Jack came down about an hour later, rubbing his eyes and yawning, about five minutes later Bobby came down, and the two of them started to play chess.
Jackie and Ethel watched, Ethel cheered on Bobby and Jackie gave Jack some wise comments that would help him win. It was a very close chess game, and Jack was on the verge of winning when Bobby Jr. threw a stuffed animal at the chess set and the chessboard was ruined.
They attempted to restart the game but lost intrest quickly so they decided to go to the beach. In January.
Jackie would never understand Kennedy logic.
They were the only two that went, they were going out for a sail ride, Joe wanted to go but Bobby said he couldn't so Joe was left to glumly play with Kathleen.
A week later Ethel and Bobby had to leave and Jackie, Jack and Arabella were left to spend the next five days on their own. And Jackie had to admit, she was kind of happy that the others were going, she and Ethel had started being a bit edgy around each other. However Bella and David were sad to leave each other, the two had been insepratable all week.
However Arabella quickly got over it since it meant more attention was on her, and like most babies, she loved attention.
Jackie could safely tell her friends Arabella knew how to swim before she could walk and talk.
Every day, despite the icy cold weather, Jack took Bella out for an hour in the freezing cold water, and Bella actually managed to swim for five minutes on her own.
Jackie still is amazed how good Jack was at, at teaching things.
1956: A Kennedy Story
Fanfiction1956, Jack and Jackie are happily married, Jackie is pregnant, Jack doesn't cheat on her, everything is going fine... right? Sequel is up, called 1957: A Kennedy Story