Chapter 34

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A/N: Hey everyone! Just a small note before I continue this story. Actually it is a shout-out to a very special person. Someone who I met because of this story, who I began to know during long night conversations, on both sides. Who helps me a lot with this story, coming up with awesome brainstorming sessions and who is a great inspiration. We may live more than 8000km apart but it never seems that way when we're talking! Thank you SO MUCH for helping me out with this story!

I woke up, moaning. I had an enormous headache and my body felt heavy. I opened my eyes slowly, what the heck had happened? I took in my surroundings and froze. This wasn't my room at Nick's house... this wasn't at the Norwoods or some hotel. This was my room in Austria. Then it hit me again. Sebastian's intense eyes, Nick and Ethan being dragged off, Juliette's scream. No... no no no. This was bad, this was really bad. I looked at myself. Instead of my wedding dress I wore skinny jeans, a simple black shirt and the black all-stars I kept here. Someone had changed my clothes and I so hoped it hadn't been Sebastian. This would make it easier to fight though. I stood up and sprinted to the door. Locked... of course it was. I started banging on it, not really caring who opened it. I had to find Ethan and Nick, they were not safe here. A key was turned around in the lock and I stepped back, ready to pounce my way through. The door swung open and some guard walked in, his face grim. I didn't give him any chance to say something as I pounced on him, grabbed his head and smashed it against the door frame. He was unconsciousness immediately and I ran into the hallway. Screaming came from behind me but I didn't look back. "Dungeon..." I muttered to myself, running there. Two Verrat agents ran towards me, but I sidestepped the first, kicking him against the wall. The second swung a fist at me, but I grabbed that one, laid my arms around his neck and held tightly. After a short fight he slumped to the ground. I laid two fingers against his neck, still feeling the pulse. Good... My head protested but I ignored it, continuing my way. I reached the door of the dungeon, yet I couldn't open it as someone grabbed my arm, swinging me back into the hallway. I fell, but rolled so I could jump up immediately, turning around. Sebastian stood in front of the door, a small grin on his face. Visiting hours are over sweetheart. I held my fists in front of my face. "You can't stop me." His grin turned wider. You can't take me on. I attacked him but he jumped out of my reach quickly, my fist missing his face by inches. All right... He muttered, then we will do it the hard way. Now he attacked me, and I wasn't fast enough. His feet connected with my stomach and I cringed down, though still able to avoid the hand trying to grab my arm. I lashed out with my fist again and this time I hit his side. He stumbled a step before regaining his balance. We circled around each other for a second. I thought you said you'd never break a promise. Sebastian mocked, though his eyes were looking for a way pass my defence. "I never break a promise when I made one. The one I made to you was totally forced." I shot back, doing the same thing. Yet a promise is a promise. I wonder what your brother thinks of this. Not that we can ask anytime soon. We almost strangled him to death at your wedding. I stiffened for a second and that was all Sebastian needed. He managed to grab my arms, even with my resisting, turned me and pulled my back against his chest, holding me tightly. God, you're so predictable Elena. The ones you love are your weak point, they will always be your weak point. "At least I have people I care about, no one could ever love you." I said with a snarl and his face turned angry, although I saw some hurt. I have one person I care about. He said and I rolled my eyes. "Let me guess... yourself." I said and he frowned. You... but yet you betrayed me. I wanted to reply, but another presence entered the hallway. Enough fighting. My father said, eying us. His gaze was cold as he walked in front of me, staring into my eyes. I stared right back and he lifted his hand, slapping me right in the face. My head snapped forcefully to the right and I bit my lip. That was for defying me. I thought I was clear when I told you you were marrying Sebastian. "You arranged it behind my back, you're not my only parent." The king didn't even more as blink. And where has your mother been all those years. You only met her one year ago. Ouch, that hurt. I wouldn't show it to him though. "I met you one year ago too." I shot back. Yet I have done everything to find you. He looked back at the door towards the dungeons. You have been out for three days. Maybe that smash to your head was too much. Your brother is quite a character. I went rigid. "If you hurt him more, I swear to god..." We do what we have to do. With him here as well we have three grimms in our forces. He'll come in handy. A Verrat agent came out of the dungeon, and seeing the blood on his hands I paled. The grimm woke up your majesty. The king nodded. Excellent. Let's us go and see them. He followed the Verrat agent down and Sebastian followed, still holding me tightly. I struggled but he wouldn't move an inch. I have so many fun things planned. He whispered in my ears, sliding a hand down my side. I shivered, having a feeling what he meant.

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