March 20, 1956 4:55AM
Jackie sighed, she lay her chin on her hands, she had started reading Jack's book Why England Slept but she just hadn't been in the mood to read so she had stopped. She'd been sitting like this for about ten minutes.
She looked at the clock, not much longer now. She sighed once more and began tapping on the table.
Waiting...Jackie suddenly heard the squeal of a taxi being pulled in. She looked at the clock 5:58, Jack was early for once.
"It's amazing." she muttered under her breath before she speed walked out of the kitchen, through the living room and entrance hall, and onto the front porch.
She saw her husband paying the cab driver. The driver seemed to nod and then he drove away.
Jack looked up and he saw her.
A grin spread across his face and he swirled her around as he neared her.
Jackie laughed and stumbled a bit as he placed her down.
Jack clapsed her hand and they walked inside together.
"Me and Bella made some brownies if you're intrested." Jackie said as they walked into the living room.
"I'm intrested." Jack said as he entered the kitchen.
"I smell them, where are they?" He asked.
Jackie laughed, Jack could see anything if he wanted to but he was relaxed now.
"On the counter." She said pointing at it.
"Thanking you." Jack said pleasently to Jackie before he bounded for the brown goodies.
Jackie laughed and sat at the table.
Jack came back a few minutes later with three brownies.
"You're going to stuff yourself Mr. Kennedy." Jackie teased.
Jack laughed,"No Mrs. Kennedy, you see one of theses delicious goodies is for the chef."
"Oh and who might that be?" Jackie asked with fake curiousity.
Oh she loved joking with Jack.
"You." Jack said and he pushed a brownie on a napkin towards her.
Jackie smiled at him, picked it up, and took a bite.
Jack took a bite soon after she did.
"It's good." Jack said nodding as though he was carefully examining the food.
"Yes, I think Bella's trick with adding way too many choclate chips worked." Jackie said jokingly.
"Oh yes definetly." Jack joked back.
The two chat as they ate their brownies, but soon Jack grew tired and he kissed her in her hair and muttered,"If I don't sleep soon I'll fall asleep in the middle of the day when I'm mowing the lawn and it'll run me right over."
Jackie gave a soft laugh and the two went up to their room.

1956: A Kennedy Story
Fanfiction1956, Jack and Jackie are happily married, Jackie is pregnant, Jack doesn't cheat on her, everything is going fine... right? Sequel is up, called 1957: A Kennedy Story