Chapter 119

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November 7, 1956

"Jackie! Are you packed!"

"I'm coming as fast as a pregnant women can Jack!"

"We can't eat breakfast, we have to eat on the plane!"


Jackie speed-walked down the stairs, her bags behind her.

"What am I forgetting..." She muttered, checking her bags.


"Bella!" Jackie said, flabergasted by herself.

She ran back upstairs again, panting as she did so, and picked up her daughter.

Bella cried, and reached for her giraffe, the one stuffed animal Jackie hadn't packed.

"Come on Bella..." Jackie begged tiredly.

"Giwaffe!" Bella yelled.


"Oh for the love of..." Jackie muttered, and grabbed the giraffe before speed-walking down the stairs.

"Jackie the taxi is here!"

"Hold on Jack!"

Jackie grabbed one bag and held Bella with her other arm.

Jack walked in looking irritated.

"I'll get that." he muttered, grabbing Jackie's other bag.

"We're going to miss the flight!" Jackie yelled as they piled into the car.

Bella started crying again.

"No we arn't Jack yelled and handed the driver a hundred,"Drive as fast as you can for the airport but be careful!"

The cabbie obviously would do anything for money so sped all the way to the airport.

"WE HAVE 10 MINUTES!" Jackie yelled.

"Then unload your bags!" Jack yelled, taking his own out of the car.

"Here!" Jackie yelled and pretty much threw Bella into her husband's arms.

Jack fumbled for a short bit but soon got a good grip on the bawling Bella.

"Dada!" Bella cried.

Jack attempted to soothe his daughter while looking anxiously at his watch as Jackie unloaded her bags.

As soon as they were unloaded he yelled,"Go! Go! Go! Plane C3!"

The Kennedy's made it on the plane with not a second to spare, they sat in the last availible first-class seats (they had booked them) and the plane took off for Hyannis.

1956: A Kennedy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now