THE GAME : 18 ( Surprise Surprise )

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3 Days Later ..

• { E R I C A } •

I grabbed Lee's hand kissing it. Lee blushed and kissed my cheek. She's so beautiful. I regret cheating on her but I know I can't get away from it. Lee been by my side through thick and fucking thin and this is what I do. Damn. She never cheated on me or anything and I cheat on her. She doesn't deserve someone like me but I don't want to lose her. Again.

I remember her panicking and shit about touching a gun when we went tried to get Veah, but she touched one and killed Nicole. That cross my mind all the time.

"I thought you said, you didn't want to touch a gun?"

She looked at me. "What are you talking about?"

"You killed Nicole. You said you didn't want to touch one." I said as our hands intertwined with each other and we played with each other's fingers. We were currently outside in the backyard on the couch looking at the view. Behind the house was the beach and so we had a beautiful view of the ocean and I get good looks of women anytime I want. 😏

"I only did it because I was scared the second shot was gonna hit you. And we all know you can't get shot again. You barely made it the first time you got shot. I was just protecting you because I really love you and don't want to be without you." She said. I grinned and she touched my face. "I don't know how I deal with you some times." She said looking out at the beach.

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously.

"Because .. everything we been through. The cheating, the cries, everything and I still find my way back with you. No matter what. No matter how bad you hurt me, I always take you back." She said. I stared at her. "But, I feel like I won't have to worry about all that any more right?" She asked slightly smiling at me looking at me. I barely heard what she said but I smiled back.

"For sure babe." I said and kissed her soft lips. After listening to what she just said, its making me feel to guilty for cheating on her with Cassidy. I'm gonna have to end it with Cassidy someday because I can't lose Lee. She's too good for me.

I seriously need to stop fucking around and get back into reality.

"I love you." She said and I smiled back.

"I love you more." I said and we kissed again. We both looked at the beach seeing women playing volleyball or taking pictures. They had ass for days too. I found myself staring for some seconds.

Lee smacked me upside the head. "Stop staring." She said and I laughed kissing her neck.

"They ain't got nothing on you bae." I said and she laughed.

"Yeah right. You probably just telling me that." She said. I frowned sitting back in my spot looking at her.

"What you said Lee?"

She sighed. "Erica I had 3 kids. Look at me, I'm fat. I can barely wear a 2 piece anymore." She went on.

I gently grabbed her face. "Listen to me, I don't care what your weight is Im always going to love you alright? It's not about your looks because your beautiful regardless. I'm attracted to your personality. All that is, is baby fat. And you know what we gotta do? Exercise. Nothing will ever make me not want to be with you Lee. Your body is beautiful and I love every piece of it, you hear me? I don't care what people say, its not about what they think. Your beautiful inside and out baby girl." I said and she blushed. I seen she got a little teary eyed too.

"Thank you." She said and I kissed her forehead.

"Your welcome babe." I said.

"Speaking of kids, have you -"

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