Chapter 26

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An umbrella was placed above my head and I looked up slowly. Emma stood over me, her eyes worried. You're getting sick like this. What happened? She asked and I sighed deeply. "You should ask Ethan." I said softly, my voice broken. She blinked then shook her head. First we are going to take you home and then I will call my idiot of a brother. She helped me up. I faced the school, and suddenly I remembered the reaper's body. "I have to." That is already taken care of. A new voice said from our right. Sebastian, also holding an umbrella, was looking at us. I glared at him. Emma seemed confused, but she recovered soon after. Do you have a car? She asked and Sebastian nodded. Great! She said with a smile. So you can take Elena home. "I am not going with him." I growled before Sebastian could even reply. Emma looked at me like I was crazy. I can't take you. She said, like I had to understand I had to go with him. I have to tell Ryan that Ethan went home and Matt can only take two persons in their car. Don't worry, I will figure all of this out. She led me to Sebastian's car and after giving a soft scoff I sat down. She squeezed my shoulder and closed the door. She talked a little while with Sebastian before she walked away. He sat down next to me and we drove away. I turned away from him, not wanting to talk. He seemed to respect it, because he didn't try to make a conversation. The moment we arrived at home, I opened the door. I knew I was being childish, but at this moment everything felt like it was his fault. Elena... Sebastian's voice was soft, pleading. I am sorry it went this way. It is never my intention... I sighed deeply and closed the door again. "I know it wasn't... But you are not my babysitter. I can take care of myself." Well, if I didn't save you, you would have been dead. I looked down to hide my smile, he was right though. "I am sorry, I guess it is just a rough night." I took his hand and squeezed it. "Thank you for saving my life Sebastian." He smiled at me and squeezed back. I will always save you. Ignoring the desperation in his voice, I stepped out of the car and closed the door. The light in the living room was still on, so Nick was probably still awake. I walked inside, and there he was on the couch. But awake... He was fast asleep with a book on his chest. I smiled, studying him for a second. My brother had really changed after the whole 'you are a grimm' happening. I never saw him as relaxed as he was now. I didn't want to let him sleep on the couch though, so I shook him gently. He woke up instantly, almost jumping up. But he smiled when he saw me. Hey... did I fall asleep? He asked and I giggled. "Yeah, you did." He sat up and looked me up and down. Why are you all wet? I bit my lip, feeling more tears well up. Nick noticed because he stood up, laying an arm around my waist. Why don't you go and put some dry clothes on, then you can tell me everything. I nodded and walked upstairs. After a quick shower I dressed and walked back downstairs. Nick was already waiting for me, sitting on the couch with a cup of tea. I snuggled against him. Was the prom that bad? He asked and I shook my head. "The beginning was perfect." I said and started to tell him everything. From Sebastian's kiss a few days ago to the reaper attack and my break-up with Ethan. I am sorry Elena... Nick kissed my forehead and wiped the tears away, I didn't even notice I started crying again. "I don't know what to do Nick..." I said, my voiced sounded broken. "He just... walked away." I am sure he just needs time. And Emma will talk to him. I nodded slowly, laying my head against his chest. "I hope you're right." We sat like that for at least 15 minutes, not speaking. Maybe we should go to bed. Nick suggested and I nodded. "Maybe we should." We put our cups away and walked upstairs. Good night Elena. I smiled. "Good night Nick."

To my grief, Emma wasn't able to talk Ethan out of his decision. Even Richard and Lorena were shocked, but a few days after the prom Ethan left to visit their family in Germany. He ignored my calls and messages and after two weeks I gave up. I was desperate to talk to me him but what could I do? Nick and Emma tried to keep me distracted, and I knew they did it out of love but I wasn't really in the mood. The only thing I looked forward to was my training with Sebastian. Ironic I know, but now I had a reason to use my emotions. Not that it helped with my training – it made me weaker – but after a few times I was back in my old habit. I couldn't stay angry at Sebastian and we both developed our school-training-eat-training-sleep rhythm. Two swords going amazing Elena! Sebastian grinned at me as we were on our training field and I grinned back. "Doesn't it? I can finally master two swords at the same time!" I put them down and turned to Sebastian, getting ready to do some old-school fist fight. He grinned and nodded at me. I swung my arm towards his face but he ducked down, trying to hit me. I grabbed his arm and threw him away. He rolled over and onto his feet, beginning to throw punches at me. It was a short while of blocking and counterattacks before he was able to punch me against my chest, making me fall backward. Don't tell me you're letting me off easy. I grinned. "Maybe..." He chuckled softly. You're a horrible liar. You're becoming soft. "Oh really?" I acted offended and jumped up my feet. Running towards him, I kicked him against his chest, making him stumble back a little. I saw my chance to jump onto his back, laid my legs around his neck and bowed my body to let myself make a flic-flac toward the ground, throwing him off balance and flat onto the ground. We both jumped up, panting. I stand corrected. He said, smirking. I pretended to think. "Corrected yes, standing... hardly." I grabbed his arm and threw him over my shoulder. He landed on the ground again with a groan. Nice move cobra kai. I laughed and let go of his arm. He stood up. "I guess you should train more." I said mockingly. And what did you do to get so fast? He asked. "You really want to know?" He nodded. "Gymnastics..." I said and he started to laugh. "What?! That is a great workout." I defended and he chuckled again before making a kick towards my head. I ducked down, blocked his next punch but I couldn't prevent him from taking me into a gentle strangle hold, my back against his chest. I giggled and he kissed my temple. Maybe we should quit for today. I nodded, maybe we should. We grabbed our stuff and walked to his car. How are you feeling Elena? I blinked, hearing the concern in his voice. "Okay I guess." No you're not. You pretend to be fine. I sighed. "What do you want me to say Sebastian? He broke up with me and irrationally went to his family in Germany. He broke Richard and Lorena's heart with that. He broke my heart. But I can't keep crying. I still love him... but he needs his time and I have to respect that." He hurt you, it is okay to be angry or sad. That is what makes us human. I glanced at him with a smile. "Since when have you been such a know-it-all?" He chuckled. I guess since someone hurt my friend. He turned serious again, I didn't even realize we were back at my house. I just want you to know that I would never hurt you Elena... or leave you. I smiled at him. "Thank you Sebastian." Maybe it was the moment... or maybe it was just me wanting to know for sure... but at that moment I kissed Sebastian. Not hungrily, but a soft, gentle kiss on his lips. He froze before returning it to me, and then it heated up. We kissed, but after a few seconds all I could think about is that I hurt Ethan with this. I pulled back, blushing deeply. "I am sorry..." I muttered softly. Sebastian looked confused. Yeah... I had never heard him stutter before. "I should go inside." All right, see you tomorrow. I got out of the car, more confused than ever.

