Chapter 40

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We had the most amazing time in Greece. We explored the whole island, we went snorkelling and diving. But most of all we relaxed on the beach and enjoyed each other's company. I wished it would last forever, but of course we had to go home. The moment we arrived at the airport of Portland we immediately noticed the rain. Ethan snorted. We had the most amazing time with the most beautiful weather. But I guess it isn't really a surprise that it is raining here. I giggled and we left the plane, walking towards the arrival hall hand in hand. Elena! Ethan! Over here! Emma's voice came from our left, she was waving at us. Next to her stood, to my surprise, Nick. I hugged my brother tightly, he smiled. If you missed me that much maybe you shouldn't leave again. Rolling my eyes I punched him in the stomach lightly. "Very funny." I said, but I did smile. Tell us everything! Emma said with a certain glance of enthusiasm in her eyes, telling me SHE wanted to tell us something. Ethan saw the same because he shook his head. First you're gonna tell us what you want to say from the moment you saw us. Emma made a face. I don't want to tell you anything. Not here at least. I rose my eyebrows, confused but Ethan just sighed. What did you do? He asked, making Emma only look more innocent. Nothing, I swear. Nick chuckled. Let's go home so you can tell us about your time in Greece. Ethan and he took the luggage while Emma and I hooked our arms together and walked towards the car. Nick drove us back to the Norwood manor where Richard, Lorena and Juliette were waiting. After a big welcome back we sat together in the living room with a cup of coffee. Ethan and I told about the whole week, and later Emma told about what happened here. Not much, except for the fact that she had helped Nick with a case. I stuck my tongue out to her. "You're not trying to replace me are you?" She giggled. Of course not! Ethan leaned back against the pillows of the couch, pulling me with him. On a more serious note now... what did you plan Emma? I know that twinkle in your eyes. I was curious as well. Emma looked towards her parents who shrugged. Well... She began. After everything that has happened the last few months we had to postpone everything. I blinked. "Like what?" First of all your honeymoon. Juliette said, joining in the conversation. "Which we had now." I said, feeling confused. Yes honey, but there are more things you have to think of now you're married. Lorena said. I looked at Ethan, he looked confused as well. Like what? He asked. You need to have your own house of course! Emma exclaimed. I stared at her, Ethan didn't look surprised though. We looked through some houses already during our engagement time. We found a house, but we didn't have time to make a bid. We can still do it. Emma started to blush. Well actually... She said softly and my eyes widened. "Don't tell me you guys already BOUGHT IT?!"

I stared at my best friend, and she grinned innocently. Richard just nodded and Lorena smiled. I glanced at Nick, who was just eying me. "Please tell me you didn't..." He smiled softly. Emma threatened to rip my throat out if I didn't agree. I was shocked. It was true Ethan and I had been looking for an apartment or house of our own. We had found one, two blocks away from Nick's and Juliette's house but after the whole circus in Austria we hadn't had time to buy or even make a bid for it. I just remembered you two telling me you loved the house. We all just wanted you two to finally be happily together. Emma fiddled her thumbs, she looked nervous. A warm feeling spread in my stomach and a smile started to spread on my face. So much love... there was so much love in this room from everyone to everyone and it felt so amazing. Ethan was still frowning though. That is not something you should have interfered with... I slapped his arm softly and he groaned. "Stop it. They want us to be happy. Isn't that all what matters?" I said and he sighed. I know... but I just graduated and don't even have a job yet. And you're still going school. I just don't want to be dependent on your money. The last thing he said towards his parents. Oh hush. Richard said. We'll talk about that later. We had Bud take care of the kitchen and bathroom. Nick, Monroe and I took care of the painting and the garden while Juliette, Rosalee, your mother and Emma took care of the cleaning and the decoration. Everything is ready for you to move in. I saw Ethan wanted to protest again, but I laid my hand on his arm. "It looks as if you don't want to live with me." I said teasingly, making everyone laugh. Ethan kissed my forehead. Never would I say no to that. He whispered so only I could hear. "Then stop complaining." I turned to Emma. "And show us my new home."

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