Chapter 8

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January 27, 1956 Hyannis Port

Jackie awoke the next day to the delicious smell of breakfast, she frowned, that couldn't be Jack, despite the fact he didn't blow up the kitchen he couldn't cook BACON.

Jackie groggily went downstairs and into the kitchen, not sure what to expect, but she was pleasantly suprised to see Ethel Kennedy cooking breakfast.

"Ethel?" Jackie asked, staring at the two month preganant women, who was amazingly making breakfast with seven month David on her hip.

Ethel looked up from the eggs she was cooking and smiled slightly at Jackie, the two had never gotten along terribly well but also never terribly bad, apart from the times when the two were in a fight, which happened for often than not. But the two women weren't in a fight now and were getting along fine.

"Hi! Jackie! Jack phoned me and Bobby that you three would be here! I can't wait to meet little Arabella!" Ethel said.

Jackie wasn't sure what to say so she just said the best thing she could think of,"I'm pretty sure Bella is awake, I'll see if I can bring her down, maybe she and David will get along."

Ethel grinned happily at the thought, then returned back to the eggs.

Jackie went back upstairs and checked on Bella, who was awake, good thing too because Jackie did NOT want to wake Arabella, she loved her sleep.

Arabella had her unicorn stuffed animal in her hand and when she saw her mother come into the room she threw her arms in the air and made a happy sound.

Jackie chuckled and heaved Arabella from the crib. Bella laughed into her ear before waiting to see what her mother had in store for her next.

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