Chapter 78

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March 30, 1956

Jackie followed her brother-in-law and his family into the kitchen, she leaned against the door frame to observe what was going to happen.

Jackie saw her husband look up from the odd syrup picture he was trying to make on his pancake and up and his brother.

"Bobby!" He smiled, and stood up to embrace him.

Bobby accepted the hug and Jack pulled away.

"Ethel." Jack nodded.

Jackie saw Kathleen begin to pull on her uncle's pant leg.

Jack grinned down at her,"How's my favorite niece!"

Kathleen jumped at Jack and he picked her up and twirled her around before setting the five year old down.

Joe was next, Jack high fived him, after him came wobbly Bobby Jr.

Bobby Jr., grinned at Jack and extended his arms upwards, yelling,"UNCA JACK!"
Jack laughed and picked Bobby up and swirled him around like he did to Kathleen.

Finally, David, squirming in his mother's arms, reached for Jack.

Jack pulled David out of Ethel's arms and allowed David to pull his hair. He stuck his tongue playfully at David before giving him back to Ethel.

"You guys are right in time for breakfast." Sargent said.

"No that's fine, we already ate." Ethel said.

Jackie heard Eunice mutter under her breath sarcastically,"You're definetly not rude..." nobody else heard it though.

"Well then..." Jack scratched his neck, trying to think of what to say.

Ethel and Bobby pulled Jack by his arm into the living room. Jackie could guess what the two of them were talking about.

She only hoped Jack truly did believe her that she had done nothing romantically towards Edward Kennedy.

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