Chapter 36

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He left me alone soon after. The kiss he had given me had been long and sweet, yet I knew he felt triumphant. I sighed as soon as he was out of the room, why did I have to do this for my freedom? I remained in thoughts for a few minutes, really overthinking everything in my plan... when it hit me. Emma and the Norwoods didn't know that Ethan... Another lump formed in my throat and I pushed back my tears. I had to tell her. And I had to tell her about my plan. Someone had to know, and it couldn't be Nick. Emma was an amazing actress and she wouldn't judge me. But how could I contact her? "Sebastian..." I muttered. He would probably have my phone. All right Elena, time to jump into your role. I exhaled deeply before opening my door, walking to Sebastian's room. I so hoped he was there. I knocked but the door didn't go open. "Sebastian?" I asked through the door, no answer. Probably with father... I walked towards my father's study and I could hear muffled voices. I knocked, and a few seconds later my father opened the door. He didn't seem surprised. Elena. Peering into the room, I saw Sebastian standing at the fire place. I smiled at the both of them. Is there something you need my love? Sebastian said and my smile faded. "Actually yes. I... assume the Norwoods don't know about Ethan's death." Sebastian and my father shared a look. No, they don't. Why? Sebastian asked warily. "I owe it to Emma. Besides..." I started to smile again. "I want to tell her about the wedding. She is my best friend." I looked at the both of them. "She is invited right?" Sebastian smiled. Of course she is! And Aiden an Matthew too of course. They are my friends as well. Yeah right... I thought to myself but my mask didn't move. "Then I need my phone." My father looked sceptical, but Sebastian walked towards the desk and gave it to me. You'll have to charge it though, it is empty. I smiled and kissed him softly. "Thank you!" Sebastian's smile only widened and even my father smiled a little. I am proud of you Elena. He said and I smiled at him. "I am sorry I interrupted for something so small." As my daughter you are allowed to interrupt. I am still your father. "I know. Thanks dad." I kissed his cheek and left. The smile immediately disappeared as soon as the door closed behind me. All right, stage 1 was complete. Now for the hard part.

ELENA! IS THAT REALLY YOU? HOW ARE YOU? WHERE IS ETHAN? WHERE IS NICK? WE ARE SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU! I had to hold the phone away from my ear. "Are you alone Em?" I asked softly. It is really you! Please tell me you're okay! "Emma... are you alone?" I asked again. Yes why? I exhaled and a sob came out of me. Elena are you all right? Emma sounded frantic. You wait right there. Monroe, Rosalee, captain Renard, Hank, Juliette and I are on our way. We are at the Vienna airport. Shit... I thought to myself. "You shouldn't come. It is too dangerous." You can't expect us to not do anything. They kidnapped you and now... "Ethan is dead." I blurted out. "Sebastian killed him. I couldn't protect him and I..." New tears came and I couldn't stop them. Emma remained silent on the other side. "Emma?" I asked, my voice full of worry and regret. Please tell me you're gonna kill him for it. She suddenly growled. "I have a plan yes... but have to promise not to tell anyone." And I explained it to her. How I would convince Sebastian I loved him, how I would make him pay for everything he had caused. Emma was silent for a few seconds. Are you out of your mind? She suddenly said, calmer than I expected though. "It will work." I reassured her. Damn right it will work Elena, but the others don't know it is all an act. You'll hurt them. I sighed deeply. "I know. But they can't know. The more people, the more chance there will be for this to go wrong. You have to promise me Emma, don't tell them. And act like you don't know either." I promise. She said quietly. Although I am sure to lock you into a mental health department once we're back home. I laughed, hearing the humour in her voice. "I'll let you do that." She laughed too, but not as much as normal. "I am really sorry Emma. I should have protected him." I muttered. Don't you dare to apologize! It is not your fault. "What are you going to tell your parents?" Nothing... not yet at least. First we need to focus on getting you out. She sighed deeply. I love you Elena. We'll all be free soon. "I love you too." I ended the call and fell back on my bed. Now the hardest part would come... I had to tell Nick.

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