Chapter 16

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Juliette interrupted my shock. Come on in, I'll answer whatever questions you have for me. I didn't have time to ask Nick anything, because he immediately walked after Juliette and the two agents. I walked after them. There was no doubt that the person who died, died because of us. We must have done something. A hand on my shoulder made me look up, Ethan was looking at me. Are you okay? I shook my head. "No..." Juliette and the agents sat down in the living room, so I walked to the kitchen where Nick was already listening, he had a mug in his hands. I concentrated on my hearing as well. Did you ever hear of a Thomas Shirach? One of them asked. Yes, I believe he was the one they said was responsible for the bar fight. Juliette said. And what were you doing there? We were attempting to help the situation with the outbreak. The woman I was with, Rosalee Calvert, and I were familiar with the treatment for this rare neurotoxin. It is highly infectious and causes Lazarus syndrome. She sounded so casual... Have you seen the suspect? No... Juliette said. No, he was gone by the time we got there. A cracking sound snapped me out of my concentration. Nick's mug snapped in his hands, breaking into pieces. I stared it, shocked. Nick, are you okay? Juliette asked. Yeah, I just broke a coffee mug. One of the agents frowned. We're done here. Be careful with that coffee Burkhardt. Nick smiled at him and Juliette led them out. When the door was closed, Nick went with a hand through his hair. Someone died in that bar fight? He asked furiously. Why didn't you tell me? You didn't know what you were doing! Juliette shot back. You weren't yourself. Nick looked angry. That doesn't matter! If I killed someone, I have to turn myself in. Juliette shook her head. We all agreed on a story. I frowned. "Who agreed?" I asked. Me, Monroe, Rosalee, Hank, your captain... Nick still looked angry. So you are all lying? Juliette frowned. To protect you... the both of you. Nick shook his head. You can't do that. "Nick..." I whispered and he looked at me. "I feel the same... but now we can't do this, because if we do, every one of them will have to testify why they lied." We may have killed someone Elena! He walked to the door, took his jacket and went out without saying another word. I have to call Hank. Juliette said and grabbed her phone, I nodded. "I will go after him as well." I opened the door... and stopped in my tracks, supressing a yelp. Eric stood in front of the door, ready to knock. Well that is timing. He said with a grin. Are you ready to go? "Go...where?" I asked, confused and he gave me an exasperated look. To go back to Vienna? Or did you forget already? I groaned softly. Right... my promise. "Listen Eric..." Juliette stood next to me all of a sudden, glaring at Eric. What are you doing here? Eric sighed. I came to get Elena, we're going back to Vienna. Ethan suddenly stood on my other side. Absolutely not... she was in that state because of your father. What would stop him from doing it again? "Ethan..." Exactly. Juliette agreed. "I have to go..." I shot back. No you don't. Ethan said. Whatever promise you made, it was broken the moment they turned into that zombie thing. "I know, but I have to know why he did it and I have make it clear that I do NOT tolerate this." Ethan suck in a breath to continue, but Eric stopped him with a unexpected twist. I'll bring her in two days. I stared at him and he smiled. I thought you said you wanted to continue your study. I smiled lightly. Is that a promise? Ethan asked. I swear it on my family and life. Eric said seriously. If one hair is out of place when she returns, you'll have to deal with us. Juliette said, and Ethan's eyes started to glow red while he nodded. Eric bowed his head. I'll place your stuff in the car. He grabbed my suitcase and walked back to the car, I turned to Juliette. "Make sure Nick doesn't turn himself in." I called Hank already, he will try to stop him. "Let's hope it is enough." She hugged me. Don't let them hurt you again. I hugged her back. "I won't..." I'll tell Nick, don't worry about him. She stroke my cheek, then walked to the kitchen. Probably wanting to give Ethan and me some time. I buried my face in his chest and he held me tightly. Let me come with you. "I can't... I can't show any weaknesses at court. I don't want my father to hurt you." And I don't want to lose you again. He said softly. "Hey, you won't." I cupped his face. "I am a grimm remember? I'm a lot tougher than I look." Now he smiled softly. I know you are. But you saw what he was capable of. "The baron is dead, he can't use it against me anymore. And Eric will be there too. I'll be back in two days." I kissed him, he pressed me close against him and kissed me back, then he walked me to the car. I will hold onto that promise mister Renard... He said darkly against Eric, who nodded. Me too... I smiled one last time. "Tell Emma I will be back soon okay?" Ethan nodded and I closed the door. We drove off to the airport. Elena... Eric began but I held up my hand. "Just... don't talk okay?" I took out my headphones, plugged them in my phone and put on my music, I wasn't in the mood of talking.

