Chapter 22

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A/N: As promised, here is the Christmas special! Merry Christmas everyone!

When I woke up, it was already 9.30 am. I heard some music coming from downstairs and smelled freshly baked bread. I didn't bother and turned from my stomach onto my back, snuggling into my warm blanket while listening to the melodies of Christmas music. Wait... Christmas music...? It's Christmas day! I jumped out of bed, smiling. This would be my first real Christmas here in Portland. Last year it had been a little weird, because Christmas day had been interrupted by a wesen problem. This year, however, we made sure that nothing would interfere. We had invited both Rosalee and Monroe as Emma and Ethan. I walked to my window and opened my curtains, and I gasped. Everything was covered in a beautiful white. Snow! A grin spread onto my face, it had been years since I last saw snow. There was a lot, at least 10 centimetre, and it was still snowing. "This calls for a snowball fight." I muttered. I quickly showered, applied some light make-up and straightened my hair. Then I walked back to my room, looking at the clothes I had bought for Christmas. Thick tights, a black leather skirt, a white blouse with little black beads all around the neckline and the edge of the long sleeves. I also wore black wedge heel boots with fake fur to keep my feet warm. I changed and walked downstairs. Juliette was in the kitchen, smiling when I came downstairs. Merry Christmas Elena! You look beautiful. I smiled back and hugged her back. "Thanks... Merry Christmas Juliette. Do you need a hand?" Please, your brother fled, saying he had to free the driveway from the snow. I giggled and helped her preparing the table. Our guests wouldn't come before 3 pm, so we would have breakfast with the three of us. Nick came in somewhat later, completely covered in snow. It has been years since it snowed this badly. He took off his coat and shivered, I grinned. "I think it is beautiful." I said and he chuckled. Of course you do. He hugged me tightly and I buried my face against his shoulder. Merry Christmas Elena... He whispered in my ear. "Merry Christmas Nick..." I muttered softly. We stayed in that hug for at least a minute. All right you two, breakfast is ready. We chuckled and let go. It smells delicious... Nick said while he kissed Juliette softly. I sat down quickly, the smell of the bread made me hungry. We had breakfast, but made sure we didn't eat too much. We would eat dinner with the others later. Nick and I both helped with the dishes so we finished in a few seconds. After that Juliette dismissed us, we knew she wanted to use the kitchen for some preparations and we quickly left her. Shall we go for a walk? I nodded. "Good idea." We got our coats and walked out, into the cold weather. It wasn't snowing anymore and we took our usual route. We didn't talk, but it wasn't an awkward silence. "Hey..." a few blocks away from the house something popped into my head. What is it? Nick asked. "Well, I was jogging a few days ago. My personal record was 10 kilometres in 45 minutes... but I broke it." It isn't strange, the grimm power only keeps increasing. How long did it take you? He asked. "It took me 20 minutes... but that wasn't the strange part." Then what was? I frowned. "I wasn't tired at all. I just kept running and when I came home... I wasn't even sweating. It felt like I didn't just run 10 kilometres." Nick frowned as well. You know... the same thing happened to me. "Is it because we are grimms?" I asked and he shrugged. I don't know, but after Christmas we'll go and figure it out. I smiled and took his hand, laying my head against his arm. He smiled and squeezed it, and we were silent once again.

