Chapter 12

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 Jackie stared at Jack for a moment before she ran and stumbled for the phone, she tripped over a pan that made such a loud sound that Arabella awoke from her slumber and started crying.

Jackie, rarely one to curse did so under her breath while she called 911, not knowing any hospital numbers from nearby.

Before listening to what the person on the other end of the phone was saying Jackie yelled into the reciever,"My husband just collapsed! I don't know what happened but I think it has to do with his back! He's not breathing and his heart rate is really slow!" (Jackie had checked this while she was on the phone) the person on the other end asked what adress she was at and Jackie told her, soon multiple question's were asked at her and the lady on the other side of the phone told Jackie to perform CPR on Jack. Jackie did so and she ran a hand through her hair in nervousness,"The lady on the reciever heard Arabella's crying and asked,"Miss is anyone else hurt or anything?"

"N-no..." Jackie said while pressing down on Jack's chest.

"That's just my daughter."

With a sudden gasp of air Jack was breathing again but he remained unconscious.

"H-He's breathing now but he's still not awake."

"It's fine Miss."

"Mrs. Jackie Kennedy." Jackie muttered into the phone while stroking her husbands sweat soaked forehead.

"Is it Senator Kennedy then?"

"Yes. Please. Is help on the way? Jack's having problems with his breath again."

"Yes Mrs. Kennedy."

The phone call continued but it ended when Jackie heard sirens, she said to the reciever that help was there then hung up and ran outside and waved her arms.

She felt slightly embaressed that she was in her pajama's and had tear tracks on her face but she pushed it to the side since far more important matters were at risk.

She led a few men into the house and they set Jack on the stretcher.

And then Jackie remembered Arabella.

"Wait for me!" she told the men before rushing upstair's and grabbing Arabella none too gently (she had her unicorn in her hand) and rushing downstairs.

She was led into the ambulance and raced off to the nearest hospital.

She was scared for Jack.

1956: A Kennedy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now