Chapter 123

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November 23, 1956

Jack awoke with a groan, his back was killing him today. He yawned and looked over at his wife before checking the time, 9:11AM.

He decided to go down and see if there was any breakfast, he was starving.

After getting downstairs he quickly found food, everyone else was eating, though Eunice and her family appeared to be missing.

"Hey." Jack said and took a seat next to Bobby.

"Morning." Bobby nodded.

"Morning." Jack said.

Jack took a bite of pancake and nodded approvingly,"Who made these?" he asked.

"Mom." Bobby said.

Jack nodded,"Figures." he muttered before he continued eating his favorite breakfast.

He finished breakfast and went upstairs to tell Jackie about breakfast but midway up the steps he heard a cry of pain. His wife's cry of pain.

Jack's eyes widened and he sprinted up the stairs, into their room.

He saw his wife buckled over grasping her stomach, tears in her eyes. She looked at him and she croaked out,"Jack it's coming! The babies coming!" Jack's eyes widened and he checked the time, 10:12.

"Okay Jackie, okay, okay umm... umm..." Jack felt his brain go blank so he said,"Okay Jackie just... lay down I'm going get the car ready."

Jackie nodded and Jack sprinted down the stairs.

Bobby shot him down with question's but Jack brushed him off and yelled,"Jackie's in labour before sprinting to the car.

"Bobby get her down here!" he yelled and started unlocking the door and fumbling with the keys.

After the car was ready Bobby came out, Jackie's arm slung over his shoulder and Patricia following with Bella in her arms.

Eunice was right behind her looking worried.

Jack saw his wife be placed down in the car, Bobby climbed in the driver's seat, and pushed Jack into the back of the car with his wife, Eunice sat next to Jack and Patricia jumped up front.

The rest of the Kennedy clan were now out of the house, looking at the car in shock as Bobby wheeled out of the driveway and sped for the hospital.

Jack held his wife's hand as she cried out in pain,"Hey, hey, Jackie look I'm here so it Bella, come on, come on." Jackie panted and looked at Jack before kissing him hard on the lips then going back down to cry in pain.

"HURRY UP BOBBY!" Jack yelled.

1956: A Kennedy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now