Chapter 52

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Note: Sorry I didn't update last night, my cable which charged it broke.

1:00PM March 22, 1956

Jackie sat, perched on her husband's bed, her small hand gently caressing her husband's.

Jackie sighed.

"Oh Jack." she said softly.

He had been unconscious for quite some time and the worst of the fever was on it's way through his body.

Jackie had been, for the past day and a half, staying by Jack's side, only leaving to go to the restroom and do something for Bella.

The Doctor had suggested a hospital but Jackie had shaken her head, hospitals wouldn't cure Jack like his family did.

Jackie kept Bella out of the room so she didn't get sick, if an infant like Bella caught what Jack had, Jackie was sure she'd die with no means of saving.

This scared her quite a bit and despite Bella's multiple attempts to get into the room, Jackie wouldn't allow her in.

Jackie sighed and looked at her husband and placed a new ice pack upon his forehead as the last one had sizzled away earlier.

She felt Jack's forehead, sure enough he was steadily getting hotter and hotter, Jackie could only keep the rampaging fever at bay for five minutes before it exploded again.

Jackie closed her eyes, she hadn't slept for so long. Maybe just one little nap...

1956: A Kennedy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now