March 13, 1956
Jack was in a meeting right now, so Jackie was left to see her mother on her own.
Jackie sighed as the cab went along, she looked at Bella as they rode. Her mother and her husband, Jackie's step father she supposed, her half siblings would be there as well. Jackie sighed.
Janet, named after her mother of course was eleven, she hadn't seen her for three years, since she was seven, and then there was James, a nine year old she hadn't seen since he was five.
She sighed, this would not be the funnest experience, she was more like a aunt then a sister to the kids anyway.
The cab pulled up into the ranch that her mother and her step father and half siblings stayed in.
Janet, at least that's who Jackie thought it was, was outside with a few dolls playing with them and she looked up when the cab pulled in.
Jackie stepped out and Janet recognized her, Janet had been a flower girl at her wedding.
"Jackie!" she cried and dropped her dolls.
Bella looked down at the little girl who was hugging her mother, in confusion.
Janet looked up and frowned at the baby in Jackie's arms,"Whose that? Are you a babysitter?"
Jackie laughed and kneeled down beside Janet.
"Wanna know a secret?" she asked her.
Janet nodded enthusiastically.
"Your an aunt." Jackie whispered in her ear.
Janet jumped from her spot and ran around in circles in glee.
Jackie brought a finger to her lips and Janet ran back over to her, luckily not saying anything.
"What's her name?" Janet asked as she Bella attempted to reach for her aunt's hair.
Jackie pulled Bella back before saying,"Arabella."
Janet's face lit up,"Really? That's my best friends name!"
Jackie chuckled, at least she was getting a warm reception from somebody.
She sighed then, despite wanting to spend time with her favorite half-sister she needed to talk with her mother.
"Where's our mom?" she asked Janet.
Janet rolled her eyes and pointed at the house,"She's making those gross lemon cookies."
Jackie laughed and said thank you before heading for the house.

1956: A Kennedy Story
Fanfiction1956, Jack and Jackie are happily married, Jackie is pregnant, Jack doesn't cheat on her, everything is going fine... right? Sequel is up, called 1957: A Kennedy Story