go to him, to treat him, to help him escape. Even if it meant I had to give up my freedom. He would be out of here soon. Maybe we should call it a night. Father suddenly said, looking at me. Elena looks tired. I didn't give him the satisfaction of replying, I just stood up. Let me lead you to your room. Sebastian said, offering me his arm. I stared at it for a second before taking it. That I was still thinking about Ethan didn't mean I didn't see his wicked grin or heard his ambiguous tone. We said goodnight to the others and he led me towards my room. The walk was silent, loaded with tension. I didn't trust Sebastian, not for a second. When we arrived at my room though he only kissed my cheek, wished me goodnight and walked off. I stood there for a few minutes, frozen. He walked away so easily, yet something in my mind told me this was just another game of him. He tried to befriend me again, I was sure of it. I sighed, opened the door to my room but once again, I froze. Lucas was standing in my room, his back towards me. "Lucas?" I said in confusion. He turned around, a  sad look in his eyes, though he didn't look at me. I am sorry Elena, I was the one who contacted Ethan. I blinked, and he looked down. It was never my intention to... I walked over and laid a hand on his shoulder. "I am not mad at you. This isn't your fault at all." You don't deserve this. He said, finally looking at me. You're too nice, too selfless to deserve any of what they are planning. I snorted. "Yeah, I know about the little breeding programme." I sat down on my bed. "Sebastian wanting me to bring little grimms into the world for the royal family." That is more what your father and prince Viktor want. No, Sebastian's motives are domination and pleasure. He said softly. "That he is a sadist I already knew." I replied, feeling my energy leave my body, so I laid down on my back. "What an exhausting day." I muttered softly. My worries about Ethan got to me again, and I felt the tears sting behind my eyes. Something suddenly pressed against my hand. I blinked and took it from her. A small, iron key laid in my hand. The key to Ethan's cell. Don't use it right away, they are expecting you to free him. I nodded. I also talked to the guards. They will let you through for a while to talk to him. But I should go now. I'll keep Sebastian away, and the king and prince Viktor never go to the dungeons anyway. This was more than I could have hoped for. I jumped up and hugged him. He blinked, but returned it. "Thank you... Thank you so much." It's the least I could do after everything I did. He walked to my desk and grabbed a small bag. This is everything you need to clean those wounds. I nodded and smiled at him before quickly walking out of the door. Lucas may be my only friend here.

I indeed didn't meet anyone on my way to the dungeon. I stayed in the shadows and listened, but no one saw or stopped me. It was cold down there, but my focus was completely on Ethan. The guards opened the door of his cell for me, closing it right away again. Ethan didn't look up, he lay passed out on the floor. A fist clamped around my heart when I looked at him. I kneeled down next to him and shook his shoulder lightly. He groaned, but didn't open his eyes. "Ethan..." I whispered and he opened his eyes in shock. Elena, what are you... He tried to sit up and groaned again, so I pushed him down again. "Stay down, I am going to treat your wounds. He bit his lip as I moved him a bit,  but he stayed down on his stomach. They left his shirt on the ground, so the wounds were visible. I tried not to shake, they were still bleeding and looked very painful. I opened the bag and took out gauzes, bandages, a towel and hydrogen peroxide. I put some on the towel. "This will sting a little." I said softly. I don't think there is much that can hurt more than infected wounds. Ethan said and I shook my head. He still tried to make jokes. I placed the towel gently on his wounds and he hissed through his teeth. I take that back. I concentrated on my task,  wiping the blood away and cleaning those cuts. After cleaning everything I placed the bandage on his back and started wrapping the gauze around it. When I finished I grabbed his shirt and helped him pulling it over his head. "This should do it." I muttered and helped him sit up against the wall. He leant against it with his head and closed his eyes. "I am so sorry." I muttered. Why? Ethan asked, not opening his eyes. It is not your fault. "But it is." I shot back. "If you didn't know me, you wouldn't be in this mess." My life would be boring. He said and I snorted. "I am serious Ethan!" He sighed and opened his eyes, suddenly pulling me on his lap. I squealed softly and looked up at him. He smiled and laid his forehead against mine. I would rather be in this cell for my love for you then leaving you here with those monsters. Tears now really appeared and I bit my lip. He kissed them away. I would do anything for you Elena... anything. Something snapped inside me and I pressed my lips onto his. He growled and returned it eagerly, wrapping his arms closer around me. This kiss wasn't gentle, careful. It was raw passion, and every inch of me was on fire. I now realized how much I had missed him. How everything seemed to fell into place when I was with him. How my body perfectly seemed to fit against his, how his warmth and scent made me relax. You're mine Elena... Ethan growled softly. I won't let him take you from me. I just snuggled against him, careful not to touch his wounds. "I will get you out of here, I promise." We stayed like that for a while, silent, until Ethan lifted my chin up to meet his gaze. Marry me. I blinked, surprised. "Ethan..." I mean it Elena, marry me. "But... what would everyone say?" I said softly, ignoring the butterflies in my stomach. He remained silent for a while, and I thought about it. Marriage wasn't something I had thought about, it seemed so normal, not like my daily life. But this warm feeling inside me when Ethan mentioned it. I couldn't reply because a guard came and told me that – by staying here – I would cause suspicion. So after another kiss I walked back to my room, making sure once again no one saw me. Or so I thought.

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