Next move

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Two days later...

Dennis was currently tidying up the small run down apartment that they were using as their safe house for the time being. He had been disgusted by the state of this place and it wasn't long before he was moving furniture to a suitable location and using what little cleaning supplies were available to wipe down any unclean surfaces. Once he was finished doing what he could do he looked around inspecting the place, it was a small, run down, two bedroom apartment with an even smaller bathroom and whoever had lived here before hadn't been here for awhile judging by the dust, the peeling wallpaper revealing a thick, black blanket of mold that was growing in one corner of the second bedroom which made Dennis grimace.

"Please tell me we are not planning to stay here very long" Dennis moaned to Patricia

"We'll stay here as long as we need to Dennis as long as The Beast commands" Patricia snapped she was getting tired of Dennis's constant moaning about the cleanliness of this place and it had been a long two days anyway. 

Dennis sighed as he carried on with what little he could do, he was exhausted but refused to sleep before the place looked at least semi-decent, as he carried on with wiping down a table he thought about the past week.

If anyone had told him a year ago that he would now be the one standing in the light and had kidnapped three girls to feed to the most powerful of all of Kevin's alters he would have probably laughed at them and told them that was never going to happen, and yet here he was two days later having done all those things.

Not to mention The Beast, Dennis wasn't afraid of many things or people, being the ex protector of the group meant you would be a pretty pathetic one if you were afraid of your own shadow, but The Beast actually terrified Dennis, he knew he was stronger and bigger than all of them but he didn't realize how powerful he was until he took over the right, until than he was just a presence he could just brush off the shoulder or ignore, when he took over there was one thing Dennis could honestly say he felt in this alter and that was pure, untamed, rage. Rage wasn't unfamiliar to Dennis he took on the brunt of Kevin's mothers rage for years to know what it was but at least with his mother there was some sense of control of that rage, The Beasts rage was relentless, powerful and terribly unforgiving and that terrified him.

"As long as he protects Kevin you have nothing to fear" he tried to reassure himself but he couldn't shake off this feeling that The beast could quite easily turn on any of them if they stepped out of line and God knows what would happen if he did.

"Dennis are you done with cleaning the same spot on that table yet? you've been at it for ten minutes" Patricia asked him with a disapproving tone.

"Yes, Yes I'm done uh I was just wondering what is our next move?" he asked with a hint of nervousness he couldn't quite place.

"The Beast is resting for now, it is our job to prepare for his arrival again by locating more impure young" Patricia explained impatiently "I'm sure you can handle it again can't you since you did such a good job last time" she remarked sarcastically.

"I had no idea that she was pure, I had no reason to believe she would be" Dennis argued 

"shh shh Dennis I am tired of your poor excuses originally you were only supposed to bring back two, but your disgusting tendencies we ended up with more than we needed which nearly ended up with them getting away and us getting caught" Patricia  

"She was in the car with them what was I supposed to do let her run she would have gone straight to the police and you know that" Dennis roared his frustration getting the better of him

"That's enough Dennis for now we rest, get our strength back and start planning, when the time comes I do hope you won't mess this up this time The Beast would not be pleased with either of us otherwise" Patricia declared before going silent signalling to Dennis that the conversation was over for now.

A few hours later Dennis settled down on one of the beds in the cleaner of the two rooms, he tried to sleep but like always it never came easily to him it was made worse by the still dirty place he was staying and the fact he was still thinking about the conversation with Patricia, was she threatening him when she said the beast wouldn't be pleased if he messed up again? he was very confused by that statement, what was she not telling him?. Dennis hated being kept in the dark and had the feeling that Patricia hadn't told him everything about The Beast or their plans.

He thought about it for a few more hours before he finally drifted away to sleep. 

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