Chapter 31

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The blutbad is gone!!! I could hear Sebastian's voice even though he was probably in the foyer. That my room was soundproof didn't mean I couldn't hear anything coming from the outside. A few hours ago I walked back to my room, completely exhausted. The events of last night had haunted me the whole time, so there had been no sleep for me. And I was sure I wouldn't get any today. My door flew open, and Sebastian stormed in with my father a few steps back. I sat up slowly, just staring at him. "What do you want?" I asked tonelessly. Where did he go? My father asked calmly, though I saw by the look Sebastian gave me he on the other hand wasn't calm at all. I knew lying wouldn't help. "He went home." Did you help him escape? "Yes..." Sebastian growled. But you didn't go with him. My father said softly. "Apparently not." I said sarcastically. "I thought I made a promise, and because I am nothing like you, I keep up to my promises." My father's jaw tightened a little, but he nodded. I am happy to see you are still here. "Not for long." I shot back. Sebastian froze, my father's eyes narrowed. And why would that be? I shrugged. "I only have one week off. Viktor and I made a promise I could go back in a few days." Ah yes... My father said hesitatingly. "And if you don't mind, I slept like shit tonight." I glared at Sebastian when I said that, and he stared back. "And I would like to get some more sleep if possible. There isn't anything planned for the rest of the week right?" No, so you can do whatever you want. Dinner is still a family thing. Father said before he left, Sebastian stayed however. I thought I was clear... He began. And yet you're going against me again. I stood up, walking to him until we were only centimetres apart. "So what?" I challenged him. "Are you gonna rape me again?" His eyes darkened, and somewhere deep in my mind I was afraid I gave him a chance to do it again. You see it like that? He said through clenched teeth. "What did you expect?! It was..." I stopped and stared at him. Sociopath... He was a freaking sociopath. "Get out..." I muttered, turning away from him. Elena... He grabbed my wrist but I turned around and slapped him in the face. "You have done enough. Get out!" He stared at me for a second before – surprisingly – walking out. I fell back down on my bed and screamed in my pillow.

The next few days didn't have any big surprises for me thankfully. Sebastian stayed out of my way for some reason, so I didn't complain. He probably would go with me to America to see it that I would 'behave', so some days without him were a relief. The one thing that did surprised me was that Adalind came to my room a lot. First I was suspicious – hell, I had a good reason after everything she had done to Nick and Juliette – but eventually I opened up to her. She was pregnant, and she needed some support in here. It wasn't hard to see that Viktor and my father only saw her as the one carrying a royal child, not as a member of the family. Another shock though, the child wasn't Eric's, it was Sean's, or at least Adalind said that. That would change a lot, but I promised to keep it quiet. If it came out, she would be punished for it. Besides, her child would still be my family and even though Adalind may have done some bad things in the past, it was in my nature to forgive. Unless when it came to Sebastian that is. My last morning in Austria arrived, I had already said goodbye to Adalind and Lucas. I would miss the both of them, but there was no question that I would come back. I was just eating breakfast when my father came in. Your ride to the airport will be here in 30 minutes. He said with a frown on his face. I knew father didn't want me to leave, but a deal was a deal. I nodded slowly, not looking up from my plate. Oh, and your wedding with Sebastian will be postponed until next year. I snapped my head up, staring at him. "Why?" I asked warily. There are things we have to take care of first. Therefore he won't go back to Portland with you right away. He'll come over in a few weeks. Something inside me started to shine, but my rational part stayed wary. I didn't trust it for a second. "Okay... I guess." This was better than what I would have hoped for, I didn't need him back in Portland, especially because I didn't know how Ethan would react to him. I knew he hadn't told Emma and Nick about what happened here. He had texted me when he got back in Portland, and Emma's exciting text a few minutes later had brightened my mood. He had also said that he wouldn't talk about what happened here without me or that we were 'back together', so we could do it together. I sighed deeply, I didn't look forward to that conversation. But I also couldn't keep it to myself. My father stayed until I finished my breakfast somewhat later, and he also led me outside to the car waiting. He hugged me gently, but I didn't fall for it anymore. I stayed still. Have a safe trip Elena. He muttered in my ear. We'll see each other soon. He let me go and I stepped into the car, not once looking back. Texting both Ethan and Nick I would be at the airport in like 13 hours. "Stupid time zones" I muttered to myself. We would leave at 10 am in Vienna, and we would arrive around 2:30 pm. The idea of having a personal driver bring me back home I waved off quickly. I didn't want to feel like royalty for a while. I just wanted to be me again, normal. I chuckled to myself. As normal as a grimm's life would ever be that is.

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