Chapter 13

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Ethan, Emma and I ran into the neighbourhood Nick was in, but we were ambushed immediately. Two people ran to us, they seemed enraged by something. "Duck..." I said to the both of them and ran towards our attackers. Knock them unconscious. Nick had said. I dodged the first man, hitting him against a vital point in his neck, he fell down immediately. The other one was somewhat harder, but after a few punches I could grab a stone and hit him against his temple. Fast reflexes... Emma said and I shrugged. "Let's move quickly." I just saw Nick and Hank carrying out a body into a car. "Nick!" I said and he looked up. We need to go to the spice shop, right now. I nodded and motioned Emma and Ethan, we sat down in the back of the car. We drove there quickly, carrying him inside. Well, he looks dead. Monroe said, he was waiting for us with Rosalee. He probably was for a while, but he's not now. Nick and I cuffed him to the bed. So far we've seen three just like him. Hank said. "I smashed two other down as well." I said. Five? Rosalee asked. That we know of. Nick said. Two were pronounced dead, then got up and caused a lot of trouble, so we brought this one here. We went through the books and found something that we think might explain it. I raised my eyebrows. You mean the guy with the top hat? Monroe asked and Nick nodded. The cracher-mortel. There was also a reference to a voodoo priest known as baron Samedi among other names. I frowned suddenly. "Baron Samedi?" I asked. "I've heard the king talking about him once..." Any information what we can use? Nick asked and I shook my head. "I can't remember." My phone went suddenly and I dug it out of my pocket. "It's Eric..." I walked away from the others and took it. "Hey..." I said. Elena? Where are you? Everything is getting crazy around here. A lot of assaults. "I am with my brother... don't worry, I am safe." I said. Good... zombies aren't good things. "Hey Eric..." I said. "What do you know about baron Samedi?" Why do you want to know? He asked. "It is just a question... might have something to do with the craziness in the city." I said defendingly. I only know him by name, father knows him personally. "Okay" I said, disappointed. I want you to stay inside okay? Don't go anywhere stupid. I'll call you when I pick you up, we're not staying long with this chaos. I frowned. "I am kind of busy now Eric, I am helping Nick. This isn't a mundane thing, the wesen world is involved." Elena... "No Eric, I have to." He sighed. All right, but be careful and keep in touch. "I will..." I hung and walked back. We have to get back to the precinct. Nick said. You two okay if we leave him here with you? Just as long as you keep him handcuffed. Monroe said. Nick looked at me. "I know... we'll stay here until you have more." I said. Thanks Elena... He kissed my forehead and left with Hank. Emma and Ethan looked somewhat uncomfortable. "If you want to go home, you can go." I said, but they shook their head. You need us. Ethan said, laying his arm around me and I leaned my head against his shoulder. After they informed me about the plan, we watched Monroe and Rosalee making the doses. We gotta get it into him before he... Monroe began but a groan cut him off. I looked back towards the bed, the man sat up, looking around. Oh, you're up... Monroe began. Uh... probably wondering where you are. We're your friends and we just want to help you. We want to make you better. We all nodded, but the man stood up, screaming. I pulled Emma and Ethan behind me. "Get the shot Rosalee..." I said while the man started to kick down tables. Dude! Just cool down! Monroe said. I don't want to have to hurt you, but if you hurt me... Suddenly the man kicked Monroe between his legs who grunted. "All right, that's enough..." I said and punched the man across his face. He fell down. Lift up his shirt! Rosalee said and I did so. She stoke the... syringe in his stomach and pressed down. The man remained still.

We all waited... for hours. "Okay... he takes his time." I muttered softly. Just at that moment the man gasped and sat up. He looked at us, scared. W-Who are you? He asked panicked. Where am I? what's going on here? Emma and I blinked, Ethan frowned and Rosalee and Monroe looked at each other. I think it worked. Rosalee said and I sighed relieved. "Good... I'll call Nick." He dug my phone out of my pocket and called. Elena... Nick picked up quickly. "He is awake." I said. "It looks like the stuff we gave him worked. But he doesn't remember anything like how he got here or what happened to him. You really need to get down here." I am on my way. He said and hung up. "Nick will come over." I said to the others. Again we waited, but Nick didn't take that long. Monroe opened the door. Hey, good you came so fast. And... you took Juliette. I blinked as she walked in. She smiled awkwardly at me. I know everything. I blinked again. Yeah... Rosalee looked at me. She asked for a woge... we showed her and well... "It's fine." I said. "Actually... I think it is for the best." Juliette smiled at me. Where is he? Nick asked. "Over here..." I nodded towards the bed where the man sat. Nick sat down in front of him. Hey Al... I need you to tell me anything you can remember about your last call. Do you remember if he was wearing a hat? Al frowned then nodded. He sure was. I mean, I remember that most. It was a top hat, like Lincoln wore and... well, that and a lot of pain. It felt like my head was being crushed. Nick nodded. What about the car? Al thought for a second. It was a '73 Buick Centurion. Supposedly it didn't start but when I tried, it did. I just don't remember much other than, like a big black room? I think he took me there. Nick nodded. All right... Was there anyone else there? He asked. There were others. Al said. I mean... a lot. I thought I had died and gone to hell. I frowned. "Do you remember where this was?" I asked suddenly, which made him look at me. Sorry, I don't. There was like... moaning and yelling. Could have been like... the sound of a loud horn. Ethan frowned now. Like a train or a ship? He asked. It could have been a truck. I mean, I don't know. Nick nodded again. All right, anything else? He asked. Green... Al suddenly said. There was a lot of green before everything went black. Juliette had been frowning the whole time. What kind of wesen are you? She asked suddenly and I groaned in silence. What? Al asked. Monroe stepped in. he is not a wesen... Juliette looked awkward. What is he then? She whispered to him. Human... Monroe answered. Nick motioned Monroe and me and we walked with him. A car we found was left across from the container yards, and some of those containers were green. I'll bet you it'd be pretty damn dark in there if you got shut in one. Monroe nodded. Should probably check it out. He said. Rosalee walked to us. What do you want us to do with Al? Because he starts to ask a lot of questions and we don't have a lot of answers. Nick thought for a second. I'll send an officer to pick him up. Rosalee looked worried. He said there were a lot more. If you want us to treat them, we're going to need a lot more antidote. Nick nodded. Start making it. Juliette stood next to us as well. I want to help. She said. Nick looked doubtful but I nodded. She is a vet... and we're gonna be giving a lot of injections. Monroe joined in. I guess she's sort of familiar with what we do here. Rosalee suddenly frowned. But why is that guy doing it here in Portland? What is his reason? Nick frowned as well. I was reading in the books and there is reference to one of these guys starting a revolution. Rosalee looked doubtful. A revolution in Portland? It might not be connected. Nick said, then looked at me. but a royal is in town. Monroe was shocked. A member of the royal family came with you? He asked while looking at me. "This isn't Eric's doing." I said immediately, but for some reason I didn't sound convinced. I thought about it for a while, and it made sense. Why didn't he want to tell me about his reason to be here? Maybe... he was the reason behind this. It sounds kind of revolutionary to me. Nick nodded. And the captain said he was gonna make a play for the key. Monroe sighed. So he knows about the key... I frowned. "I told him we didn't own one." I don't think he believed you... Nick said softly and I sighed. "I guess you're right." Man... I didn't want to suspect Eric, but everything pointed his way. Nick gave the key to Rosalee. I need you to hide this. She nodded and took it from him. Let's get to work with the antidote...

