Chapter 17

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I had expected Eric, I just didn't know he would come that fast. Are you crazy Elena? He slammed the door shut and I looked up, irritated. "You don't have to yell at me..." I said. You could have crossed a line. Father isn't the type to forgive easily. Who knows what he would have done to you? I scoffed. "He needs me, whether he likes it or not. He wouldn't have hurt me." I looked at him. "Besides, I already told you I would tell him the truth." He shook his head. You are impossible... I smiled at him. "My, thank you." He chuckled and sat next to me on the couch, I laid my head on his chest, his arms around me. We stayed silent for a few minutes. "Do you know what I still don't understand?" I said suddenly. What? Eric asked. "I may hate our father and everything he stands for but..." I looked up at him and he looked back. "Being here gave me an amazing brother." He smiled and kissed my forehead. Sean and I never were in good terms, but the moment I was old enough to understand what father had done, and don't think I agreed with him on this point Elena... I was happy I somewhere had a little sister. Someone I wanted to know... to protect. I chuckled softly. "I don't need any protection big brother." I know... but the idea is the same. I nodded slowly. "You know... When we first met you were a dick who kidnapped me, taking me away from my family." He grimaced, remembering. Looking back, I could have done that a different way. "Could have?" I asked jokingly and he chuckled again. I don't feel any regret though. "For some reason... me neither." I said, meaning it. We stayed like that for the next hours, just talking and laughing. One moment I just made few pictures of us. Just taking photos with a prince... Eric joked. 'No, just a little sister wanting a picture with her big brother. He chuckled. Around 11 pm he stood up. Time to go to sleep. I sniffed. "I am not 12 anymore." He chuckled. I know. He walked to the door, but turned. Just keep a low profile for the next 2 days. I will keep my promise and take you back home. I nodded. Tomorrow you'll be here alone. Father has a meeting in parliament and I have to go somewhere as well. I nodded again and walked up to hug him one last time. "Good night Eric." I said and he kissed my forehead. Good night Elena, love you. "Love you too big brother." His eyes started to shine when I said that, which made me smile as well. With one last stroke over my head he left. I didn't know by then that this would be the last time I would see him.

The next day I was allowed to go to the gym. During my gymnastic practise I was thinking about my conversation with Nick, he had called that night, totally worried. He was overprotective, which I also told him. It still took me 2 hours to convince him not to come, telling him about Eric's promise. Though Nick was a little bit more sceptical about it, he agreed to wait those days. An hour later I had just taken a shower – I was just on my way to the kitchen to make myself a sandwich – when a maid suddenly ran towards me. Prinzessin Elena! I looked back at her. "What's wrong?" I asked, then realizing this was one of the maids who couldn't speak English. "Was ist los?" I asked again, in German this time. The maid looked shocked, like she was about to cry. "Der Prinz... er ist..." Then she really started to cry. I quickly, out of reflex, laid my arm around her but she backed away quickly. Der König wird es erklären... She motioned me to follow her and I did. She was talking about the prince, and the only prince here was Eric... and the king... What would father explain? For some reason a cold fist clenched around my heart. I had a feeling this... thing... would be devastating. The maid led me to father's study and I stepped in wearily. There he was, staring at the television. Eric was absent, which made my worry grow. "Father..." I said and he paused the thing he was watching, slowly turning to me. To my shock, I could see the last of tears in his eyes. Elena... I stared at him. "Where is Eric?" He motioned me forward, and I did without hesitation. He turned back to the television and started it again. I looked at a news item, a bomb explosion. That was terrifying enough, but the headline was what shocked me the most. Kronprinz durch eine explosion in Wien ums leben gekommen. My heart stopped beating and I slapped my hands before my mouth, listening to the news report. Just after 3 pm this afternoon in Vienna, Austria... Eric Renard, crown prince of the Kronenberg Family, was killed when his car exploded. No one has yet claimed responsibility for this tragic event. All of Vienna is in mourning. Father stopped the report and looked at me. But I didn't care anymore. Eric... Eric was dead. I sank onto my knees and started crying. The conversation we had last night was so faint now, like it was a dream. A pair of arms were wrapped around me and I didn't push father away as he did. His grief was now mine as well...

