Chapter 47

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Ethan POV

We were on our way back from Salamanca to Portland. Elena lay curled up next to me, her head on my shoulder. She was probably exhausted from last night. She had had nightmares for a long time now, but last night... it seemed to be the worst of all. She had woken me up by tossing and turning, murmuring in her sleep. And suddenly she had stiffened, and a second later she screamed. I had shaken her until she jolted upright. When she looked at me her eyes had been wary, she had looked me up and down. As if she was looking for something. And when I asked her what kind of nightmare she had, she said: 'the usual'. Nick's torture, she had told me. My 'death'. But I knew she had been lying. This wasn't just her usual nightmare. But she had asked me for a distraction, and I gave her the distraction she wanted. I had felt her love, her desperation... She had gone through so much. I sighed, thinking about what she had told me about Nick and the other Grimm girl. Maybe I should really talk to him about it. It couldn't go on like this. I glanced towards my beautiful girl, she was sleeping peacefully now, but who knew what was plaguing her dreams. I bowed down and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Emma picked us up from the airport and Elena was probably still tired, because the moment we were in Emma's car she curled up again and fell asleep. Emma glanced at me. Didn't you give her any sleep or what? I knew it was meant as a joke, but it came too close to the truth. I sighed. "Her dreams didn't give her any sleep, especially last night." My sister rose one eyebrow. Did she have a nightmare again? She asked and I nodded. "But this time it was different. She was more frantic, as if she had seen something horrible. Something she hadn't seen before." Emma looked worried. I looked at her. "Can you drop me off at Nick's place, then drive Elena home and stay with her. He really needs to know." Emma frowned. Elena won't like that. She said. I shrugged. He really needs to know. Emma did as I asked and dropped me off at Nick's place. When I knocked, he opened the door. He blinked in surprise. Ethan... He looked behind me. Are you all right? Is Elena...? "She is fine." I said immediately. "Well, safe at least." He opened the door to let me pass and I walked in. Did something happen in Salamanca? He asked warily. "Not until last night." I said. What happened last night? Nick asked. "She had a nightmare." And I told him about how Elena had reacted. When finished, Nick looked troubled. So she didn't tell you what happened in the dream? I shook my head. "But it is only getting worse." Nick sat down on the couch with a sigh. I sat down next to him. "There is nothing more we can do than just be there for her. And just hope she will open up." Nick nodded but seemed absent. I could guess what he was thinking. "She isn't mad at you for wanting to help that girl." I remarked. Nick snorted. Isn't she? I shook my head. "She understands. But she just can't handle to help you just yet." I know. It was stupid of me to think that. I patted his shoulder. "She will turn around." He smiled, but it was a feigned smile. Thanks for telling me this. I nodded and stood up. "I better go and see if she is okay." I walked to the door. Ethan... Nick's voice came from behind and I turned around. Thank you... for being there for her. You make her happy. I grinned at him. "Don't go all emotional on me now." He chuckled. Noted. I said goodbye and went home.

Elena POV

I scowled at Ethan when I heard he had been talking to Nick about my nightmares. But I couldn't be angry at him for long. I knew he just wanted the best for me, and maybe it was better that Nick knew. He at least didn't keep it from me. School started a few days later again, and I was glad to keep my mind off things. Emma, Aiden, Matt and I studied our butts off, I even didn't have time to go on cases with Nick. In fact, I didn't see my brother at all. Only texts. I had begun to text him to ask how it went with Trubel. He told me she was doing fine and that she was adapting to our life, whatever that meant. Maybe I would go check on them soon. But first my final assignment of Criminal Justice. I couldn't believe I was graduating in two weeks. Three years had flown by. And not only for me. Emma, Aiden and Matt were on their graduation track too. We had started planning our graduation party and of course Matt and Emma wanted to plan something back. Aiden and I had been able to stop them from inviting whole Portland. That night Ethan wouldn't be home for dinner tonight, so I was cooking for myself. I had invited Emma, but she had a date with Ryan. I was happy they became a couple, but I really needed to talk to her. I wanted the juicy details. I was just stirring my pasta sauce when there was a knock on the door. I frowned, I didn't expect any guests. Cleaning my hands with a towel, I walked to the door. When I opened it, Trubel stood on the threshold. She had her hands in her pockets, looking a bit uncomfortable. "Hey." I said, surprise lingered in my voice. Hey. She said. May I come in? "Um... sure." I took a step backwards, opening the door further for her. She walked in, looking around. Nice house. She remarked. "Thanks." I said. We stood there a little awkwardly. Hey, listen... Trubel began suddenly. Nick told me a little about your... history. I rose one eyebrow. This conversation escalated quickly. I understand that you're wary of me, especially after my behaviour when we met. I just looked at her, waiting for her to continue. I wanted to apologize... and to make sure you know that I am not... well... some evil grimm. I knew she wanted to make a joke. My lips curled up in a light smile. "I know you're not." I said. Oh, and I also don't want to come between you and Nick. "I know Trubel... it was just too much that day. I am sorry I reacted that way, it wasn't fair to you too." Trubel shrugged. I can understand how you felt. It was just a bit... She trailed off and I chuckled. "Strange?" I helped her. She even cracked a small smile. Something like that. I smiled at her. "Sadly strange is a common word in a Grimm dictionary." I said. I noticed. She countered and we laughed. "Thanks for coming here." I said. "I appreciate it. And I am looking forward to see you again." You too. Trubel said and she left. I closed the door behind her and smiled. "Strange indeed." I muttered and continued cooking.

"You got to be kidding me." I said, looking at Nick over my tea cup. We sat in my house, talking. A few days ago Trubel had come, at the same night I had asked Nick to come over. Nope. Nick said. She pretended to be a beggar to get into that group. She went there alone and took upon two Lebensaugers before Hank and I interfered. I grinned. "Badass..." I remarked. "I begin to like her more and more." He shot me a glare. Because she is as reckless as you. I grinned even more. "I take that as a compliment." I said teasingly. He chuckled. Of course you do. I took a sip of my tea, trying to calm my upset stomach. It began a few days ago and it hadn't faded. Nick looked at me. Are you all right? He asked and I nodded. "Just a stomach-ache." I said. "Nothing I can't handle." He nodded. So, where is Ethan? He asked. "Sport with Ryan." I shrugged with a smile. "Boys do what boys do right?" We talked for a little while longer before Nick decided to go home. He gave me a hug before he left. "I'll see you soon." I muttered into his shoulder. You better. He said with a grin before he left. I shook my head, amused while taking our mugs to the kitchen to clean them. I put them on the counter, suddenly not feeling well. Nauseous, I bent my head over the sink. Don't throw up... don't throw up... I hated it. I tried to force it down, but it was too late. My lunch came up, my stomach kept on contracting violently and forcing everything up and out. It took around half a minute before it stopped. I was still panting. God... I was really getting sick. Then it hit me. I was late... My hand slowly rose to my mouth. No way... that wasn't possible right? It wasn't the first time, but I hadn't even thought about it. Could it be that I was... pregnant? Only one way to find out. An hour later I sat on the couch, a pregnancy test on the coffee table in front of me. Waiting was torture. What if I was pregnant? I had never thought about it, not really though. I always knew that I wanted kids, I had always loved them. But after I discovered I was a Grimm... would I want to do that to my child? And what about Ethan, he was a Blutbad. What would our child be? I went with a hand through my hair. Easy Elena... don't go ahead of yourself. It could be nothing. Waiting the right amount of time, I exhaled and picked it up. Two lines... I was pregnant.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2019 ⏰

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