Chapter 38

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March 17, 1956

Jackie sighed and watched as her husband's airplane lifted into the sky leaving her and Bella behind. Jack was off to Conneticut and Jackie was on her own, if you didn't count Bella.

She sighed and looked longingly at the private plane, now a speck in the sky just barely visible.

She was already starting to miss Jack.

Bella looked in wonder from her arms at the plane as it went, with her father, into the air and out of sight.

"It's something isn't it Bella." Jackie said to her daughter while bouncing her on her knee.

Bella gurgled happily in her arms and soon mother and daughter were leaving for home.

March 18, 1956 4:00AM Kennedy Residence

Jackie woke up with a stomach that was about to barf.

Her eyes widened and she sprinted out of her bed and to the bathroom next door.

She started to retch and the familiar taste of vomit arrived in her mouth, it made her throw up again. She was going to have to go through this for another seven to eight months.

Jackie put her head against the toilet seat and groaned. She sat there for a moment before she got up on shaky legs and retreated back to her bed.

She collapsed and fell asleep once more.

1956: A Kennedy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now