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Emma had come home after several months undercover looking for her brother, or at least that's what she had told Casey. The truth was that most of that time had been spent trying to get rid of Jason before she came home, since she knew how unstable he was and didn't want to put Dennis, Casey or their son in harms way until she was sure he was taken care of.

It had been a long and strenuous few months but with Harper's help Emma managed to subdue him, the only con was that it meant she had to lose Harper again as well which had been completely heartbreaking for her, after getting her back after so long it had all come to an end just as quickly.She rang the doorbell to announce them of her presence and waited for an answer.

The door opened up slowly and standing there was Dennis who stared at Emma for a while in shock before smiling down at her bringing her in for a hug

"God it's good to see you again" he said as he broke away

"Likewise" Emma beamed back at him

"Where have you been Emma? you've been gone for months" Dennis asked     

"I had some things to take care of before I came back" Emma answered, tapping her forehead, Dennis knew immediately what she meant and nodded in understanding.

"Is it sorted?" he asked, Emma heaved a massive sigh 

"Yeah it's sorted" she confirmed solemnly as they both walked inside the house "How are things here?" she asked, Dennis nodded 

"Really well, couldn't have asked for a better son" he beamed proudly

"I'm glad to hear that is Casey..."

"She's fine, she's resting at the moment with Lucas" he assured her, Emma smiled then

"Lucas, it's a good name" she nodded "Can I see them?" she asked

"Sure I don't see why not I'll just let her know your here" Dennis nodded as he climbed up the stairs, finding Casey fast asleep in the armchair in the nursery next to where Lucas was fast asleep in his crib.

He walked over to her and softly shook her shoulder to wake her, when she stirred slightly and opened her eyes, he smiled warmly at her.

"Hey, Emma's downstairs if you want to see her" Dennis told her gently stroking the back of her hand, Casey hummed in response 

"I'll be down in a sec" she spoke softly, Dennis nodded before kissing her forehead and glancing down at their son who was smiling in his sleep before walking downstairs to see Emma again.

"She'll be down in a second, she had to look after Lucas and Hedwig today so she's pretty tired, she's been dying to see you what happened to you?" Dennis asked

"Jason took over and tried to kill Elijah, don't worry he didn't he's locked up in a secure prison which I don't know the whereabouts to, anyway I managed to gain control just in time where I found out Harper had reformed as well...we worked together to subdue Jason, he was a tough son of a bitch to get rid of but...I knew I couldn't come home until he was taken care of, I wouldn't risk putting you guys in danger that's why I was gone so long" Emma explained apologetically.

"How did you do it, how did you get rid of him?" he asked, Emma closed her eyes as tears tried to escape

"Maybe one day I'll tell you but not's still too fresh" she explained before their conversation stopped as Casey stepped into the room "Hey Casey" Emma greeted with a small smile.

"Hey" Casey whispered back before running over to give her a tight hug "I've missed you so much" she cried, hot tears falling onto her shoulder, seeping through the shirt.

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