The days after didn't feel real at all. I still expected Eric to walk in all of a sudden, with the usual smile he kept for me but it never happened. Disgusted I had to make use of the situation, the day of the funeral I asked father to let me go back to Portland the next day. Using the argument I didn't want to be close to the place where Eric had died and that I had to finish my study. To my surprise he agreed immediately, though I had to promise I would keep contact. I agreed, for some reason we grew a little bit closer to each other the last past days. I didn't continue my plan to take my father down once and for all, it just didn't seem right at the moment. Nick had called an hour after I saw the news, but even he couldn't make me feel better. All I had done was staying in my room, reading, drawing, just looking at the ceiling... Eric's body had been unrecognisable, or so I had been told, I never went to see it. I wanted to keep him alive, even though it was just in my head. I had stared at the photos I made the evening before at least 50 times. I did it again when there was a knock on the door. Elena? My father's voice came from the other side. It is time to go. I sighed and stood up, walking out. The funeral would get a lot of media attention, something I didn't want but what could I do. By the door there was a man waiting for us. He was around Eric's age and I eyed him wearily. Elena, this is your cousin Viktor. Viktor shook my hand. Pleasure to meet you Elena... sadly it has to be on this sad day. I nodded at him, for some reason I felt that I couldn't trust Viktor that much. He'll take over now Eric is no longer here. Father said and I nodded. Though I had been legitimized, girls couldn't be heir to the throne. Not that I wanted to be anyway... Well then, the cars are waiting uncle. Viktor said and we walked outside. There was more security than ever, human police and Verrat agents. Viktor opened the door for me and I stepped in. The drive to the church wasn't that long and the moment we arrived, cameras started to flash. Viktor helped me out and offered me his arm, which I took. For some reason he protected me from the reporters, leading me into the church quickly. "Thank you..." I said quietly. It is nothing. I sat down and only listened half to the priest. I looked around, would Sean be here too? He is not here Elena... Father whispered to me. Sean knows better than to suddenly show up here. Remember not many people know about his existence. I nodded slowly, looking forward again. After that we walked to the cemetery. It was raining a bit, which seemed ironic for the mood I had. After everything was over, we immediately were led back to the cars. I had wanted to stay, to say my final words but I guess I couldn't. We drove back to the castle and Viktor stayed for dinner as well. It was irritating, he was too interested in me... and in Nick, as if my father had told everything about us already. So you are going back to Portland tomorrow? So many questions in so less time. "Yes..." I said. Why? You could continue your study here as well. Now I glared at him. "I started in Portland so I will finish in Portland. I have my friends and family there." We're your family now. He said and that came out wrong. "You're not my family until you prove to me that you're family." I spat back. "Eric proved himself my brother when he had my back during the zombie attack. You did nothing to earn my trust yet so you're not family." My father frowned at me. That's enough Elena. Viktor shook his head as the king. It is fine uncle, she is just being honest. He looked back at him. Then I think I'll have to proof myself towards you... don't worry, I will. I narrowed my eyes a little then nodded. "We'll see what the future brings." I said then stood up. "May I be excused? I would like to start packing." The king nodded and I walked to my room. Closing the door behind me, I sank down against the door. My phone vibrated and I took it out of my pocket. A text from Nick... I'LL PICK YOU UP TOMORROW! I smiled lightly, I couldn't wait to go back again...

Viktor's POV

I watched her leave the dinner room. She was feisty, even for a grimm... not that it mattered, it was a good thing. "I see what you mean uncle, her friends and family are very important to her." I glanced sideways towards him, he nodded. The sad thing is, she doesn't trust us as family. I took a sip of my wine, grinning a little. "She doesn't have to now... she will... soon...


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