Chapter 39

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Warning! Sexual content ahead!

Nick didn't say a word to me during the whole flight. Eventually Juliette, Rosalee and Monroe came up and talked to me about it, but I guess my brother needed time to think this one through. I just had to hope for the best. It was somewhat reassuring that at least the rest did forgive me. Ethan was very... very sweet to me the whole flight, even so much Emma went to sit somewhere else because she – as she said it – 'couldn't bare look at us without having the feeling to puke.' A few minutes before we landed though she told Ethan she had texted Richard and Lorena before we left Austria, and I almost groaned together with Ethan. "Better to get it over with." I said softly, and he just glared at me. We landed, and the moment we stepped out of the plane there was a high, relieved scream. Richard and Lorena stood a few meters away from the plane and now ran towards Ethan and Emma, pulling the both of them into a hug. I smiled softly, they loved each other so much it was heart melting. This was how a family should be like. A hand suddenly touched mine and my heart lit up as someone intertwined his fingers with mine and squeezed my hand softly. Nick stood next to me, watching the Norwoods as well. We didn't speak, but we didn't have to. We understood each other perfectly Yeah, we would be fine... We had decided not to tell Richard and Lorena about the fact Sebastian had faked Ethan's death. The rest we did tell them, as well as explaining my plan. After pulling me into a hug as well that is. We also decided to go to our own homes, even though Ethan didn't want to leave my side. "I'll be fine." I said, kissing him softly. "Besides, I still need to talk to Nick." He nodded hesitantly. All right, but I'll see you tomorrow. I smiled softly. "Of course..." I kissed him one last time before he stepped in his parent's car. The captain would drop Hank, Monroe and Rosalee off and Juliette, Nick and I walked to Juliette's car. "I need sleep." I muttered softly, mostly to myself. I am sure we all do. Nick said back and I grinned a little. "For at least 1 month." They both chuckled softly.

I never realised I could miss this house so much as I sat down on my bed after taking a well-deserved shower. Dressed into sweatpants and a warm sweater and my hair into a lazy bun I drank the cup of tea Juliette just brought. I began thinking back about the last few days... what a rollercoaster ride that had been. I sighed deeply. Now I really hoped my father would keep his distance, I couldn't handle more of his drama. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. "Come in." I said, but I didn't need so see the person to know who it was. Nick opened the door. "Hey..." I said with a small smile. You look like the young woman you should be. Someone who should be worried about university and boys. I scoffed amused. "I am worried about university... and I just worry about my husband." He rolled his eyes. A 21 year old who is already married. Not a normal girl. I grinned. "I never was that kind of girl and I never will be." I know... Sometimes I just wish you were. He closed the door behind him and sat down on my bed as well. I eyed him. "You have questions." I said, knowing that look. A lot... He said back. "Well, I think I already know your first question." He rose his eyebrows. Which is? My smile faded. "You want to know why I didn't tell you about my plan." He nodded and I sighed. "The more people who would know, the more likely it would be to come out. I had to make Sebastian and my father believe I was broken. And for them to believe it..." I had to believe it. Nick finished and I nodded. "If you really thought I was broken, they would too. Because if I had had a plan, they thought I would tell you." But you told Emma. He said and I nodded. "I had to tell her Ethan was dead. And she is an amazing actress. I just had to tell someone." He sighed deeply. "I am sorry if I broke your trust in me." I said, looking down. "But I didn't know another way." Oh Elena... Nick whispered and pulled me against him. I blinked before burying my face against his chest, inhaling his oh so familiar scent. You carried the burden of your plan for weeks... you killed Sebastian. That is not something to take lightly. "I know." I agreed. "But I didn't know another way to be free." There wasn't... but I just wished it wouldn't have been you who killed him. You'll carry that with you for your whole life. Everything he did to you... "And I'll learn to live with it." I said firmly. You're so strong... He whispered while stroking my hair. Strong and beautiful. "Does that mean I am forgiven?" I asked, a smile could be heard in my voice and Nick chuckled. I could have never stayed mad at you anyway.

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