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Emma found Casey and David in an empty office David had let go of Casey but she still had adrenaline coursing through her so she was pacing up and down the length of the office when Emma walked in. Casey marched straight up to Emma with an intense fire in her brown eyes .

"Please tell me you convinced him to change his mind" she demanded

"I said my bit Casey but he is very stuck in his own ways and very difficult to change I'm sorry" Emma said keeping her tone calm and steady despite the fact that Casey seemed more enraged by what she had said.

"So what do we do now, nothing, I'm sorry Emma but I can't do that you know I can't" Casey stated.

Emma sat down in one of the leather spinning chairs that was tucked underneath the desk next to the computer and gestured for Casey to sit on the other one before saying.

"There's not much I can do on the case now that I have been kicked off" Emma explained "but it doesn't mean I'm not going to do whatever it takes to help save this case on the outside" Emma added as she saw Casey's anger double when she said the first part.

"Wait are you suggesting we go against everything we have just been told and go rogue?" David asked "Emma that's insane"

"I prefer to call it freelancing, David come on when you first started out didn't you fight crime without any help or permission from the cops, what's the difference honestly?" Emma argued.

"The difference back then is that I was dealing with much less dangerous criminals than what we're facing now, this guy is much stronger than us, faster and will kill us with no remorse and we won't have any back up to help us this time" David replied "So unless you have a miraculous plan that won't end up in us getting killed I really don't see what we can do"

"Well it's a good job one of us has a plan then" Emma remarked before saying "Casey could you pass me my jacket,it's over there on the coat rack left it in here the last time I was in here" Emma asked as Casey jumped up to retrieve her coat, Emma looked at David who was looking at her in surprise "Come on David did you really expect me to sit here wasting time in bed"

"Are you gonna explain what it is you are planning?" David asked still confused by what Emma was doing.

"When Elijah was arrested I mad sure that he had a tracker transplanted for, well this very moment, all the inmates have them as it makes it easier to find them before they hurt anyone, unfortunately when The Beast attacked the asylum the last thing on everyone's mind was to activate them, so Elijah walked free, however I managed to link it up to my phone whilst I was stuck being bored in here, all I have to do now is activate it on my phone and it will give us an exact lock on his location, I know it won't lead us directly to The Beast but at least it's a start" Emma explained looking around at both of their impressed faces.

David chuckled before saying "Your bloody brilliant you know that don't you?"

Emma shrugged her shoulders before replying "When one is dealing with a dangerously smart criminal such as Elijah Price, one learns to be prepared and since I know him and how he thinks, I knew I had to be one step ahead"she started typing frantically on her phone and then hit a single button before explaining " I've now activated the tracker, give it a few minutes and hopefully it will give us the location"

They all waited impatiently whilst it started trying to locate.

The phone went off, making Casey and David jump, Emma sprang out of the chair and snatched her phone from the table, scribbling the address of the location on a small piece of paper and handing it over to David
" here try and find this on GPS, hopefully we'll have enough time to find him before Stevens does"
David nodded before leaving the room to go to his car, leaving Emma and Casey alone together . Emma sat back in her chair breathing heavily, as she studied Casey again.
" You've met him again haven't you " Emma asked, not disgusted and not interogative but just concerned. Casey nodded before asking
" how did you know " Emma chuckled,
" Well if your outburst didn't give it away, you're shaking ever since you found out I was kicked off the case and no offence Casey but you look like you haven't freshened up since we last spoke " Emma replied "who was it?"
"Dennis" Casey couldn't even look at Emma as she whispered his name.
Emma leaned back on the chair and sighed " but he's changed now Emma , he's different, he doesn't want to do this anymore, he needs our help"
"Casey, why was he there?"
"He wanted to see me, he was really rough that day, he hated what he did, I talked to him and he doesn't want to be apart of this anymore" Casey explained.
"Why are you so worried about him in particular?" Emma asked exasperated.
"I'm worried about all of them" Casey retaliated.
"Really then why out of all of the alters we know he has have you been so obsessed with Dennis?" Emma responded.
"Because I love him" Casey yelled at her, before realising what she had said " I know how crazy that sounds but when he was around that day, he was so caring , so kind that... I don't have to explain my feelings to you, why should I?"
" because right now Casey, there is a not so friendly FBI agent taking over the case who is gonna be looking for any kind of leverage over them he can find, if he finds out you'll become the perfect leverage for him to use" Emma explained " I need you to be careful about this"
"Okay what do I do?" Casey asked after calming down.
" you can't see him again, if they find out your seeing him, I won't be able to protect you or him" Emma answered as she watched Casey's heart drop. "It's gonna be hard Casey but if we want to keep them safe, you're going to have to be extremely careful until things die down " Emma replied.
"Why does it matter to you anyway, have you ever been put in a situation like this with the one you love?" Casey bit back.
"No, I did the opposite actually, she died because of it , so I'm telling you now Casey, if you want him to live, if you really want to help them, stay away from them" Emma snapped before walking out of the room leaving Casey standing alone and perplexed

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