After making as much as antidote as we could, we drove towards the container yards. Before getting out, Nick gave me a gun. I took it, hoping I wouldn't need it. Where do we start? Monroe asked when we stepped out. We start with green containers. Nick said. I looked at Emma and Ethan, they insisted to come with us. "Stay close." I said and they nodded. Guarded with flashlights we walked inside the maze of containers. After some time, I heard shouting, grunting. "Guys..." I said, making everyone look up. Nick froze, hearing it as well. three, four zombies came around a corner. Nick and I nodded at each other and waited for them to reach us before we started to try to knock them down. Ethan, Emma and Monroe woged and started to help us. Rosalee and Juliette started with the injections. Suddenly... more growling and grunting. I don't think we made enough antidote. Juliette said, looking towards us. We all turned in that direction as more zombies approached us. Oh man... Monroe said. We're not going to be able to take them. He looked towards us. You might have to shoot a few! Nick frowned. I can't, they are innocent victims. Emma growled softly. They won't be innocent for long. She said. "Does everyone get the feeling we walked into a trap?" I asked. I got the feeling we have to get out of here! Like now! Monroe screamed. The others ran, Nick and I started to smash some off to give them time. Split... Nick said at me and I nodded. Hey! Over here! He screamed and ran one way. Some followed him while some came after me. I ran another way... after around a minute, someone grabbed my arm and I was yanked into a container. I wanted to smack him, but Eric's face came into my vision. Elena! It is me! I stopped and stared at him. "What are you doing here?" Then my stare turned into a glare. "You did this! This was all your plan!" No! He said. I came here because I wanted to find out who is behind this. We have the information it is someone of the royal family. "Then who else could it be?" I snarled at him. "You used me." He looked at me angrily at well. I would never hurt innocent people like this! You know me! I breathed out to calm myself down. "I have to find Nick before it is too late. If you are telling the truth, come and help us. And please... don't let it be an mistake to trust you." There is something you need to know first. He said and I rose my eyebrows. One of my informants found a document on one of our computers. Three things, two of the files have death certificates, medical records, body transport permits and passports but without photographs on the name of Thomas Schirach. I frowned. "Who is Thomas Schirach?" I asked. I don't know... Eric said. I shook my head. "A worry for another time, let's go." I said and I glared around the container, so far no zombies inside. "Let's go..." We made our way, looking out of the zombies. We didn't see one. "Strange..." I muttered. Then... I heard a low laugh coming from the right. Mister Schirach has a plane to catch. The same voice said, it came out of a container on the left. The door was open, and I motioned Eric before pointing my gun, walking to the door. I peeked inside, then jumped into the opening. "Don't move." A man around 70 looked at me, wearing a top hat... the baron. I looked around, he stood next to a coffin and in that coffin lay someone. "Nick!" I yelled and ran forward. The baron took a step forward and blocked my way, I glared at him. "Let him go!" The baron sighed. I can't do that girl... you see, someone need something of him. Eric stood next to me suddenly. I would listen to my sister... Let the grimm go. The baron looked Eric up and down. I am sorry your highness... He looked at me. Ma cherie... but I act on orders from an more important person than you. Suddenly two hündjager grabbed Eric and pulled him back. So it was the royal house... I pointed the gun at the baron. "I won't ask again... let. my brother. go..." The baron suddenly chuckled. He already said you would come try and save him... guess I have no other choice. The baron woged suddenly and before I could react, he spit something in my face. I screamed and fell down against a wooden box. Just like Al had said, it felt like my head was being crushed. Elena! Eric's scream and the laugh of the baron was the last I heard before everything went black.


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