Elena... wow... Monroe stared at me when I opened the door and I giggled. I don't know how you do it, but you always look stunning. He hugged me. Merry Christmas. "Merry Christmas Monroe." Rosalee came after him, hugging me as well. "Yes, Merry Christmas." Merry Christmas Rosalee. They walked in and Rosalee immediately walked to the kitchen, she had brought some food as well. Monroe walked to our Christmas tree and put some presents under it. "You seriously bought presents for us?" I asked him with a grin. Well, what is Christmas without some presents? He added, grinning back. I shook my head amused and went to the kitchen to help Juliette and Rosalee. I promised I would take care of the first course and dessert, and then Juliette and Rosalee would take care of the main course. Dessert was ready, I made crème brûlée and some pudding and I bought some ice cream. The first course would be vegetarian salad or carpaccio, but I would prepare that right before we would start eating. Now I made sure that all the china was clean and ready to use. 30 minutes after Monroe and Rosalee came the bell rang again, and there were Emma and Ethan. Emma and I had bought our Christmas outfit together, and we almost looked the same. Although instead of white blouse with black beads, Emma had a red blouse with white beads. "Merry Christmas Em!" I said with a grin and hugged her, she laughed and hugged back. Merry Christmas Elena! She walked inside and Ethan took me in his arms, kissing me softly. I smiled, laying my arms around his neck and kissed him back. Merry Christmas my beautiful girl. He stroke my cheek and I smiled up at him. "Merry Christmas." Arm in arm we walked to the living room, where Emma was just laying their presents under the tree. "All of you are impossible..." I muttered softly, making them all chuckle. I looked outside the window, seeing it snowed again. Then I remembered what I thought this morning. "Hey..." I said, a grin spreading onto my face. "Who wants to go outside for a snowball fight?" Emma and Ethan started to grin as well, Nick and Monroe looked at each other. Very good idea... Nick said. Blutbaden against grimms. Emma and I said at the same time and we ran towards the door. putting on our coats, I also quickly grabbed a scarf, gloves and a hat. I love the hat. Ethan said, touching the pompon. I giggled and went outside, running to the backyard. I was glad I chose wedge heel boots instead of real heels, otherwise running wouldn't have been possible. The second I stood I bowed down to grab a good hand of snow and throw it towards Ethan. I hit him right against his head and I laughed. He grinned back and grabbed a hand of snow himself to pay me back, but Nick saw it and threw one as well. Monroe on the other hand hit me in return. We threw back and forth for at least 20  minutes before we were all cold and covered in snow. It hadn't been an fair fight, as Nick and I were perfect aimers. We stayed outside though, Emma and I walked to one of the places of spotless snow and let ourselves fall down, moving our arms and legs and created a snow angel. We looked at each other and giggled. We acted like kids, and we didn't even care. Then Ethan's hands clamped around my arms and he pulled me up, pressing me close against his body. I smiled, closing my eyes for a few seconds. Snow stayed in my hair, on my scarf and hat but it didn't care. Elena... Ethan... this way. We both turned our head towards Nick, who was holding up his phone. Ethan grinned and pulled me into a kiss, which made me laugh but kiss him back. We made a few pictures, a few with Ethan, a few with Emma and some with Nick. Guys! Juliette opened the door. Come on inside, we made some hot chocolate. "Good idea." I said and Emma nodded. While we were warming up, we decided to give the present as well. From Monroe and Rosalee I got a necklace with a blue gem, it matched my mom's bracelet. Juliette gave me a ring with a blue gem. When they saw my surprised face, Rosalee and Juliette giggled. We may have agreed to something. "Of course you did." I said with a smile. Emma gave me a photo book, with all the pictures we had made the last 1,5 year. From beautiful to really crazy. Ethan gave me a cd, but not one from a popular group. It were songs he wrote himself, and the first one was the song he had sung for me the first time I slept over. I smiled, remembering it and when we put it on, everyone complimented Ethan. He blushed and waved the compliments away. But Nick's present was the rarest one. There were two similar boxes, slender. I blinked at him, and he smiled. Just open it. I opened the first one, and when I pulled up the lit I was shocked. it was a sword... the long, slightly curved sheath was black and shiny, and a hilt poked out of the end, marked with a diamond pattern in black and red. I grasped that hilt and pulled the blade free, sending a metallic shiver through the air and down my spine. It was a katana, the blade gleamed, long and slender, like a silver ribbon. I could sense the razor sharpness of the edge without even touching it. The sword itself was light and graceful, and fit perfectly into my palm, as if it had been made for me. I once read in one of the grimm books that a grimm always had one weapon he or she was most comfortable with, and it was a must that you found your weapon. I knew Nick's one was the double crossbow or his gun, which for some reason always made me chuckle. I had been practising with the katana I found in the trailer, but this one seemed to be made just for me. "Nick... it is perfect." The other box held the same sword. "How did you even get your hands on this?" I asked, looking at him. He smiled. I had some help from a certain person. I grinned, I knew he meant mom. I saw you fighting with a katana, and these ones are made just for you. First we're gonna train with one, and if you're comfortable we can add the second. I thought with your speed this could help a lot. I smiled brightly and nodded. Weapons for Christmas... as if a normal present is overrated. Monroe muttered and we all laughed. I put them back in the box and watched the others unwrap their presents. For Monroe I had a cleaning kit for his cello, for Rosalee a new case for a phone, for Juliette the new scarf she had seen during our monthly shopping trip but didn't buy, for Nick Christmas socks – that was more a joke because he hated those things – and a new drawing block he had wanted, for Emma the perfume she loved and for Ethan... I had made a painting of him and... I took his song for me and recorded it as well. That was the first time I had seen him cry. After that we went to eat dinner, and later on we did some family games. It was the most beautiful Christmas I had ever had... and probably the most normal one as well


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