Chapter 91

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April 11, 1956

Jackie hummed as she combed her fingers through Bella's short hair.

Jack was out at the senate so she was left alone with her daughter.

She had missed her during her week in the hospital and now was looking forward to spending time with her.

Jackie looked at Bella, she was staring at the blender on the kitchen counter.

"No you don't. I was hoping you didn't have an instinct for trouble like your daddy but I think it's been passed on to you." Jackie talked to her daughter.

Bella smiled at her and Jackie sighed.

"May as well keep you busy." Jackie shrugged and stood up, Bella on her hip.

She walked over to the book shelf in the living room and pulled out one of the picture books she and Jack had picked out while shopping for their first child.

Speaking of which she should start going shopping for the little baby inside her... she'd have to talk to Jack later.

She decided not to pull out a picture book and instead pulled out a recently published novel by Fred Gipson called Old Yeller, she hadn't read it yet, and as long as Bella was in her sight things would be alright.

Judging by the baby books Jackie read the more you talked to your child the more likely it was to talk so Jackie decided to read the book to Bella, even though most children didn't start talking before they were six months old but Arabella was a Kennedy so Jackie was going to push her limits.

"Chapter one." Jackie read, looking down at her daughter who was still eyeing the blender,"I remember when I first met Yeller. He made me so mad at first I wanted to kill him. Then later when I had to kill him, it was like shooting one of my own folks..."

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