Chapter 46

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I supressed my tears the whole way back. I knew Nick was only doing what he thought was right. I knew he wouldn't abandon this girl. My conscious, my head... it all told me to go back, apologize and help him. But my heart spoke too loudly this time. I needed time to think, to come to terms with this situation. I arrived home and parked the car. Looking towards the porch, I saw light behind the windows. Thankfully Ethan was already home. I went inside, where I saw him sitting on the couch, a sorrowful look in his eyes. "Nick called you." I said, not a question but he nodded anyway. He is worried about you. I sighed deeply. "That wasn't my intention." I laid my bag on the dinner table and walked over to the couch, sitting down next to him. He pulled me close and I immediately relaxed once I inhaled his scent. He knows that... tell me what happened. So I did. I told him about the murders, about us finding Theresa Rubel and Nick's plan. Ethan just listened. I understand why you feel that way Elena. "But?" I asked, hearing it in his voice. No buts. You have to listen to what your heart tells you. For now this is the choice you make, and Nick will have to learn how to live with that. I sighed deeply. "I just feel like I am letting him down with this." You know he will never feel that way. Ethan shot back. "I don't know Ethan... I saw something of trust breaking. I could almost feel it." Ethan snorted. Like you can't be a little holding back, after last time. I flinched slightly, making him kiss my forehead. Trust me... he isn't mad. I didn't reply, I just closed my eyes and relaxed against him. Now about that break... Ethan suddenly said and I looked up at him, confused. "Break?" He chuckled. I thought you wanted to go on a second honeymoon. I stared. "That wasn't serious." He grinned. I was. He turned serious again. Especially now... you really need a break. You still have a week off, why wouldn't you? I thought about it for a moment. Maybe it was just what I needed, some time away from the drama here. Just Ethan and me... "But what about your job?" I asked. Ethan showed me his usual grin. All taken care of my love. He stroke my hair. What about a trip to Spain?

I wish I had a boyfriend that sweet! Emma made a face at me. I laughed, laying on my bed, watching her getting ready for a night of fun. We had told her about the plan to go to Spain, we would leave tomorrow morning. Then Emma, for some delirious reason, thought it was a good idea to clubbing. You can sleep in the plane. She had said. "I still don't understand why you want to go clubbing so badly." I groaned. We haven't seen Aiden and Matt for a long time! She protested and I rolled my eyes, smiling halfway. "It has only been a week." I said but she shrugged. Ethan and Ryan will be there too. She said, and then I understood. "You want to go out with Ryan!" I said and she shushed me. Shut up Elena! She glared at me, but I saw in her eyes that it was true. "Why don't you ask him out?" I asked and she blushed. I am not sure if he will accept. I snorted. "Oh please... You have that guy wrapped around your finger for a long time now." Emma turned back to the mirror, not answering. I grabbed my phone, texting Matt. "MATCH MAKING ALERT! WE HAVE TO COUPLE EMMA AND RYAN TONIGHT!" I was sure Matt would be into the plan. And there it was, a few minutes later. YOU GOT YOURSELF A PLAN HUN ;). I chuckled softly, not wanting Emma to know quite yet.

The club was crowded, but not that much that you felt locked up. Emma didn't like the clothes I had chosen, so she let me borrow some of her stuff. I still frowned at it. It was my plan to go in jeans with a black-purple glittery top, but of course Emma thought it was too basic. So she had borrowed me a white mini skirt and a black, off-one-shoulder top. Thankfully she agreed I could wear my black All-Stars. She herself wore a black leather skirt with a red top. She walked on black high heels. I just hoped she survived the night without sore feet... or broken ankles. Aiden and Matt were already at the club when we arrived, they were talking with Ethan and his friends, five in total this time. The moment we walked in, I saw Ryan's attention go to Emma. Matt saw it too and he wiggled his eyebrows at me. it won't be that hard to couple them. He whispered into my ear the moment I stood next to him. I giggled softly. Come on Elena! Emma grabbed my arm and dragged me onto the dancefloor. We need to dance the night away! She said with a laugh, starting to move to the beat. I laughed and followed her movements. The guys soon joined us. Aiden showed off his moves, which were too awkward that we all had to laugh. Matt on the other hand was an amazing dancer. When everyone was sweaty and breathing rapidly, Matt suggested a drinking game. "A drinking game?" I asked. "What kind of drinking game. Emma and I watched as Aiden, Ethan, Ryan and Matt placed a lot of shots on a free table. It is pretty simple. When it is your turn, you say something about yourself. True or false. Matt explained. Then the others guess together if you are telling the truth or if you're lying. If the group guesses correctly, the single person has to take a shot. If they guess it wrong, everyone else has to take one. Emma grinned. I am in. Ethan's friends nodded as well. I shrugged. "Why not?" I said.

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