THE GAME : 63 ( Wendy William's )

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• [ ERICA POV ] •

"Alright baby, how I look?" I asked Cassidy turning around facing her. She smiled holding Ava nodding.

"Sexy." She answered. "How does Daddy Ava?" She asked Ava. I looked at Ava and she looked around.

"Say, daddy looks sexy." I said kissing her and Ava moved her head.

The door opened revealing Jayden, Saddy, and Briana.

"Y'all sure ya'll wanna do this? Wendy is something else, trust me." Saddy said.

"Baby we're gonna be fine. Trust me." Jay said. "Shit pretty sure she knows our history so she knows not to fuck wit us the wrong way. Might think Erica gonna pull out a gun and shoot her ass." Jayden joked and we all bust out laughing.

"Shit she piss me off that much, I just might." I said checking myself out in the mirror.

The door opened and a producer was standing there in the crack. "5 minutes before you guys go on." He said before closing the door.

I sighed sitting down. I don't even know how I really feel about doing this. What if we go out there, and everybody boos us? Then I'm gonna get pissed off and do some shit I'll regret.

"I don't even know why I tagged along to this bull." Briana said. Cassidy and Saddy sat on the couch playing with Ava.

"Because we stick together." Jayden said and Briana sighed then looked at me.

"You don't even look to sure about it, what's on your mind?" Bri asked.

I shrugged. "I feel the same way you feel. If them motherfuckers boo us, I swear Jayden I'm going off." I said.

"Damn, why you had to put my name in it?" She asked.

"Nigga because you the one who dragged us into this shit." Briana said. I nodded.

"Whatever. Y'all could've said no, but you didn't so sick that shut up. Don't you want people to know you more? Cause we all criminals right now. Especially you Erica, "

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. That's why I'm here. To clear my fucking name." I said. "And I'm ready for whatever."

"2 minutes!" The producer said knocking on the door.

"Erica don't do or say anything you'll regret. It'll only make you look worser," Cassidy said fixing my collar.

"I'll try." I said.

She kissed my lips. "You'll do good baby. And we'll be right in the front watching." She said.


The door opened. "Alright girls, let's go." He said and Jay, Bri, and I walked out. My heart is really pounding through my breast.

* : *

"And now welcome, WNBA Basketball Players, Erica, Briana, and Jayden." We heard Wendy said and Jayden started walking out first with me and Briana behind her.

When we walked out on the set, people were actually cheering for us. There was a few boos but I decided to block that out and continued looking good.

And then there was Wendy bad built ass. Looking like a fucking tree. Her body disgusts me.

"Hii!" She said.

I put on a quick fake smile hugging her. Her wig smelled like ass and dirty dog.

"Take a seat, take a seat " she said and I sat down between Bri nd Jayden. "You guys look good, how things been?" She asked us

"Good." We said.

30 Minutes Later ..

After Wendy talked to us about retiring, about Jayden and Briana's lives ... there was me.

"And last but not least, Erica Brown." She said and people started laughing. "I know your going through alot with your daughter and everything." I nodded. "You know, p-people are still talking about how you allegedly, shot your daughter .." I shook my head looking away.

I then sat up. "Lemme explain this because I get asked about this bs everywhere I go .." I said. I heard people gasping and shit but I didnt care. I'm tired of people keep asking me about this shit. "I'm not really gonna go into details but what really happened was that it was a mistake. I didn't want to shoot Veah. She was in the way and got hit." I explained. "So for all y'all bloggers and shit who think I shot my fucking daughter on purpose, I didn't. So stop writing that bullshit." I said looking at the camera then sat back.

Wendy looked shocked. Everyone did. Probably because of the way I explained it with the curse words, but i don't care.

People don't fucking listen.

"Um .. okay.. calm down. We're gonna take a break, thank you ladies for coming today. We enjoyed your company." Wendy said.

"Your welcome." Briana and Jayden said and I nodded looking at my shoes.

"We'll be right back with Wendy." She said smiling at the camera and it went to commercial. Wendy then looked at me. "Are you -"

Before she could finish her nosey ass sentence, I got up walking off set and straight to the back to the dressing room.

I don't have time for none of this shit.

• [ JAYDEN POV ] •

Something told me not to tell Briana and Erica about this shit, but i wanted to get back out there. Alot of people watch Wendy.

But I could tell Erica is hella pissed. Shit I would be too. When your getting accused of something you didn't intentionally do, it's upseting.

* : *

"I didn't even get to finish talking to her.." Wendy said sipping some of her tea.

I shook my head getting up walking to the dressing room.


I sat in the audience looking as shocked as everyone was. I told Erica not to say something or do something she'll regret.

I knew coming here wasnt a good idea.

Erica doesn't have the temper for shit like this anymore nor the filter. I looked at Saddy 

"Omg." She said.

"Right."I said rocking Ava to sleep. "I'm gonna have to talk to her tonight.." I said.


* Erica ain't got no fucking filter! 😂

* How's Erica gonna look to the world now?

* Comment your thoughts. 👏💟

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