March 29, 1956
Jackie knocked on the door of the Jack's study.
"Jack?" she asked.
A shuffle and a grunt from the other side of the door indicated he was there.
Soon the unlocking of a door was heard and the study room door opened.
Jack stood in the doorframe looking terrible, his eyes were red and puffy from crying and his shirt was crumpled and wet.
"Come in." he muttered.
He closed the door and Jackie entered the room.
Jack sat in his swivel chair at his desk and looked at Jackie.
Jackie took a seat in the chair Jack always reserved for her in his study, she felt odd, almost like she shouldn't be in it.
"What is it?" Jack muttered.
"Eunice and her family are here." Jackie said.
"I figured, I heard her talking." Jack muttered.
"I also... I also want to show you this."
Jackie pulled the book in her hands out and placed it on the desk facing Jack.
"In my spare time I've been working on it. I planned to give it to you for your birthday but... we need to fix this."
Jackie watched her husband look down at the book. He placed his hand on it.
It read,"Kennedy" and it had a light pink cover with a picture of Jack and Jackie on it. Jackie was on the shoulders of Jack in the photo, they were moments away from toppling into the ocean.
Jackie saw Jack smile briefly.
Jack flipped through the pages of the scrapbook, it showed photo's of Jack and Jackie while they were dating up until only a few days ago.
Jack closed the book with a final thump and he looked at Jackie.
Then he closed the space in between them with a kiss.
And all was right again.

1956: A Kennedy Story
Fanfiction1956, Jack and Jackie are happily married, Jackie is pregnant, Jack doesn't cheat on her, everything is going fine... right? Sequel is up, called 1957: A Kennedy Story