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Dennis layed Casey down on the bed, tearing his shirt off before joining her on the bed. Casey brought him down and kissed him passionately, as Dennis started lifting her shirt up. Casey lifted it over her head and Dennis started to kiss down her neck as he unclasped her bra, and slowly made his way to her breasts, he started to lick the nipples making them hard before sucking on them and nipping them encouraging Casey to hiss as he did. He looked up to make sure she was okay before working his way down to her abdomen, kissing every scar he could find. Casey hummed in pleasure as he did this and started to unbutton her trousers as he took off his. Dennis slid hers down slowly revealing Casey's hot, wet centre.
Dennis stared at her hungrily before parting her legs and slipping in between, kissing his way up to her. Casey could feel Dennis's hot, deep breaths touching her.
"Dennis please, I need you" she begged, Dennis obliged and leaned in, licking her slowly, teasing small moans to erupt from her, which turned him on even more.
He sucked on her clit, rubbing his tongue along it , Casey groaned loudly  as he did it "uhhh Dennis" she whispered, clutching the bedsheets to anchor herself. He carried on licking and sucking until it brought Casey to a climax, she let out a loud groan as she came and Dennis started lapping it up, encouraging little aftershocks to course through her trembling body.
Dennis came back up to her and kissed her deeply, Casey smiled when they broke away and looked up at Dennis who was staring at her wildly, through lust filled eyes.
"You okay?" He muttered slightly breathless. It still amused Casey how concerned he was about her despite the fact that she completely trusted him.
"Yeah" she whispered, cupping his cheek. Dennis nodded before kissing her again.
Casey dragged him towards her, feeling his heat radiate off him, enveloping her in a protective warmth. She trailed her hands over his back and than his strong firm abdomen, avoiding his still sore knife wound.
"Dennis, please I need you inside me" she pleaded, Dennis nodded before sliding into her with a relieved sigh. They both stayed there for a moment, getting used to this,still relatively new,  feeling before Dennis started thrusting into her, breathing heavily into her shoulder as they both started moaning loudly.
They stayed this way for a long time, Dennis would only do something different if Casey asked and Casey moved to meet him at every thrust until they both climaxed together.
After coming down from their highs Dennis rolled onto the soft, silken blankets on the bed, holding Casey close as they both layed together, starting to catch their breath, they held each other close, until they fell asleep.

Later that night Casey was woken up by Dennis who was fidgeting and muttering in his sleep.  His skin was sweaty and his breathing was coming out rapidly, like he was having a panic attack. Casey went to wake him up but  he flinched away, screaming in pain and curling up in a ball.
"No,no please" Dennis whimpered, in a scared tone,
Casey shook his shoulder
"Dennis?" Casey asked trying to wake him up and save him from the nightmare he seemed to be stuck in.
"Dennis, wake up" Casey yelled shaking his shoulders rapidly.
Dennis woke up screaming, sitting bolt upright, breathing uncontrollably,tears were starting to fall down his face. 
"Hey, it's okay, your safe, your with me" Casey comforted him, shushing him and stroking his hair as she held him,his chest heaving as he cried.
Dennis, slowly started to calm down and turned to face Casey,she was still holding him close to comfort him. Dennis kissed her passionately before saying "I'm sorry, I woke you up" he whispered apologetically.
"It's alright, are you okay?" She asked patiently.
Dennis stroked the top of his head "Yeah, it's just.... sometimes I, I get nightmares" he explained feeling embarrassed.
"What about?"
"Kevin's mother usually, I know it's still in the past but it still haunts me"
"It's okay, I still have nightmares, about my uncle, it's not something you can put to rest easily" Casey comforted him
" I know, but I just feel so..."
"Helpless, like you can't control it" Casey finished, Dennis nodded looking down.
"Hey, you don't have to face this alone, I'm here for you if you need me" she whispered cupping his cheek, he nodded again before kissing her again
"I love you" he whispered
"I love you too, do you want to lie back down and get some sleep?" Casey asked. Dennis nodded before slowly laying back on the bed his head resting in the crook of her neck as she stroked his hair.
Dennis slowly drifted back to sleep, holding Casey close and breathing steadily. Casey stayed up a bit longer resting her head on his as she watched him sleep. The rise and fall of his chest, comforting her and his body heat making her feel safe.
Casey worried about him, that episode had been scary to say the least, and seemed to happen regularly,  Casey couldn't forget the sight of the usually strong and stoic man she knew Dennis as, whimpering and acting seemingly terrified, however this also gave her more cause to hate, Kevin's mother even more. Now, not only did she torture him physically every day from the age of three years old, but she now haunted him in his dreams. Casey knew how that felt, she had lived with it long enough to know, but it was different seeing that same terror and panic in the face of another human being , especially one like Dennis, Casey was beginning to realise how strong this incredible man was, but also how vulnerable he felt.
She promised she would help him get through this, no matter what, he had been on his own for way too long and now was the time for that to change.
Casey kissed him goodnight before she settled down and fell asleep, listening to the beating of his heart.

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