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Couple Hours Later..

▪ [ ERICA ] ▪

"Aight guys, come in!!" I yelled and the boys circled around me breathing heavily. "Tomorrow will be nothing but scrimmages. Ron and I will get together, put y'all teams, and then we'll see it plays out. Um.... this is a good team. I'm glad I'm getting the chance to be apart of it. You guys did good today. Let's break." I said and the boys got up. "TROJANS ON 3, 1, 2, 3!"

"TROJANS!" Everyone yelled and the boys went to they're family in the bleachers. I looked at my phone seeing a message from Cassidy reminding me to go and get Ava.

Shit. I forgot about getting Ava. I missed my baby girl all weekend. I'll have to let Layla know we'll have to do this another time because Cassidy would kill me if I wouldnt go get Ava.

"Ron, I'm heading out. I'll text you about the te -"

"Erica wait!" I heard a female say. I looked seeing Layla running to me. Must be the truth. Cam was walking behind her as well. "Are we still on for lunch?" She asked looking at me.

"I gotta go pick up my daughter so we'll have to schedule this another time." I explained and she sighed.

"Aw, really?" She asked and I nodded. She sighed again looking at her keys then back at me. "Can you bring her with?"

"Wish I could, but my baby mama won't allow that without her around." I said and Layla sighed.

"Um.. what about tonight? Maybe we can -"

"Mom, Dad's outside. I'm going with him." Cam said.

"Okay baby. Text me later." She said hugging and kissing him and Cam walked away. She turned back to me. "Can you just drop the baby off at her Mom's and we can go? Promise it won't be long." She said holding her hands together.

I sighed.

"Alright where we eating at?"

"Zeke's Cafe." She answered. I nodded.

"I'm going get my daughter and then meet you there" She smiled.

"Can't wait. See you later." She said walking away. I grabbed my keys and phone walking out the gym getting in the car and drove to Ying's house.

Ying's House..

I knocked on the door and Ying opened the door feeding Ava her bottle.

"Hey. Cass told me you were coming get her." She said and i walked inside closing the door behind me. Ying walked to the couch. I looked at her ass which was fat. Knowing they had surgery, I don't care.

I grabbed Ava's bag. "How was she?" I asked and looked at Ava who was looking around drinking her bottle.

"She was good actually. I had fun with my little niece this weekend. I'm gonna miss you so much Noonie!" She said kissing Ava's cheeks.

I grinned sitting down and got on my phone. A message slid down seeing a message from Briana.

Bri ❤💉: " Trynna hit up a party tonight? "

Me : " Yeah, what time? 😛"

Bri ❤💉: " 8 so be ready nigga. "

Me : " Alright 😂"

I slid my phone in my pocket and Ying was burping Ava. Ava looked at me with her big eyes and I smiled.

"She looks like Cassidy." I said looking at her and she yawned looking away.

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