The next morning I was up early. It was not even 8am and I had already done my jogging routine. "And all this on a Saturday morning." I muttered to myself, walking back up the porch. Nick and Juliette weren't awake, so I decided to make some coffee and set the table. I was just finishing my cereals when Nick came downstairs. Good morning Elena. He smiled at me, I returned it. "Morning Nick." You are up early. I shrugged. "I couldn't sleep. Do you have to work today?" Nick sighed. Yeah, we got a case with a drowned boy. "Wesen related?" I asked and he shrugged. We don't know. Let's just hope we have a normal case for once. What are your plans for today? "I was thinking of studying." But I thought it is your vacation. Nick looked confused. "It is, but we have an exam week after that." If you say so. Juliette will be home as well so you two have the house... Nick was interrupted by a knock on the door. He looked at me. Are you expecting someone? Emma? I shook my head and stood up. "Not that I know of, and she wouldn't knock." I walked to the window and looked outside invisibly. Two men were standing at our door, looking impatient. I frowned and opened the door. "Can I help you?" I asked, eying them wearily. One man looked at me, his expression blank. We are sorry for the interruption princess. He said with a very thick German accent. But prince Viktor would like a word with you. Viktor? I thought with a frown, what is he doing here? Who is Viktor? Nick asked, standing next to me. "My cousin..." I muttered. "Where is he?" I asked the man, and his companion nodded towards the car. We just have to check if your house is safe. I scoffed. "It is the house of two grimms, so probably the safest there is." The men looked at each other before turning back to the car. The second they did, Viktor stepped out. I held the door open for him as he walked up the porch. My dear cousin, how are you? He kissed my cheek and I looked up at him. "What a unexpected surprise Viktor." I said calmly and one corner of his mouth curled up a little. Yes, I was in the area and I would like to... discuss something with you. "Please come in then." I said, and he did. The bodyguards followed and I rolled my eyes. Inside, Viktor looked at Nick. And you must be her brother, Nicholas Burkhardt. They shook hands. Thank you for taking care of her. Nick didn't move a muscle. I am not taking care of her, my sister is quite capable of doing that on her own. I smiled invisibly, Nick sounded irritated which I supported big time. "What did you want to discuss with me?" Actually, the king sent me to get you. Viktor said and I frowned. "Why?" I asked wearily. We know you left because it was too hard for you to be around when Eric died. I clenched my fists a little. "Yeah, I did. And it is still hard for me." We totally understand. But this week there is the 500th year's anniversary of our family ruling Austria. And you, as part of the family, should take part in this. I sighed deeply, I knew this was true. There are just a few festivities we have to attend, and then you can go back home. I understand that you have a week off? Viktor continued and I nodded slowly. Excellent. We will pick you up this afternoon and make sure you go home next week. "I guess I don't have much choice, do I?" I asked and the other corner of Viktor's mouth curled up. Not really. I sighed again. "Fine, I will be ready tonight." Excellent. Viktor walked back to the door. Then I will pick you up around 8pm. Father will have a few surprises for us once we get back. I frowned, but nodded. "Sure." Viktor turned back to Nick. It was a pleasure to meet you Nicolas Burkhardt. Maybe we will see each other again. He smiled one last time, kissed my cheek and walked out. Anniversary? Nick asked the moment I closed the door and I shrugged. You knew about that? "Yeah, I did. I just hoped it didn't have to take part of it." Well, sadly you have to. "I know. I didn't look forward to it at all. But what choice did I have? Your cousin is kind of... intense. I scoffed amused, Nick didn't know half of it.


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