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David was waiting in the car when Casey slipped into the passenger seat.

"Where's Emma?" David asked looking over at Casey.
"Don't know, she walked out after our little talk earlier" Casey grumbled.
"What was it about?" David asked
"She said I need to be careful about what I say around the new guy, like I don't already know that" Casey threw her arms up as she said that.
"I'm sure she's just worried about you, that's all, she just has a funny way of displaying it correctly sometimes, and the stress of being kicked off the case isn't going to help" David explained.
"I know, it's just sometimes I feel like I have no freedom to do what I want again and I just, I just want that freedom back" Casey answered truthfully.
David studied her before saying "she found out something you didn't like didn't she?" David asked.
Casey nodded before asking " if you were given advice which could save someone you loved, but it meant that you might not see them again, would you do it? "
David leaned back in the seat to really consider the question.
"If it meant keeping them safe, I would do it, especially if that's what Emma told you, sometimes we have to do the hardest things to keep the people we love safe"
"Emma lost someone didn't she?, who was it? " Casey asked intrigued as to who this mysterious character could be.
"Her name was Laura, and was probably the best thing that happened to her" David explained. Casey turned in her seat.
"Tell me more"
"Okay well, it was just when Emma had started her career as a detective, she was already solving quite big cases and was starting to get a reputation, we would work together, solving crimes, making sure the right people were locked up. This case we did a while back... it was tricky to say the least, Emma got frustrated and needed air, she heard shouting a few blocks away from us and went to investigate, Emma saw Laura getting beaten, black and blue by a man who, as it turned out was her father, and also the mastermind behind the case we were on " Emma was the arresting officer that day and made sure he got a life sentence"
Casey stared at him in shock " Wow and they allowed that?"
"Yeah, I mean Emma did threaten to throw away her badge, which they wouldn't allow, she's the best they have, they didn't want her to quit so they listened to her pretty sharpish" David chuckled remembering that day fondly.
"What happened?" Casey asked
"Well after the events that got her father arrested, Laura had nowhere to go, she didn't have any other family, she refused to live in the same apartment her father used to torment her in, so Emma stepped up and said she could live with her, she stayed there for months, she struggled to recover after what her father put her through, Emma helped and during that time they both started getting closer, Emma used to deny it but, I mean it was obvious, sure Emma had always been a flirt , she would be chatting up people all night if she could, but when Laura came in to the scene she stopped, Laura was special I'd never seen Emma like this before, it took her a while but Emma finally grew the balls to ask her out, and they were happy, Emma was completely different to what she is now, but death changes people especially in those circumstances, you see Emma made enemies in her previous job, as an agent you're bound to, but she had dangerous enemies, who would like nothing more than to hurt her or her loved ones " David broke before he could continue.
" How did she die? "Casey asked curious about what happened to her.
David swallowed a lump that had appeared at the back of his throat.
"Emma was working on a case, it was late by the time she got back and when she did, Laura had been killed in her sleep , someone had broken in with a bloody knife and slit her neck"
Casey stared in shock at the sudden revelation in the story.
"We never found the murderer, Emma was never the same after that, she blamed herself for everything, she's never been good at forgiving herself but this, it broke her, she became elusive, spent more time at home, which then led to the drugs and alcohol, sheknew it was bad, but she just couldn't bring herself to care, she did that for months, years after the events, we tried weaning her off but she just couldn't help herself, always finding more and passing out every time, one day I came over and found her with two deep cuts on both her wrists, she was so ready to give up she would go as far as suicide to end it, luckily the ambulance arrived just in time, we were able to save her, when she came round she vowed she would put that life behind her, I don't know what gave her this new sense of hope but,as far as I know she's kept to it for now" David concluded
"Your worried she's going to slip into bad habits again? " Casey asked
"I always worry about that, problem is that once you go down that route, it's very easy to slip into it again, and with everything going on I wouldn't be surprised if it set her off again" David replied, Casey raised her eyebrows
"Again, how many times has she done this"
"She's been on and off about five times now, each time gets harder to steer her away from it I don't think we can afford for her to slip up like that again" David answered honestly before glancing back at the satnav, they sat in silence until David sighed in relief
"I found the location and luckily it's not too far from here, we can get there easily early tomorrow, if we avoid the rush hour traffic" David exclaimed excitedly.
Casey felt excitement build up inside her too, but for a very different reason, hopefully this meant she would be one step closer to seeing Dennis again which gave her butterflies in her stomach the more she thought about it.
Casey looked out of her window just as Emma was approaching the car, before she could get closer some news reporters came swooping in out of nowhere and started bombarding her with questions.
"Ohh that's not good" David groaned but before getting out of the car Emma looked in their direction and shook her head slightly, a subtle warning to stay in the car. Which both of them followed leaving Emma to deal with more questions from the persistent press.

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