Chapter 47:

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March 21, 1956

Jack awoke with a terrible feeling in his stomach, it felt like it was being tied in knots and squeezed till he died.

He groaned in pain and put a hand to his forehead. It was immedietly soaked in sweat.

Jack felt his dinner from last night coming up his throat so he stumbled as fast as possible into the bathroom but he didn't make it in time.

He knew he wouldn't make it to the toilet so he heaved himself over to the sink and retched. Jack groaned. He fell to the floor, his legs had been wobbling terribly.

He sat against the wall and shivered, he was freezing. Yet he wasn't. It was a fiery cold sort of pain, like the type your hand feels if you run it under hot water for too long.

Jack suddenly felt very sleepy so he closed his eyes and let the incoming darkness swallow him alive.

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