Chapter 14

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February 11, 1956

Finally Jack Kennedy could leave the hospital. For two long days he had been in there, arms crossed, conscious and wanting to go home. But NO he had to spend two more days in the hospital.

Jackie came to visit him, with Bella but since she hated hospitals she didn't stay the night, she tried the first night but couldn't do it.

Jack was finally "Alright" by hospital standards which were so high Jack had to jump to touch it for a moment and cling on to stay there long enough for them to allow him to leave.

They tried to make him use a wheelchair, which Jack refused as soon as the word started coming out of the doctor's mouth.

"No. Doctor I am perfectly fine and I can walk PERFECTLY FINE and I can breath PERFECTLY FINE. I don't need a wheelchair!" Jack had yelled, his annoyance of being caged up turning into anger.

After a long fight which nearly ended up in a fist fight, the doctor relented and Jack was permited to walk out of the dreaded hospital and back HOME.

When Jack arrived home he was tired and he nearly collapsed on the armchair again, however Jackie didn't let him and forced him to go up the stairs and into his bed.

He was asleep before he fell onto the bed.

When Jack woke up he groaned. It was February 12th. He was supposed to be back at work five days ago. It was time to face the other members of congress and come up with some humiliating story.

He groaned at the thought before he slowly got up, unfortunetly waking Jackie in the process.

"Jack, what are you doing?" She asked sleepily.

Jack turned to her,"Getting ready for work."

Jackie collapsed into the pillows as if in deep thought, before she asked him rather desperatly,"Jack MUST you go into work? You are still recovering..."

Jack turned to Jackie his short temper rising,"Jackie, I'm Fine. F-I-N-E FINE. Okay? It's not like a football teacher or something, the senate mainly includes sitting around Jackie."

Jackie sighed,"I know... but still. Please, PLEASE don't be hard on yourself."

Jack kissed Jackie's forehead before muttering,"I won't."

1956: A Kennedy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now