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• [ ERICA POV ] •

I opened Maria's door helping her out the car. She jumped down and then i grabbed her doll and she held my hand as we walked to the entrance of the ice cream parlor.

"Look, Erica Brown!" Someone yelled.

I sighed opening the door for Maria and she walked inside. We went to the front counter and I pulled my glasses off my face. As soon as the employee looked up at me, her face turned into a mug.

"Welcome to Gabe's Ice Cream Parlor, what do you want?" She asked with attitude.

"I don't your assistance.." I said. I don't want to deal with her hating ass if she's gonna be petty. Gotta be the black workers. 😒

"You know what? At least I didn't shoot my -"

"AHEM!" A short white fat man said folding his arms over his chest. "Do we have a problem?" He asked.

I smirked. "We do. This here woman is talking about my false criminal past and I have a problem with it." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Tenesha, is this true?" He asked her.

"Boss listen. I -"

"I ASKED IF IT WAS TRUE!" He yelled catching people's attention.

She sighed. "Yes..." She said fidgeting with her pen.

He smacked the counter and Maria jumped holding onto me. I picked her up holding her. "That's it! This is your 4th time doing this! Your fired!" He yelled. 

"Please Boss, give me -"

"FIRED!" He yelled walking to the back. "SOMEBODY GET THAT WOMAN AND HER DAUGHTER'S ORDER!" He yelled

Maria and I sat close to the window eating out ice cream. I love little moments like this with my daughter. Even though I'll probably never get the chance to do it with Lindsey, Eric, Ma'Leah, Jeremiah of course, or Naveah. But I'll try to spend some time with Naveah

Of course I can't with Jeremiah, I don't know where they are. And I can't get mine with Lindsey nem because Lindsey doesn't want to be around me and because of that, Lee might not even want to being Eric or Leah around. But that won't stop me. I'm tired of playin these dumb ganes with Lee, I wanna schedule a court date and try to get some kind of custody of them so Lee would have no choice but to bring them.

Fuck Jeremiah and Regina. I'm not even gonna try to socialize with them. Jeremiah got his Mama's ways and attitude. And I don't have time for that. 

So basically, all I have is Maria and Ava. Jessica isn't like Lee and Regina.

"You like your ice cream Lady Bug?" I asked Maria and she nodded laughing putting a spoon full of ice cream in her mouth.

"Daddy why do you so many people know you?" She asked me.

"Well baby girl, daddy is famous." I said.

"Famous? What is that?"

I laughed a little watching her eat her ice cream. "Famous is when the whole world knows you. Your a little famous too." I said. "From me."

She sighed looking at her cup. "No I'm not..." She said and I frowned as her while attitude changed. It went from happy Angel, to sad puppy.

"Maria..." I said and she looked at me then looked away. "Pumpkin what's wrong, tell Daddy wassup."

She got up coming around the table and sat in my lap. I laughed to myself. She loves sitting in my lap.

"Cousin Mya said I'm not famous. She also said that I'm not suppose to be here." She said. I shook my head.

"What, when?" I asked curiously.

"Um .. 2 weeks ago. She had to watch me one day after school because Mommy had work, and so when we were walking, people were screaming my name like they do you " She explained. "Cousin Mya said that I'm not really famous and that I'm a mistake. She said you and Mommy were going to.." She paused before finishing. Like she was trying to say a word.

"Say it the best way you can baby girl."

"A....bert?" She said and I sighed closing my eyes and shaking my head putting my hand over my eyes. Cousin Mya is one of Jessica's cousins. I don't know why she would tell Maria that we were going to abort her!

We weren't! We were happy. Well .. sorta. But I never wanted to abort her. Jessica needs to sit down and talk to Mya. When she comes get Maria tonight, I'm gonna talk to her about it.

"Listen Ria, you are famous alright? And Mommy and Daddy never wanted to abort you okay? Cousin Mya is just jealous of you. Did you tell your Mom already?" She shook her head.

"I was scared," She said and I kissed her forehead.

"Don't worry baby girl, I'll talk to Mommy about it for you okay?"  She nodded and then went back to eating her ice cream.

I sighed as she sat in my lap.

"Daddy can we go to the park after here?" She asked me.

"Of course Princess." I said.

What the fuck has this world gotten into? This is why I don't like other people watching the kids. If they're not close family, hell nah. I already talked to Cassidy about it and she agreed. 

"Daddy can we go now?" Maria asked.

"Yeah baby girl, come on." I said as we then walked out the parlor heading to the park.


I picked Ava up and laid her on her back changing her shitty diaper.

I then picked her up again heading downstairs.

"Erica?" I called out. Nothing. I heard Spikes bark. I looked outside seeing him playing with his squeaky toy in the backyard.

I decided to send her a quick text. 

Me : " Hey, wya? "

Erica 💓: " I'm out with Maria. We on the way to the park. We'll be home in about an hour. "

Me : " An hour? Erica, I can't keep doing this by myself! " 

Erica 💓: " Doing what? Cassidy you living in my fucking house! Listen Cassidy .. just stop texting me please, I'm already pissed off. "

I was about to text her, but i just decided to obey her wishes. I don't want to fight with her after we just got back on good terms.

I'm not gonna sit in this big ass maze all day though.  Instead, I'm gonna go out for the day with my daughter at the Mall and buy some things.


* Erica trying to get custody of the kids?

* Surprised she don't want anything to do with Jeremiah....

* Comment your thoughts. 💕

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