Chapter 20

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Emma's POV:

I drove, Ethan sat in the back of Elena's car with her on his lap, talking to her. My mother sat next to him, my father on the passenger seat next to me. I drove like a madmen, hoping the police wouldn't notice. We needed to arrive at the hospital soon. Emma, slow down! My father said sharply but I growled at him. "Elena is dying, because she saved us! I am NOT slowing down." You're going to get us all killed. I kept my attention on the road and blocked him out. At the moment they had done enough. We wouldn't have had this problem if you hadn't called the reapers. Ethan suddenly growled. I glared at him through the rear-view mirror. I agreed with him, but it wasn't the time to argue about that. I drove onto the parking lot of the hospital, stopping in front of the door. Ethan jumped out and ran inside. Park the car. I growled at my parents and went after him. Ethan already reached some nurses, who were now running everywhere. They took Elena over and put her on a bed, riding her away. I laid my arm around my brother. "She will be okay now..." I whispered. Let's hope so. He said. His eyes will full of worry, his face pale. The wounds on his arms were healing slowly and he covered them with his sleeves. "Someone has to call her brother." I said suddenly and he made a face. I don't want to die yet. I smacked his arm. Fine fine, I'll call him. Ethan walked away. I sat down in the waiting room, Ethan joined me a few minutes later. He is coming. We waited, at some point our parents joined us, but we didn't look at them. Fifteen minutes later Nick joined us. What happened? I saw my parent's fearful look but I informed him about everything. And what are they doing now? Two nurses interrupted us. Are you the girl's family? One asked. I am her brother. Nick said. Then come with me sir. She led him away, probably to gather some information. The other nurse motioned us to follow her. We walked with her, our parents stayed behind. She lost a lot of blood, and right now we're holding her in a coma. She is stable though. "Can we see her?" I asked. She hesitated. All right, for a few minutes. She led us to a room, Elena lay on one of the beds. She looked so small and was almost as white as the sheets. She had a tube in her mouth for air and fluids went in her arm. The EKG showed a steady heartbeat though and I calmed down. I sat down next to her. "God Elena... never do that again. You gave me a heart attack." I smiled lightly and took her hand. "You may be a grimm but you're not invincible, we can't lose you." I suddenly felt a softly, almost not noticeable squeeze. "Ethan!" I started to grin. "She squeezed my hand!" He smiled. Maybe she heard you. I squeezed Elena's hand back and closed my eyes relieved. The hand under me suddenly started to shock, a nanosecond later Elena's whole body began to shock. She started to groan. I jumped up. "Oh my god... Elena!" I screamed. Ethan ran to the door and shouted into the hallway. Help! Then he ran back. "They said she was stable!" I said, almost in tears. I held her, preventing her from falling out of bed, suddenly she stopped and didn't move again, the EKG line went flat. I need the room. A strange voice harshly said, the doctor. Get out, I need the room. He shoved us back, another nurse led us out of the room. A nurse removing the pillows off the bed, Elena laid flat now. Starting compressions. The doctor nodded. Epi, push. Epi... He said before we were shoved out the room, the nurse closed the door. I buried my face against Ethan's shoulder, we stood next to the window. Inside, one of the nurses began with CPR while the doctor got the defibrillator ready. I was terrified, but I couldn't look away. The electrodes were placed onto Elena's chest and when finally the shock went through her, her body jerked up... but the line stayed flat...

Elena's POV

I opened my eyes slowly, I had expected darkness but I stood in a familiar meadow. "Vienna..." I muttered softly. I was back in Vienna, standing in the meadow Eric took me after an afternoon full of training and missions. We had a picnic and he told me about his childhood. But why would I be here now? Elena! A soft voice... his voice. I tensed and closed my eyes. No, this was unfair... I didn't want to cry now. Still, I turned around. Seeing him, my whole body relaxed. "Eric!" I ran to him, still afraid he would vanish when I touched him but he caught me, holding me tightly. I buried my face against his chest and cried. He stroke my hair, comforting me. "I am so glad to see you..." I muttered. I am happy to see you too. I smiled and looked around. "Why are we here?" I asked and he smiled. Because it is a happy place. I smiled too and we sat down. For a few minutes we just sat down, enjoying each other's company. I looked up at the cloudless sky, I had my brother back. Elena, you can't stay here. I blinked. "W-What?" I said, trembling. "Of course I can stay here! I want to stay!" That last almost sounded desperate, I didn't want to let him go. You don't belong here. He smiled sadly. I do, I died. He said quietly. "So did I!" I shot back. "Otherwise I wouldn't be here." Right...? He stroke my cheek. No Elena, your mind just brought you here. You're in a coma. Suddenly I remembered. The reapers, Emma and Ethan, the scythe going through me. "I" I began. "I tried to save them, and I believe I did. I just..." You put them above yourself. Sometimes you're irritatingly selfless, you know that right? He said with a frown. "Yeah, maybe." Anyway, they need you. You really can't stay here. I held him tightly. "And I need you! I don't want to leave you, not again." Tears came again. I know you don't. He said softly, wiping the tears away. But I will always be with you and when you need me, just think of me. He kissed my forehead. Now go, go back and live. The world needs you. I felt a pull, it wanted me away, or back... however you want to call it. I hugged him one last time. "I love you Eric." And I love you Elena... forever

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