Prison break (part 2)

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The Beast makes it to the top of the wall before hearing a loud siren starting to alert the guards of his presence, he can hear the guards shouting over the siren and can see them lining up outside the large metal door door, guns in hand, in a weak attempt to keep him at bay.

Crouching at the edge of the wall, The Beast smiled at the carnage he was causing, savoring the smell of fear that he was causing in the guards.

"Oh look they think their guns will save them I think it's time we showed them the error of their ways" The Beast growled talking to the others before jumping off the wall and landing feet first on the hard concrete surface with ease, before turning his gaze to the ensemble of guards lined up by the door. His eyes scanned over them, gaining information on each guard, fifteen in total all had armed forces style uniform with matching berets, uniforms and rifles. The guard standing in the middle was definitely the leader of this failed attempt to keep him out.

"Sir I am giving you one chance to surrender right now, put your hands on your head and get down on your knees I suggest you take it" the man barked at The Beast.

The Beast just looked up at him and grinned

"You think your weapons will save you, you think I am human, I am so much more I am more evolved you are weak compared with my strength and now it is time for you to die" The Beast roared before lunging towards the guards, one fired their weapon the bullet hit The Beast's right shoulder which made him slow down for only a second before he recovered.

His anger increased as he looked down at his shoulder the wound was already closing and what little blood had come out was slowly making its way down his chest, how dare these filthy impures fire at him, he was a god compared to them, and they thought their puny guns would stop him, they had no idea who they were dealing with.

The Beast looked at the man who had shot him who was wearing a look of shock as The Beast started to recover, with a maniacal grin he said.

"That's it you die first" and before anyone could react to him The Beast had managed to close the gap between him and the guards and carried him away before anyone could react. The Beast had him by the throat and was holding him so tight his face was turning blue.

"Sir put him down now" the guard in charge yelled at him in a panicky tone while The Beast continued crushing his victims windpipe.

"You shouldn't have let your man fire that gun, now you can watch as he dies before I kill you, you want to know how powerful we can be, you will witness it firsthand" The Beast roared before throwing the guard at the wall with so much force his back broke and approaching the others with a violent fire burning in his eyes.

"Open fire, open fire, do not let him get inside the building" the leader yelled before firing his rifle.

The bullets did little more then slow The Beast down as he ran towards them, he tackled his first victim to the ground and dug his nails into the mans flesh making him scream in agony as he ripped out the skin on his neck making him bleed to death. His second victim was taken out with a knife he had found on his first victim which he plunged into his chest, knowing full well that it had gone through the heart. The others he threw against the metal door, denting the metal as he did, before finally grabbing the leaders arm and pulling it until it snapped before pinning him to the door smashing his now bloodied face against the ice cold metal he yelled out in pain as his arm fell limply to his side and his head started to throb.

"Wh...why are you doing this?" the leader whimpered

"You have someone I want, someone who is pure and needs to be freed, tell me did you lock him up because he was pure or because of his power" The Beast whispered menacingly 

"We locked him up because he's a fucking psychopath, just like you" the leader said before shooting The Beast in the stomach with his pistol, it wasn't enough to kill him but it still made him collapse to his knees, clutching his stomach he moaned as he tried to get back up but stopped when he felt the barrel of a pistol pointed at his head. 

"That's it one shot to the stomach and your out for the count, what an anti-climatic ending, so much for being the more evolved one huh turns out your the same as all the other nuts in this place" the guard taunted as he placed his finger on the trigger.

"If there is one thing you should know about me it's this..." The Beast said before plunging his nails into the stomach and ripping through the flesh of the guard before "I am nothing like them" and with that he pulled out a handful of bloody guts, leaving a gaping, bloody hole in the stomach of the now dead guard, before throwing them on the floor.

The Beast looked back at the grisly scene one more time before climbing up the wall and ripping the metal bars off before smashing one of the windows in the building in order to get in. He found himself in an all white cell lit up by a single florescent light. There was only a bed and a toilet in the way of furniture and in the middle of the room as if by chance was the man he was looking for sat in a wooden chair holding a long wooden cane.

"What the hell, who the hell are you supposed to be? Elijah Price asked surprise written on his face as he moved himself closer to The Beast

"Mr Glass we finally meet, I am here to offer you freedom in return for one thing"

"I'm listening" Glass replied

"I need your help right now we are two men trying to create a better world, maybe together we can see that dream fulfilled" 

Mr Glass paused for a moment considering his proposal before nodding his head and saying 

"Okay get me outta here"

The Beast smiled before picking up Mr Glass and jumping out of his broken window before landing on the ground and going back for the cane. Before the beast could leave another guard entered the room holding a pistol in his shaking hand.

"We can't let you leave freak, your too dangerous to not be taken down" he said his voice quivering with fear.

The Beast walked up to him putting a hand on the pistol and tugging it out of his hand and dropping it on the floor.

"You shouldn't have called me freak" how whispered in the guards ear before taking the pin out of the grenade that was strapped to his jacket and pushing him into the corridor and jumping out the window with the cane in his hand just as the explosion went off.

"I heard about you on the news, didn't think you were anything too special" Mr Glass informed the beast before getting up using the cane for support.

"I hope this has changed your opinion of me" the beast answered 

"Oh believe me it has" Glass replied in shock

"we should get moving, they may have called back up, I don't want to be here when they arrive" The Beast said urgently whilst walking to the metal gate and bending the bars back easily enough for them to walk through them.

Whilst he waited for Glass to get through he saw a silhouette of a person watching them in the distance of the field, he studied them and realized it was the inspector from the news Dennis had been watching earlier.

Neither of them moved they just studied each other silently from there positions before The beast turned away and led Glass to the car Dennis had stolen from the blonde girls father all those weeks ago.

Emma watched as The Beast walked away with Elijah Price limping closely behind him until they disappeared out of sight. She sighed as she shook her head and reached into her jacket pocket pulling out her phone.

"David it's Emma, I need you to meet me outside the asylum Elijah was being held...there's been a break in, yes you heard correctly bring all the services I get the feeling we're going to need them" Emma said before hanging up the phone and looking up at the carnage her suspect had caused.

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