I had ignored Eric the whole flight, I was busy with a plan. But the moment the plane touched the ground in Vienna, I was no step further. The only thing which came into my head was punching my father in the face and tell him exactly what I thought about his little stunt in Vienna. I kept my headphones in until we arrived back at the palace. Someone opened the door for us. Prinz Eric... Prinzessin Elena. Der König erwartet Sie. Aaaaand... back to German. Danke Patrick. Eric said and he led me inside. "I don't think it is a surprise that father is waiting for us." I said sarcastically. Calm down Elena, you can't just... I didn't wait for him to finish, I just stamped up to my father's study. Elena wait!! I didn't wait, my time of waiting was over. Father's study was closed, and vaguely I remembered my tour through the palace. 'Always knock when the door is closed.' Nope, not today. I burst through the door. Father looked up, more annoyed than surprised, there were also some Verrat agents in the room. Wonderful... I thought to myself. I didn't stop walking and before anyone could stop me, I pushed my father in the face, hard. He took a few steps backwards, one hand on his cheek. What do you think you are doing? He looked at me with pain and anger in his eyes. "What I am doing?!!" I yelled, completely furious right now. Elena! Eric's arms closed around me tightly and I struggled against them. "Let me go Eric!" You won't achieve anything with this. He said calmly and I somewhat relaxed, though I kept glaring at father. Who of course, glared back. What was the meaning of that? "Don't act all innocent!" I spat at him. "Don't tell me you want to go there. Do I have to remind you?" Elena... Eric said. Let me. I sighed deeply and nodded. Can I let you go? I nodded again and he did. I crossed my arms, glaring at the Verrat agents. They all woged and were growling at me. I grinned darkly, a silent challenge for them to try anything. Explain to me why your sister just punched me. Father said and I scoffed. Well... to begin, I completely agree with the anger she has, especially after the stunt you pulled in Portland. Eric said, father didn't move a muscle. What were you thinking? Trying to take Nick Burkhardt? It was a risky move and you lost. But not only that, you used innocent people. Father now looked at him. You know what we need to do. We have to find the keys. It is the only way to get our power back. I closed my eyes, counting till 10. Stay calm Elena... stay calm. I exhaled and opened my eyes again. "Don't you have limits?" I asked. I don't if it concerns my family. He said as if discussing the weather. You hurt Elena, and she is our family too. Eric said before I could reply. I was on a trail to find a key. But that plan is now too dangerous to continue. Besides, Sean won't forgive this. We can't have him against us. Father turned to fire. Sean knows better than to go against us. The grimm was the missing piece. "We don't have a key!" I spat out. "And may I remind you that 'the grimm' is my brother?! You turned him into a zombie!" He looked at me without any sorrow. That was the only way to get him here. It was like I got a slap in my face. "You promised me that my family and friends would be save if I stayed here. I obeyed you all that time! I went on those missions for you! I did everything you asked." Don't play dumb Elena. If there was a chance that you could return to Portland, you would. I had to make sure you would stay here. Something snapped inside me. And to secure my loyalty you had to infect dozens of people with the cracher-Mortel toxin, disrupt a whole city, wound a lot of people and even cause a death, try to kidnap my brother and eventually turn him into a zombie and last but not least... turn ME into a zombie as well?!! His face didn't show any emotions, and a few weeks ago that would have terrified me. But now... I felt calm, confident. He didn't scare me anymore. "You miscalculated on many things these last few days. It shot back at you. But the biggest mistake you made, is thinking you didn't have my loyalty. Regardless of what you may have thought, I considered you as family. Well, I still hated you for hurting my mother, raping her, keeping her locked up... but I cared about Eric and because of that I cared about you." Father chuckled humourlessly. You look too much like your mother Elena. He turned back to the fire. Yes, sadly the outcome wasn't as I hoped it would be. The grimm is a lot stronger than I thought. I will keep that in mind. "Oh father, you can forget that." I said quietly... darkly. "You lost me the moment you started your plan. If I ever find out about someone planning on hurting Nick or my other family, I will suspect you and I won't need prove. And no one... not your soldiers or the Verrat agents... can stop me then." One of the corners of father's mouth went up. Maybe you still got some of the Renard personality... He turned to the Verrat agents. Take my daughter to her room. Don't let her leave, but also make sure she gets everything she needs. Eric stiffened and I could see he wanted to protest. I held up my hand, stopping him. I just looked at him. 'Don't forget your promise'. My look said and I seemed to understand. I had expected this, and father was playing right into my trap. 


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