THE GAME : 19 ( Caught )

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• { E R I C A } •

After finishing with Cassidy , I went to the bedroom. Before getting to our bedroom, I passed Madison's room seeing Lee and Madison talking.

"Madison I don't know how many times I'm gonna say it, I don't like -" Lee stopped talking and they both looked at me 

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Lee's upset because you let that girl come here. Who is she anyways?" Madison asked. I sighed walking in the room and sat on the bed.

"She's just a friend. Like I said. Nothing more. No I'm not interested in her either if that's what your thinking too." I lied. I'm not really interested in Cassidy like that, but I'm interested in the sex! 😜

"Whatever Erica. I really want to believe you but -"

"Woah woah woah! I thought you believed me Lee?! Just because another woman is here, doesn't mean that I'm interested in her," I yelled. "You got female friends that's gay right? And I don't accuse you of fucking cheating on me so get on with that shit Lee."  I said getting up and walking out. Lee pisses me off when she do shit like this. Even though I know I cheated on her. 😂

I went to Cassidy's bedroom and she was laying in the bed on her phone. I laid down also but I didn't get under the covers.

"Hey," I said.

She looked at me and grinned. "Back for more?"

I shook my head. "I can't Cassidy. Lee already fucking pissing me off." I said.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Yeah I guess ," I said. "Lee is upset because your here. I don't blame her in a way. Cassidy if your gonna be here, you can't be messing around with me wit my girl in the house." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Fine. And when she's not in the house, I'll mess with you all I want." She said touching my stomach. I moved her hand.

"The more I do this with you, the more guilt builds up on me. I feel bad for cheating on Lee. I told her I wouldn't do it and I -"

"But you did so get over it! You don't want for her to know that you've been fucking another woman lately, don't you?" Cassidy asked. I groaned. "Exactly. So if you don't wifey to find out about this, I suggest you just keep doing what you been doing." She said and I got up.

"I came in here to talk! Get advice maybe! Not fuxking talking about us!" I said and walked out the bedroom going downstairs to the patio.

I'm starting to regret even telling Cassidy's dick hungry ass to even come here.

I was scrolling through Instagram when I got this message from an unknown number. I never even seen the number.

??? : " Hey Dad! It's Naveah. I'm not dead. Neither is Mommy. 😊Surprised? Good. It's a miracle we lived. Turns out the ambulance came just in time. The police are looking for you and everyone else who was here. And don't think about coming see me anymore. I don't want ANYTHING to do with you or the rest of the family. I hope you ALL rest in HELL! Goodbye! 😊😘"

I dropped my phone hearing it land on its face. But I didn't care.

She's alive ...

Naveah's alive ..

But she wants nothing to do with me. That's the worst part. I know I fucked up now my own daughter doesn't want shit to do with me. I didn't mean to shoot her. She was just in the way and got hit.

The way they were looking, it is a fucking miracle that they lived. 

??? : " Oh and don't worry, the cups for looking for you! 😊And they're gonna find you all. Mom and I told who did all of it. "

I sighed sitting down and closed my eyes. Omfg.

I don't know what came over me, but I just started throwing shit. I stared throwing glasses and everything.

• { L E E } •

"Madison she's right ," I said again. "I alwa -"

I started hearing things break. I jumped up running downstairs. "ERICA?!" I yelled. I went downstairs seeing Briana downstairs watching TV. "GUYS!" The glasses started breaking again. Coming from the backyard.

"What's going on?" Cassidy asked. Erica yelled and I ran to the backyard with everyone behind me. When I got the the back, I seen glass every where, the furniture was all over the place and everything. 

"ERICA CALM DOWN !!" I yelled holding her wrists. She was crying. She fell to the ground crying.

"They're gonna get us Lee!!!" She cried. I frowned looking at everyone else who was watching.

"What? Erica who are you -"

"LEE READ THIS!" Jayden yelled. I stood up and Jayden handed me Erica's phone. I read the messages and my mouth dropped.

"What does it say Lee?" Madison asked. I looked at Erica who was crying still and then back at everyone else.

"They're alive ... " I said.


"Naveah and Nicole .. Naveah sent this message. Briana, read it aloud." I said handing her Erica's cracked phone.

I sent back down to Erica on the ground and held her in my arms as she cried.

"They gonna get us." She cried.

"No no no baby they're not." I said.

"Guys we need to -"

"FREEZE MEXICO POLICE, YOUR ALL UNDER ARREST! GET DOWN ON THE FUCKING GROUND!" The police yelled rushing outside. There was about 10 of them.

I got down on the ground like everyone and looked at Erica.

"I love you." Erica said.

"I love you too." I said and we kissed.

"504, we got em. Erica Brown and the rest of them." The cop said. I heard dogs barking.

"Please dont let the dogs out." Madison pleaded.

"SHUT UP!" She whined.

"I have nothing to do with me, let me -"


"Aye man watch it, the one with the dress is pregnant." Jayden said.

"Watch her, she's pregnant." The cop said and they picked Saddy up. "Stand there and don't move." He told her and she nodded.

I sighed putting my head on the ground. I knew this was gonna happen. 😭


▪ Naveah and Nicole are alive! 😱

▪ Poor Cassidy gotta go to jail. 😂😂

▪ They finally got caught!

▪ Comment your thoughts. 👮

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