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2 Hours Later ..

• { E R I C A } •

I checked myself in the mirror. "Damnn Bobby, I look good!! Thanks man. I knew I could count on you for a fresh cut." I said dapping him up.

I like my new cut. It's cool. No

I am now on my way to the jail. I'm looking good, smelling good, and feeling good. Couldn't ask for anything better. 

I'm ready to go get my people now.

• { L E E } •

I sat in the caged window looking up at sky. This the only sunlight I see unless we go outside. That ain't shit either because we're in a thick box of cement.

"Hey Lee." I looked seeing Jayden.

"Hey Jay. Wassup?" I asked and she shook her head sitting across from me.

"Why you sitting here by yourself? Don't you for friends?" She asked and I slightly laughed nodding.

"I don't want to be around them right now. I'm just ... thinking." I said.

"Really, About what?"

I shook my head. "Its ... nothing important. Well it it's but .. I don't know if it's true." I said fighting with myself.

Jayden frowned looking dead at me. "Lee, tell me." She said.

"Okay fine. Our cell inmate, her name is Janet. She's a sneaky little bitch. Today she told me her and Erica messed around." I explained.

Jayden scoffed. "You believe her?"

I shrugged. "You know Erica cheated on me in the past a couple of times. Who knows, what if she did Jayden?"

Jayden shrugged and shook her head. "I don't know Lee but as much as she loves you, I don't think she did. Just talk to her about it," she said and I nodded.

"....I've been thinking about something else too." I said looking at my fingers. I haven't felt this way in a looong time. I don't want to feel this way. I know Erica and I love each other but sometimes, I question it. I know I love her, but I question myself about her.

Especially since she supposedly invited that bitch Cassidy to Mexico. The fuck she texting her for anywags. The way Cassidy looks at her, like there's something more.

I feel like I've been blind all these years and for some reason as I'm thinking back to the years as been together, shit is starting to come back. Starting with Cassidy.

I want to sit with her and talk to her because I feel like there's something more to her and Erica's "friendship".

"Lay it on me."

"I think it's best if ... Erica and I took a break. You know, maybe started seeing more people."

Jayden put her hand up shaking her head and closed her eyes. "Woah woah woah, where are these thoughts coming from Lee?" 

"Well you remember the chick that came to Mexico? Erica's "friend ", right?" I asked. Jayden nodded. "I feel like there's something more to they're little friendship. Before all this, Erica and I got into it about something and she left and never came back till 2 something the next day. She said she was at a friend's house which was Cassidy's. What rub me the wrong way is that, why haven't I ever met her? You know? I go out my way for Erica. I love her and I'm pretty sure she loves me also, but .. something gotta live Jayden." I said shaking my head.

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