March 27, 1956
Jack awoke to the sound of the doorbell.
"Whaa..." he muttered.
He stretched and sat up, he checked the time, he could get some pills. He sighed, first he had to see who was at the door.
He pushed himself up, and stumbled, his back was hurting worse then normal. Jack sighed and cracked it, wincing at the pain, before he moved down the stairs and toward the knocking.
He opened the door to see...
His younger brother saw him and smiled at him,"Jack!" he said and embraced him.
"Ted what are you doing here at this time of night?" Jack asked.
Ted scratched his neck,"Well, I'm going to England for Easter, so I figured I would stop by for a day, I leave the day after tomorrow. Besides," Ted said,"I want to spend some time with my niece before everyone else spoils her rotten!"
Jack laughed,"So you think being the first uncle she see's will make her be your favorite basically?"
Ted shrugged and grinned,"Pretty much."Jack rolled his eyes,"Come on in Ted."
Ted grinned and stepped in, with a suitcase.
"So!" he said.
"Where do I sleep?"
Jack shrugged,"You have four options, three nice comfortable beds, or the couch."
Ted grinned,"I'll take the couch."
"Lunatic." Jack muttered.
"Thank you." Ted said, tipping an imaginary top hat.Jack laughed.
"Well I'm going to see if I can get any sleep before Jackie has morning sickness or Bella wakes us all up."
Ted grinned,"Oh brother of mine." he said,"Have you ever heard of... ear plugs?"
Jack rolled his eyes,"Yes. Actually I have. Jackie wakes me up by MOVING and babies scream through these earplugs. Teddy, I know you love your sleep, so here's some advice... don't have kids."
Teddy laughed,"I'll take it into consideration Jack, but for now, get to bed before I throw something at you for keeping me up."

1956: A Kennedy Story
Fanfic1956, Jack and Jackie are happily married, Jackie is pregnant, Jack doesn't cheat on her, everything is going fine... right? Sequel is up, called 1957: A Kennedy Story